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Game of June 21, 2011 at 05:25, 2 players
1. 609 pts jeff
2. 30 pts lyndyloo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afghimt   H4    32    32   fight
 2. eelostv   4D    78   110   lovefest
 3. abdeimo   E2    76   186   amoeboid
 4. afgrstu   L1    56   242   frusta
 5. ?aelmoy   8H    89   331   tomalley
 6. ?abehoz   8A    78   409   ghazi
 7. denortw   C7    80   489   danewort
 8. acortuu   H1    51   540   catfight
 9. deiikst   A5    63   603   kidgiest
10. ainnrux   F1    50   653   ax
11. aeginnr   O8    89   742   yearning
12. abeijuv   2J    64   806   jarvie
13. acensuu  15B    93   899   usaunce
14. beeoruw   B8    41   940   howe
15. beiloor  14I    30   970   obelion
16. dennopr  13I    43  1013   pored
17. ginpqru   O1    48  1061   requin
18. gilnpry   N5    44  1105   pinery

Remaining tiles: gl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5947 Filejeff        3 16:59  -496  609     1.5947 jeff        3 16:59  -496  609 
  2.4710 Filelyndyloo    0  0:27 -1075   30            Group: not rated
                                             1.4710 lyndyloo    0  0:27 -1075   30 

On 1st draw, FIGHT H4 32 --- FIGHT to contend in war, battle or single combat [v]
Other moves: FAITH H4 30, FAITH H8 30, MIGHT H4 28, FIGHT H8 26, THAIM H8 26
FIGHT H4 32 jeff
FAITH H4 30 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, LOVEFEST 4D 78 --- LOVEFEST a gathering to promote good feeling [n]
Other moves: LEVITES 5E 40, VELITES 5E 40, ETOILES 5E 28, SVELTE 9H 27, VETOES 9C 27
VETOES 9C 27 jeff

On 3rd draw, AMOEBOID E2 76 --- AMOEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [adj] --- AMOEBOID resembling an ameba [adj]
Other moves: AMEBOID G8 68, AMEBOID I8 68, BEDIM I3 32, BEDIM 5A 30, DEMOB 5A 30
MAID 3I 21 jeff

On 4th draw, FRUSTA L1 56 --- FRUSTUM a cone with its top cut of [n]
Other moves: FAGS L1 54, FRUST L1 54, FUGS L1 54, FARS L1 52, FATS L1 52
FURS L1 52 jeff

On 5th draw, TOMAL(L)EY 8H 89 --- TOMALLEY the liver of a lobster [n]
Other moves: MAY(P)OLE D8 88, TOMA(L)LEY 8H 86, MAY(P)OLE I7 81, AMYLO(S)E D9 77, MAY(P)OLE K6 76
FOAM 1L 27 jeff

On 6th draw, (G)HAZI 8A 78 --- GHAZI a Muslim war hero [n]
Other tops: (K)HAZI 8A 78
Other moves: B(W)AZI 8A 75, ZERO(T)H 2J 74, AB(L)AZE 2B 72, AB(R)AZO 2B 72, ZAREB(A) 2J 72
FAZE 1L 48 jeff

On 7th draw, DANEWORT C7 80 --- DANEWORT a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: TEARDOWN C6 78, TEARDOWN K6 76, DANEWORT K7 74, TEARDOWN 2C 66, WOVE F2 37
FROW 1L 30 jeff

On 8th draw, CATFIGHT H1 51 --- CATFIGHT a fight between two women [n]
Other moves: OUTFIGHT H1 45, AUTOCUE N2 30, TURACOU 2B 30, CARROT 2J 28, TURACO 2B 28
CATFIGHT H1 51 jeff

On 9th draw, KID(G)IEST A5 63 --- KIDGIE cheerful [adj]
Other moves: SKITED 15C 61, DESK 15A 55, DISK 15A 55, KISTED 15A 49, KEST 15A 40
DISK 15A 55 jeff

On 10th draw, AX F1 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: FAIX 1L 42, FAUX 1L 42, AUXIN B2 38, XI 9I 38, XU 9I 38
AX F1 50 jeff

On 11th draw, YEARNING O8 89 --- YEARNING a strong or deep desire [n]
Other moves: LEARNING L8 72, ANEARING K8 68, (L)EARNING M8 68, AGINNER F9 67, EARNING F9 65
YEARNING O8 39 jeff

On 12th draw, JARVIE 2J 64 --- JARVIE a driver of a horse-drawn taxi [n]
Other moves: JAI N10 55, JEU N10 55, JA N10 52, FUJI 1L 42, JUMBIE J6 35
FIVE 1L 30 jeff

On 13th draw, USAUNCE 15B 93 --- USAUNCE a generally accepted practice or procedure [n]
Other moves: USAUNCE F7 83, AESC 15A 40, CASE 15A 34, USNEA 9G 34, SEAN 9H 32
CASE 15A 34 jeff

On 14th draw, HOWE B8 41 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other moves: HOW B8 34, WE B10 33, WEBER O1 33, WO B10 33, OW 1N 32
WEBER O1 33 jeff

On 15th draw, OBELION 14I 30 --- OBELION a part of the skull [n]
Other moves: BERLIN 14J 28, BOIL N10 28, BOOL N10 28, BORAX 2B 28, BELIER O1 27
BOIL N10 28 jeff

On 16th draw, PORED 13I 43 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other moves: PERNOD B1 39, REOPEN O1 33, DEEP O1 30, DEPONE O1 30, OPED 13J 30
DEEP O1 30 jeff

On 17th draw, REQUIN O1 48 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUERN N6 42, QUEP N6 39, PIQUE N4 36, QUAIR 6J 36, QUAG 6J 34

On 18th draw, PINERY N5 44 --- PINERY an area where pineapples are grown [n]
Other moves: VLY F4 34, GILPY B1 31, GRIPY B1 31, RENY N7 30, RIPELY L10 30
RELY L12 22 jeff

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