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Game of June 21, 2011 at 07:36, 1 player
1. 5 pts wordnerd

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeimrt   H4    26    26   betrim
 2. aadeltv   5E    98   124   alveated
 3. ?cinoov  10B    75   199   ovonics
 4. adefiss   7F    65   264   farsides
 5. aeelmty   8A    44   308   meetly
 6. aefhijo   L1    48   356   jehad
 7. adenrsw   2H    78   434   answered
 8. ?eggnqu   1D    75   509   quine
 9. egilorz   4A    50   559   zoril
10. egiprtu   1L    54   613   jupe
11. aceilty   K7    78   691   diacetyl
12. degnott   3K    33   724   ohed
13. abiinru   2B    34   758   bairn
14. ekopsuu  15K    57   815   spoke
15. fgiotuw  15H    42   857   outspoke
16. afinnrt  13D    66   923   infantry
17. aghioru  12D    33   956   huia
18. gioorwx   8M    32   988   oxo

Remaining tiles: gggirw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filewordnerd    0  1:54  -983    5     1.  -  wordnerd    0  1:54  -983    5 

On 1st draw, BETRIM H4 26 --- BETRIM to deck with trimmings [v]
Other tops: BEDIM H4 26, BEDIM H8 26, BETRIM H7 26
Other moves: IMBED H8 24, MITRED H4 24, BETID H4 22, BETRIM H3 22, BETRIM H8 22

On 2nd draw, ALVEATED 5E 98 --- ALVEATED vaulted like a beehive [adj]
Other moves: ALVEATED 5B 74, LARVATED 7F 69, VALIDATE 8E 63, VALETED 5E 44, VATABLE 4D 24

On 3rd draw, OVONIC(S) 10B 75 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: OVONIC(S) G9 68, OVONIC(S) I9 68, VOC(A)LION F1 66, VOC(A)TION J1 66, VOCA(L)ION E2 62
TON J5 5 wordnerd

On 4th draw, FARSIDES 7F 65 --- FARSIDE the farther side [n]
Other moves: FADES 4K 31, DEFIS 4K 29, FADED L1 28, FADE 4K 27, FADS 4K 27

On 5th draw, MEETLY 8A 44 --- MEETLY suitably [adv]
Other tops: TAMELY 8A 44
Other moves: MALTY 4K 38, MATEY 4K 38, MEALY 4K 38, MEATY 4K 38, MELTY 4K 38

On 6th draw, JEHAD L1 48 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other tops: JIHAD L1 48
Other moves: HAJ 8M 44, HAJI 4K 39, HAJ 4K 37, HADJEE L3 36, HAJ 4C 35

On 7th draw, ANSWERED 2H 78 --- ANSWER to say, write, or act in return [v]
Other moves: ANSWERED 2F 66, JAWS 1L 42, J*WS 1L 42, ANEW M1 40, AREW M1 40

On 8th draw, QU(I)NE 1D 75 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUE(A)N 1D 75, QUE(E)N 1D 75, QUE(R)N 1D 75, QUE(Y)N 1D 75, QU(E)EN 1D 75
Other moves: QUEN(A) 1D 72, EQU(I)NE L7 48, QUE(A)N 4A 48, QUE(E)N 4A 48, QUE(R)N 4A 48

On 9th draw, ZORIL 4A 50 --- ZORIL a small African mammal [n]
Other moves: GLOZE 4B 43, GRIZE 4B 43, ZORI 2A 37, GLOZE 4A 36, GRIZE 4A 36

On 10th draw, JUPE 1L 54 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: GUIZER A1 48, GUTZER A1 48, PRIZE A1 48, JURE 1L 46, JUTE 1L 46

On 11th draw, DIACETYL K7 78 --- DIACETYL a chemical flavour enhancer [n]
Other moves: ACOLYTE B2 40, SCYTALE M7 32, DACTYLI K7 26, ETIC 8L 26, EYALET L7 26

On 12th draw, OHED 3K 33 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: DITONE 8J 32, OINTED 8J 31, TINTED 8J 31, HEN 3L 23, HET 3L 23

On 13th draw, BAIRN 2B 34 --- BAIRN a child [n]
Other moves: ABRIN 2A 27, BRAIN 2A 27, BRUIN 2A 27, BURIN 2A 27, RUBIN 2A 27

On 14th draw, SPOKE 15K 57 --- SPOKE to provide with spokes (rods that support the rim of a wheel) [v]
Other moves: POUKES 15F 51, POKES 15G 48, POUKS 15G 48, PUKES 15G 48, PUKUS 15G 48

On 15th draw, OUTSPOKE 15H 42 --- OUTSPEAK to outdo in speaking [v]
Other moves: WOF 11D 32, FLOW 14J 27, FOU L11 26, GOWK N12 24, FLOG 14J 23

On 16th draw, INFANTRY 13D 66 --- INFANTRY a branch of the army composed of foot soldiers [n]
Other moves: IFTAR 8K 47, RATFINK N9 32, ARF 7A 25, FRANK N11 24, FRATI 12H 24

On 17th draw, HUIA 12D 33 --- HUIA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other tops: RAHUI 12B 33
Other moves: HAO 12D 29, HOI 12D 29, HUI 12D 29, GHI 12C 26, HAG 8M 26

On 18th draw, OXO 8M 32 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: XI L11 31, OX 5A 29, OXO 6M 28, OX 6M 27, GOWK N12 24

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