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Game sheet of Doodmien (file), Game of June 21, 2011 at 09:48

Word find
Word played
1 ?EORRST             RESTOR(E) H3 64 64  
2 CEEIMRT             METEORIC 7D 64 128  
3 AAADNTU             TAMANDUA D5 74 202  
4 ?AGILNU             (M)ACULING K5 90 292  
5 BENOUVW             VINEW 10J 27 319  
6 AFHLOPT             HALFA 6J 34 353  
7 AEEEINP             EUPNEA 8J 39 392  
8 ACEJNOP             JAPAN 8A 44 436  
9 BEGLRWY             GYBE E11 31 467  
10 BEHIOST HOIST F3 10 -62 10 4/4 BOTHIES G9 72 539 4/4
11 DEINRSU             SUNDRIES 15G 80 619 4/4
12 AEGIKOS STEAKS 5C 20 -25 30 2/4 OAKIES O1 45 664 4/4
13 CEILOQR RICE 3H 7 -19 37 4/4 QI E4 26 690 4/4
14 AFILRTV             AFRIT C10 32 722 4/4
15 DGIMOOR GRAM B6 11 -15 48 4/4 OM F13 26 748 4/4
16 DEGLOOU             GLED B12 26 774 4/4
17 DEILOWX GOD 12K 10 -25 58 4/4 WOX 14M 35 809 4/4
18 CDILORT ART B8 11 -65 69 4/4 DICROTAL B2 76 885 4/4
19 EIOOVYZ ROVE 3H 8 -51 77 4/4 OOZE 13L 59 944 4/4

Total: 77/944 or -867 for 8.156%
Rank: 2629

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