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Game of June 21, 2011 at 13:41, 6 players
1. 560 pts una
2. 508 pts jeff
3. 455 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aahnoy   H4    30    30   hyaena
 2. aemnott   I2    79   109   tomenta
 3. cdefirt   G5    30   139   def
 4. egoorsu   2G    76   215   outgoers
 5. cefoprw   L1    30   245   fewer
 6. adnoott   1D    32   277   datto
 7. aaersty   3B    36   313   reasty
 8. beklors   4A    42   355   kerb
 9. cdhiims   A4    54   409   kimchis
10. acdeinx   1L    46   455   faix
11. dijnotu   G9    38   493   jotun
12. ?aeillr  11D    78   571   laetrile
13. bdeilsv   K8    64   635   bedevils
14. egnoruv  14B    37   672   govern
15. ailnpqz  12A    50   722   zila
16. enoppuw  15K    36   758   swone
17. aceiinp  14J    37   795   plane
18. cdeiipu   8K    36   831   bicep
19. dgiioqu  15A    36   867   qi

Remaining tiles: dgiouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6000 Fileuna         2 19:30  -307  560     1.6000 una         2 19:30  -307  560 
  2.5968 Filejeff        5 17:25  -359  508            Group: novice
  3.4885 Filenarisa      1 18:45  -412  455     1.5968 jeff        5 17:25  -359  508 
  4.5101 Fileneyetifu    1 21:11  -441  426     2.5101 neyetifu    1 21:11  -441  426 
  5.5896 FileKlonimous   2  8:35  -602  265     3.5896 Klonimous   2  8:35  -602  265 
  6.4892 Fileannelhynz   1  7:52  -633  234            Group: not rated
                                             1.4885 narisa      1 18:45  -412  455 
                                             2.4892 annelhynz   1  7:52  -633  234 

On 1st draw, HYA(E)NA H4 30 --- HYAENA a wolflike mammal [n]
Other tops: A(P)HONY H7 30, HYA(E)NA H3 30, ONY(C)HA H8 30
Other moves: HAN(D)Y H4 28, HAN(D)Y H8 28, HAN(K)Y H4 28, HAN(K)Y H8 28, HOA(G)Y H4 28
HAN(D)Y H4 28 narisa
HON(E)Y H4 28 una
HON(E)Y H8 28 neyetifu

On 2nd draw, TOMENTA I2 79 --- TOMENTUM a network of small blood vessels [n]
Other moves: TOMENTA G1 77, TOMENTA G7 75, TOMENTA I7 75, TOMENTA G9 64, TOMENTA I9 64
MEANT I3 25 neyetifu, una
MANY 5E 18 narisa

On 3rd draw, DEF G5 30 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other moves: ERF G5 28, REF G5 28, TEF G5 28, FIANCE 6F 25, FECIT G9 24
FRANTIC 6F 22 narisa
EFT G5 22 una
EF G5 17 neyetifu

On 4th draw, OUTGOERS 2G 76 --- OUTGOER someone who is outgoing [n]
Other moves: ERUGOS 10C 23, ROUGES 10C 23, RUGOSE 10D 23, SEGO J6 23, ERGOS 10D 22
EGOS 10E 21 una
GOOSE 10E 20 narisa, jeff
GORES 10D 20 neyetifu

On 5th draw, FEWER L1 30 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: REPO 1E 28, WEEP L1 26, WO 1G 26, COWER 3C 25, FORCE 3C 25
FEWER L1 30 neyetifu, jeff, narisa
FOE 1L 23 una

On 6th draw, DATTO 1D 32 --- DATTO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other moves: TONDO 1D 30, FOOD 1L 28, TANTO 1D 26, FOOT 1L 25, DATO 1E 23
FOOD 1L 28 una, jeff, narisa
FOOT 1L 25 neyetifu

On 7th draw, REASTY 3B 36 --- REASTY rancid [adj]
Other tops: ASTRAY 3B 36, ESTRAY 3B 36
Other moves: ARSEY 3C 34, ARTSY 3C 34, RESAY 3C 34, RESTY 3C 34, SATAY 3C 34
YES 10F 26 neyetifu
FEAT 1L 25 una
FEAR 1L 25 narisa
YEARS G9 22 jeff

On 8th draw, KERB 4A 42 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other moves: BLOKES 10C 34, BROKES 10C 34, BOKES 10D 33, BOSKER 10F 32, BOSKER K4 32
BLOKES 10C 34 narisa
BROKERS B2 30 jeff
BOKES K4 30 neyetifu
BERKS K4 30 una

On 9th draw, KIMCHIS A4 54 --- KIMCHI a spicy Korean dish of pickled cabbage [n]
Other moves: KIMCHI A4 51, MISCH 10F 38, DREICH B2 36, MIHIS 10D 30, CHIS 10E 29
KIMCHIS A4 54 jeff
KIMCHI A4 51 una
HIS 10F 26 narisa
HIM G9 21 neyetifu

On 10th draw, FAIX 1L 46 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: REX M2 39, AXENIC K5 34, INDEX B10 34, NIXED J8 32, NIXE J8 30
INDEX B10 34 jeff
NIXED J8 32 una
AX 1N 29 annelhynz, neyetifu
SIX 10A 12 narisa

On 11th draw, JOTUN G9 38 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other tops: JOINT G9 38, JUNTO G9 38
Other moves: JUDO G9 37, JOIN G9 36, JUD G9 36, JIN G9 35, JOT G9 35
JOINT G9 38 una, jeff
JOT G9 35 annelhynz
JEAN 6F 27 neyetifu
JET 4K 10 narisa

On 12th draw, LA(E)TRILE 11D 78 --- LAETRILE a drug derived from apricot pits [n]
Other tops: LAETRIL(E) 11D 78, LITERAL(S) 11E 78, RALLIE(S) 14A 78, RALLI(N)E 14B 78
Other moves: (D)IALLER B9 71, (S)ALLIER 14G 70, RALLIE(D) K4 68, RALLIE(R) K4 68, RALLIE(S) K4 68
RALLIE(S) 14A 28 jeff
RAIL H12 20 una
REAL H12 20 Klonimous
ARO(S)E 10E 17 narisa, neyetifu
REAL M4 9 annelhynz

On 13th draw, BEDEVILS K8 64 --- BEDEVIL to torment [v]
Other moves: BIELDS 14B 39, DEVILS 14B 37, SLIVED 14G 31, VLEIS 12A 30, BREDE B2 29
DEVILS 14B 37 jeff
DEVILS K4 27 una
VISED L9 26 narisa
BIDES 14C 23 Klonimous
B(E) F10 19 neyetifu
DIVES 10K 14 annelhynz

On 14th draw, GOVERN 14B 37 --- GOVERN to rule or direct [v]
Other moves: BEVOR 8K 33, GOVERNS 15E 33, VOGUERS 15E 33, GROVES 15F 30, NERVOUS 15E 30
GOVERNS 15E 33 una
GROVES 15F 30 Klonimous, jeff, narisa, annelhynz

On 15th draw, ZILA 12A 50 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: ZIP 15A 49, ZILLA D8 48, ZAPS 15H 45, ZIPS 15H 45, ZIN 15A 41
ZIP 15A 49 Klonimous
ZIPS 15H 45 narisa
ZAPS 15H 45 jeff
QI 15A 36 annelhynz
QI 2A 28 una
ZO C13 22 neyetifu

On 16th draw, SWONE 15K 36 --- SWONE a fainting fit [n]
Other tops: SWOUN 15K 36
Other moves: PEPO 2A 34, BOWNE 8K 33, POW 15A 32, W*P 15A 31, POP 15A 28
SWOUN 15K 36 Klonimous
W*P 15A 31 una
POWS 15H 27 narisa, neyetifu
POPS 15H 24 jeff

On 17th draw, PLANE 14J 37 --- PLANE to make smooth and even [v]
Other moves: BECAP 8K 36, BICEP 8K 36, LAPIN 14K 29, CRENA B2 26, VINIC 12K 26
PLANE 14J 37 una
BECAP 8K 36 Klonimous
PAC K4 22 narisa
PIN 15A 20 annelhynz
PAN K4 18 neyetifu
ARE M1 16 jeff

On 18th draw, BICEP 8K 36 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: BIPED 8K 33, CUP 15A 28, VICED 12K 26, CEP 2A 25, CUP 2A 25
BICEP 8K 36 jeff, Klonimous
BIPED 8K 33 una, neyetifu
DIP 15A 25 annelhynz
PED K4 20 narisa

On 19th draw, QI 15A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUID 13I 35, QI 2A 28, QUINO M11 28, UREDO B2 25, DIVI 12I 21
QI 15A 36 annelhynz, jeff
QUID 13I 35 Klonimous
QI 2A 28 una
QUIP O5 15 narisa
QUA E9 12 neyetifu

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