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Game of June 21, 2011 at 14:27, 8 players
1. 555 pts Klonimous
2. 544 pts una
3. 489 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeinp   H4    72    72   perinea
 2. aeillsv  11F    27    99   silvae
 3. aehnrty  10J    42   141   yrneh
 4. dinotuy  12K    29   170   oundy
 5. acegmno   7C    68   238   cameoing
 6. elnoprt   5G    70   308   petronel
 7. dfinosv   O1    44   352   foids
 8. aderttv  O11    27   379   tyred
 9. aaekotx   N2    48   427   oxalate
10. bhiloqu  14I    48   475   oblique
11. befgirs  15D    47   522   fibers
12. aegiist   9B    62   584   gaieties
13. ?deiknt  13C    92   676   twinked
14. aagmruw   6D    37   713   maw
15. gjloruv   D4    46   759   romaji
16. aehotuz   8L    69   828   zoea
17. aegirtv   5A    28   856   vigor
18. aehltuw  12A    36   892   wheal

Remaining tiles: ctuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5963 FileKlonimous   3 17:03  -337  555     1.6021 una         4 18:50  -348  544 
  2.6021 Fileuna         4 18:50  -348  544     2.6076 scrab21     2 14:52  -435  457 
  3.5997 Filejeff        2 18:05  -403  489     3.6190 cipka_616   0  1:47  -878   14 
  4.6076 Filescrab21     2 14:52  -435  457            Group: novice
  5.4904 Filenarisa      1 16:10  -457  435     1.5963 Klonimous   3 17:03  -337  555 
  6.4150 Filetonikay     0 17:10  -573  319     2.5997 jeff        2 18:05  -403  489 
  7.4906 Fileannelhynz   0  4:58  -812   80            Group: not rated
  8.6190 Filecipka_616   0  1:47  -878   14     1.4904 narisa      1 16:10  -457  435 
                                             2.4150 tonikay     0 17:10  -573  319 
                                             3.4906 annelhynz   0  4:58  -812   80 

On 1st draw, PE(R)INEA H4 72 --- PERINEUM a region of the body at the lower end of the trunk [n]
Other tops: EPI(G)EAN H3 72
Other moves: A(L)EPINE H2 68, A(L)EPINE H4 68, A(L)EPINE H6 68, A(L)EPINE H7 68, A(L)EPINE H8 68
PE(R)INEA H4 22 Klonimous
P***N(G) H4 20 narisa
PIAN(O) H4 18 jeff, una
PINE(S) H4 18 scrab21
PAIN(S) H4 18 tonikay

On 2nd draw, SILVAE 11F 27 --- SILVA the forest trees of an area [n]
Other tops: VALISE 11F 27, VILLAE 11E 27, VILLAE 11F 27, VILLAS 11E 27, VILLAS 11F 27
Other moves: ALIVE 11G 25, AVELS 11E 25, EVILS 11E 25, LAVES 11H 25, LEVIS 11H 25
VALISE 11F 27 una
SLAVE 11G 25 Klonimous
VALES I3 23 scrab21, annelhynz
PAVES 4H 20 jeff
LIVES 5E 16 tonikay
PEALS 4H 14 narisa

On 3rd draw, YRNEH 10J 42 --- YRNEH a unit of reciprocal inductance [n]
Other tops: HENRY 10J 42
Other moves: HEARTY 12J 39, HYENA 10J 39, HAY G7 37, HEARTY 10J 37, HEY G7 37
HENRY 10J 42 scrab21
HEARTY 12J 39 Klonimous
HEARTY 10J 37 una
YEAH 10J 33 annelhynz
HATER 10J 33 jeff
HEARTY J9 22 narisa
HATE G5 19 tonikay

On 4th draw, OUNDY 12K 29 --- OUNDY wavy [adj]
Other tops: DOY G7 29
Other moves: YOND 12J 28, DOTY 12J 26, Y*D 12J 26, YOD 12J 26, YONI 12J 26
YONI 12J 26 una
YOU 12J 24 scrab21
YON 9M 24 jeff, annelhynz
DOY 12J 24 tonikay
POUTY 4H 20 Klonimous
HOUND N10 18 narisa

On 5th draw, CAMEOING 7C 68 --- CAMEO to portray in sharp, delicate relief [v]
Other moves: CYMAE O11 36, CYANO O11 30, GYNAE O11 27, OGAM G6 27, AGNOMEN L4 26
CYANO O11 30 jeff
YANG O12 24 una, scrab21
YEAN O12 21 Klonimous
MAG G5 18 tonikay
CAME I1 15 narisa

On 6th draw, PETRONEL 5G 70 --- PETRONEL a portable firearm [n]
Other tops: PETRONEL 5B 70
Other moves: PETRONEL F1 64, PETRONEL 9B 63, PLECTRON C4 63, PYLON O11 30, LEP 6D 27
PYLON O11 30 una
YORP O12 27 Klonimous
TOP 6D 27 jeff, scrab21
YELP O12 27 tonikay
POLER I1 14 narisa

On 7th draw, FOIDS O1 44 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other tops: FINDS O1 44, FONDS O1 44, VOIDS O1 44
Other moves: FIDOS O1 41, FIDOS O6 39, FINDS O6 39, FOIDS O6 39, FONDS O6 39
VOIDS O1 44 Klonimous
FINDS O1 44 scrab21, narisa, jeff, una
FIDOS O6 39 tonikay

On 8th draw, TYRED O11 27 --- TYRE to furnish with a covering for a wheel [v]
Other moves: DARED 4K 25, DATED 4K 25, ADVECT C3 24, ADVERT 12A 24, ADVERT D7 24
YARD O12 24 una, jeff, narisa, Klonimous
RAVEN L1 18 scrab21
DIVERT G10 14 tonikay

On 9th draw, OXALATE N2 48 --- OXALATE to treat with an oxalate (a chemical salt) [v]
Other moves: KOALA N2 39, NOX I7 37, KAAL N2 33, KOEL N2 33, OKA N1 33
NOX I7 37 Klonimous
AXE 6J 29 una
EXAM E4 26 scrab21
NEXT M12 22 narisa
TIX G10 12 tonikay

On 10th draw, OBLIQUE 14I 48 --- OBLIQUE slanting [adj] --- OBLIQUE to slant [v]
Other tops: QUOIN L1 48
Other moves: BUHL 8A 40, BOH 6D 37, BHEL 8L 36, HO(R)I 6F 35, HOB 6D 33
QUOIN L1 48 una
OH O7 32 jeff, Klonimous
QUIN L2 26 scrab21, narisa
QI 12E 13 tonikay

On 11th draw, FIBERS 15D 47 --- FIBER a thread or threadlike object or structure [n]
Other tops: FIBRES 15D 47
Other moves: BRIEFS 15D 44, FRIGES 15D 44, FEEB 8L 39, GRIEFS 15D 38, BEEF 8L 36
BRIEFS 15D 44 Klonimous
BRIEF 15E 35 una
FEES 8L 33 narisa
FIER 8L 33 jeff
GRIEF 15E 32 scrab21
FE 15H 17 tonikay

On 12th draw, GAIETIES 9B 62 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other moves: CAGIEST C7 24, PIETA 4H 24, STYRED O10 22, TAXI 3L 22, YRNEHS 10J 22
CAGIEST C7 24 jeff
TAXI 3L 22 Klonimous, scrab21
GEES 8L 21 narisa
GATES 8K 21 una

On 13th draw, T(W)INKED 13C 92 --- TWINK to blink [v]
Other moves: KNI(T)TED 13C 84, KNIT(T)ED 13C 82, TINK(L)ED 13C 82, INK(L)ED 8J 48, INK(J)ET 8J 45
KNEE 8L 39 narisa
KEEN 8L 39 jeff, una
K(A) 8A 17 Klonimous, tonikay

On 14th draw, MAW 6D 37 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: AW 6E 30, GREW 8L 30, MAW 8D 30, WAGER 8K 30, WARMUP 4C 30
MAW 6D 37 jeff, una
GREW 8L 30 Klonimous, narisa
MEW 8M 24 scrab21
MU 8A 15 tonikay

On 15th draw, ROMAJI D4 46 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: JUREL 8K 39, LOGJAM E2 32, JO 4K 31, JEU 8M 30, JORAM E3 28
JO 4K 31 scrab21
JAM E5 24 una, Klonimous, jeff
JOT I3 22 narisa
JOG K4 11 tonikay

On 16th draw, ZOEA 8L 69 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOEA 12A 50, AZO 4J 41, ZA 4K 37, ZO 4K 37, ZA 8A 36
ZOEA 8L 69 Klonimous
AZO 4J 41 tonikay
ZO 4K 37 scrab21, una
ZEE 8M 36 narisa
ZA 8A 36 jeff

On 17th draw, VIGOR 5A 28 --- VIGOR active strength or force [n]
Other tops: GAVOT 5A 28
Other moves: TRIAGE 12A 26, VEGAN L1 26, VIRENT L1 26, AGER 12D 25, PIETA 4H 24
TAXI 3L 22 jeff, una
VOR 5C 22 Klonimous
GIVE C1 18 scrab21
VENT L3 14 narisa
AVE 14A 14 cipka_616
GRIT B9 7 tonikay

On 18th draw, WHEAL 12A 36 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other tops: WHEAT 12A 36
Other moves: UVEAL A4 27, AWE 4J 23, TAWA 10E 22, TAXI 3L 22, THULIA B1 22
WHEAT 12A 36 Klonimous
TAXI 3L 22 una, jeff
VALE A5 21 scrab21
VEAL A5 21 narisa
WAVE A3 11 tonikay

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