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Game of June 21, 2011 at 19:41, 9 players
1. 475 pts jeff
2. 383 pts ste11a
3. 216 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdlnos   H4    24    24   blands
 2. dehinrs   I9    75    99   hinders
 3. aeemrsv   4F    80   179   embraves
 4. aaelrwz  15D    48   227   lazars
 5. ?elnoor   K2    70   297   lovelorn
 6. egiorty   M2    78   375   oystrige
 7. degiotu   J7    32   407   guide
 8. iinostu   7A    60   467   inustion
 9. ?aacttx   A2    69   536   taxitic
10. eilmpty   N9    92   628   emptily
11. bcenoow   O6    37   665   bowne
12. aaeoqtw   F6    31   696   qi
13. dioopuu  O13    32   728   doo
14. eehoptv   3C    34   762   evohe
15. aceiint   D7    78   840   sciential
16. aegkpru  C10    40   880   peak
17. aagijuw   D1    44   924   java
18. fgiruuw   2J    32   956   fluor

Remaining tiles: fgiuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6019 Filejeff        2 20:22  -481  475     1.7676 ste11a      1 12:24  -573  383 
  2.7676 Fileste11a      1 12:24  -573  383     2.7015 musdrive    1  8:32  -750  206 
  3.4996 Filenarisa      0 13:50  -740  216            Group: intermediate
  4.5617 Filejonb5       2 12:28  -741  215     1.6019 jeff        2 20:22  -481  475 
  5.7015 Filemusdrive    1  8:32  -750  206     2.6078 scrab21     1  7:02  -757  199 
  6.6078 Filescrab21     1  7:02  -757  199     3.6826 mylover81   2  2:53  -880   76 
  7.  -  Fileyounglhee   1  7:25  -828  128            Group: novice
  8.5163 Fileneyetifu    0  4:38  -868   88     1.5617 jonb5       2 12:28  -741  215 
  9.6826 Filemylover81   2  2:53  -880   76     2.5163 neyetifu    0  4:38  -868   88 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4996 narisa      0 13:50  -740  216 
                                             2.  -  younglhee   1  7:25  -828  128 

On 1st draw, BLANDS H4 24 --- BLAND buttermilk and water [n]
Other tops: BLONDS H4 24
Other moves: BALDS H4 22, BANDS H4 22, BLADS H4 22, BLAND H4 22, BLANDS H8 22
BLANDS H4 24 musdrive
BLONDS H4 24 jeff

On 2nd draw, HINDERS I9 75 --- HINDER to impede [v]
Other moves: BEHINDS 4H 26, BEHIND 4H 24, HIDERS I9 24, HINDER I9 24, HIRED I9 24
HINDERS I9 25 jeff, musdrive

On 3rd draw, EMBRAVES 4F 80 --- EMBRAVE to inspire with bravery [v]
Other moves: VERSEMAN 11B 76, VERSEMAN 7A 65, VERMES 15D 45, ASSEVER 15H 42, VEALERS 5E 40
VERMES 15D 45 musdrive
SMEARS 15D 27 jeff

On 4th draw, LAZARS 15D 48 --- LAZAR a beggar afflicted with a loathsome disease [n]
Other moves: LAZES 15E 42, RAZES 15E 42, ZEALS 15E 42, WALERS 15D 39, ZEAS 15F 39
ZEALS 15E 42 jeff
LAZES 15E 42 musdrive

On 5th draw, LOVE(L)ORN K2 70 --- LOVELORN not loved [adj]
Other tops: OVERLON(G) K3 70, (L)OVELORN K2 70
Other moves: (C)ONDOLER 12F 68, LOOS(E)NER M1 66, LOO(S)ENER 13C 66, (C)ONSOLER M1 66, LON(G)ERON 11B 64
OVERLON(G) K3 20 musdrive
REN J8 15 ste11a, jeff

On 6th draw, OYSTRIGE M2 78 --- OYSTRIGE a large flightless bird [n]
Other tops: GYROLITE 2G 78
Other moves: EGOITY J6 38, RETRY 8K 27, RORTY 8K 27, TOYER 3J 27, GLORY 2J 26
GLORY 2J 26 musdrive
GORY 3C 21 jeff
RIGOR 8K 21 ste11a

On 7th draw, GUIDE J7 32 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other moves: GUID J7 29, DROGUE 8J 27, DUGITE 3B 25, GUIDE 3C 24, IDE J9 24
IDE J9 24 musdrive
OUD J8 24 ste11a
ROGUE 8K 21 jeff

On 8th draw, INUSTION 7A 60 --- INUSTION burning in [n]
Other moves: INTINES 11E 28, INTONES 11E 28, ISIT 10L 19, NUTSO L9 19, INSTIL 5C 18
SUN 10M 18 ste11a
SIN 10M 18 neyetifu
TODS 12G 14 jeff

On 9th draw, TAX(I)TIC A2 69 --- TAXITE a volcanic rock [adj] --- TAXITIC pertaining to taxite [adj]
Other moves: (E)XACTA N9 61, AX 6E 52, (A)X 6E 50, (E)X 6E 50, ATAXIC A3 48
AX 6E 52 ste11a
AX(E) N1 40 jeff
TAXI(S) A4 36 narisa
TIX A6 30 jonb5
(E)XIT A5 30 neyetifu

On 10th draw, EMPTILY N9 92 --- EMPTILY in an empty manner [adv]
Other moves: PETTILY E5 48, TIMELY 2A 38, LIMPSY D3 34, TITELY 2A 34, PYE N1 31
PYE N1 31 jeff
EMIT B2 30 ste11a
YE N2 25 jonb5
EM 6E 22 neyetifu
PILES D3 14 narisa

On 11th draw, BOWNE O6 37 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other moves: BOYO 15L 36, BOWNE K11 30, BOWNE 3C 29, BONCE K11 28, NOO O13 28
BOYO 15L 36 ste11a
NOO O13 28 scrab21
OWE N1 27 jeff
WYE 15M 27 narisa
COWL 2H 17 jonb5

On 12th draw, QI F6 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT B1 30, TAE O13 28, TAO O13 28, TOE O13 28, AWA N1 27
QI F6 31 scrab21, ste11a, jeff, jonb5
AYE 15M 18 neyetifu
QUOTE C6 15 narisa

On 13th draw, DOO O13 32 --- DOO a dove [n]
Other moves: OUP M11 24, POOD K11 24, PUDU K11 24, IO O14 23, OO O14 23
DOO O13 32 jonb5
OUP M11 24 ste11a
POOD K11 24 jeff
UPO N1 23 scrab21
ODD 12H 15 narisa

On 14th draw, EVOHE 3C 34 --- EVOHE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: TOPHE 3C 32, EVHOE 3C 31, PHO N1 31, SHEEPO D7 30, EVHOE K11 28
PHOT K11 28 ste11a
EH M12 26 scrab21
HE N2 25 jeff
OPE N1 23 jonb5
PHESE D4 22 narisa
HOPS D4 18 younglhee

On 15th draw, SCIENTIAL D7 78 --- SCIENTIAL [adj]
Other moves: CAVIE D1 26, CIVET D1 26, CIVIE D1 26, CAVE D1 24, CIVE D1 24
CAVE D1 24 scrab21, narisa, jonb5, jeff
VICES D3 20 younglhee
STANCE D7 18 ste11a

On 16th draw, PEAK C10 40 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other moves: REAK C10 34, UPDRAG 12G 34, KAGU K11 32, KEP K11 32, PUKER K11 32
PUKER K11 32 jeff
KEP K11 32 ste11a
PERK 14G 26 scrab21
PAVER D1 26 narisa
APE C12 22 jonb5
KEPT 12K 20 younglhee

On 17th draw, JAVA D1 44 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other moves: GJU K11 30, JAW B9 28, AWA N1 27, JAW J3 27, WAG K11 26
JAVA D1 44 younglhee, mylover81
JAW B9 28 ste11a
JAW J3 27 narisa
WAG K11 26 jeff
JAPE 10A 15 scrab21

On 18th draw, FLUOR 2J 32 --- FLUOR a mineral form of calcium fluoride [n]
Other moves: FR*G K11 28, FRUG K11 28, FUGU K11 28, FIG K11 26, FUG K11 26
FLUOR 2J 32 mylover81
WIG K11 26 ste11a, scrab21, younglhee
IF M12 26 jeff
WIPE 10A 11 jonb5
GREW 13G 10 narisa

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