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Game of June 21, 2011 at 21:08, 10 players
1. 598 pts musdrive
2. 582 pts PIThompson
3. 530 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikrsu   H4    82    82   kauries
 2. eglmort   5E    32   114   legator
 3. fhiortu   6D    32   146   foh
 4. alnoprt   J1    64   210   portolan
 5. abeegst   1G    36   246   bespate
 6. aaeinov   8J    39   285   novena
 7. ?eilnor   O8    74   359   ailerons
 8. eeefnos  N11    27   386   fone
 9. ?aabcmu   2A    90   476   calumba
10. ddeiosw   G9    72   548   dowdies
11. addeltu   B2    62   610   adulated
12. eiimrtx   A8    81   691   mirex
13. eiirsvz  14B    70   761   resize
14. eiptuwy  15G    54   815   swipey
15. achiqtt   4A    46   861   quit
16. cghintu   M3    36   897   guichet
17. ainnovy  F10    32   929   ya
18. aginnov  E11    36   965   vigia

Remaining tiles: jnno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7008 Filemusdrive    5 18:11  -367  598     1.7008 musdrive    5 18:11  -367  598 
  2.7416 FilePIThompson  5 20:43  -383  582     2.7416 PIThompson  5 20:43  -383  582 
  3.6432 FileDavina      2 15:22  -435  530            Group: intermediate
  4.6021 Filejeff        1 22:45  -459  506     1.6432 Davina      2 15:22  -435  530 
  5.6492 FileSuperH      3 20:31  -470  495     2.6021 jeff        1 22:45  -459  506 
  6.6420 Filesunshine12  2 18:16  -602  363     3.6492 SuperH      3 20:31  -470  495 
  7.6012 Filearlo805     0 12:54  -654  311     4.6420 sunshine12  2 18:16  -602  363 
  8.5621 Filejonb5       0  7:40  -854  111     5.6012 arlo805     0 12:54  -654  311 
  9.3750 Filepaulineasb  0 10:08  -861  104            Group: novice
 10.  -  Fileyounglhee   0  0:48  -949   16     1.5621 jonb5       0  7:40  -854  111 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3750 paulineasb  0 10:08  -861  104 
                                             2.  -  younglhee   0  0:48  -949   16 

On 1st draw, KAURIES H4 82 --- KAURY a timber tree [n]
Other moves: KAURIES H2 74, KAURIES H3 74, KAURIES H6 74, KAURIES H7 74, KAURIES H8 74
KAISER H4 30 PIThompson
KEIRS H4 28 musdrive, sunshine12
KIERS H4 28 Davina
RAKES H8 20 SuperH
SKIER H4 20 jeff
RAKES H5 18 paulineasb
RISK H6 16 younglhee, jonb5

On 2nd draw, LEGATOR 5E 32 --- LEGATOR one that legates [n]
Other tops: GLOATER 5E 32
Other moves: MOLTER G6 24, METRO G6 23, METRO I6 23, ELM G7 21, GORM I3 21
GORM I3 21 musdrive
MOTEL G9 20 jeff
MOREL G9 20 PIThompson
MOTEL I9 20 Davina
MORT I3 19 SuperH, sunshine12
MOG I9 18 jonb5
MORES 10D 9 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, FOH 6D 32 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: FIRTH G9 30, FIRTH I9 30, FORTH G9 30, FORTH I9 30, FOU 6F 30
FOH 6D 32 musdrive, sunshine12, SuperH, PIThompson
FORTH I9 30 Davina
OH 6E 28 arlo805
HOUR 4J 21 jeff
HIT I3 16 jonb5
FRUIT 7G 13 paulineasb

On 4th draw, PORTOLAN J1 64 --- PORTOLAN a Middle Ages navigation manual [n]
Other tops: PLASTRON 10E 64, PORTOLAN J4 64, PRONOTAL J1 64, PRONOTAL J3 64
Other moves: PARTON 4J 24, PATROL 4J 24, PATRON 4J 24, PONTAL 4J 24, PORTAL 4J 24
PORTAL 4J 24 musdrive, arlo805, PIThompson
PATRON 4J 24 jeff
PARTON 4J 24 SuperH
PAROL 4J 20 Davina
PORTALS 10B 17 paulineasb
TRAP 7B 17 sunshine12
PAT 7C 16 jonb5

On 5th draw, BESPATE 1G 36 --- BESPIT to spit upon [v]
Other moves: BEPATS 1H 33, BESPAT 1G 33, SEPTAGE 1H 33, BEPAT 1H 30, PEAGES 1J 30
BATES L1 29 musdrive
GAPES 1H 27 Davina
BEEPS 1G 27 jonb5, sunshine12, PIThompson
BAPS 1H 24 SuperH
BEAST L2 23 jeff
REBATE 3J 16 paulineasb
BEER K2 14 arlo805

On 6th draw, NOVENA 8J 39 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other moves: NAEVI 9F 24, NEVI 9G 23, EVOE 9H 22, NOVAE 2D 22, EVO 9H 21
NOVENA 8J 39 musdrive
OVEN 2E 21 PIThompson
NAIVE 2C 20 Davina
OVINE K8 18 jonb5, arlo805
RAVINE 3J 18 jeff
RAVEN 3J 16 SuperH
SAVE 10H 15 paulineasb
NAVE G9 13 sunshine12

On 7th draw, AILERON(S) O8 74 --- AILERON a movable control surface on an airplane wing [n]
Other tops: ALERION(S) O8 74, ALIENOR(S) O8 74, AL(L)ERION O8 74, A(C)ROLEIN O8 74, A(L)LERION O8 74, LONI(C)ERA O1 74
Other moves: FLORI(G)EN D6 72, FOREL(A)IN D6 72, LO(O)NIER 2B 72, LO(R)INER 2B 72, L(O)ONIER 2B 72
AILERON(S) O8 24 PIThompson
INVOL(V)ER L6 20 Davina
OVERL(A)IN L7 20 musdrive
LO(O)NIE 2B 18 sunshine12
TINE(S) L1 16 SuperH
VOILE(S) L8 16 paulineasb
VINER(S) L8 16 jeff
LONE I9 10 arlo805

On 8th draw, FONE N11 27 --- FOE an enemy [n]
Other moves: FEESE 9G 26, FREONS 3I 26, KETENES 4H 26, KETONES 4H 26, FEENS G9 24
FONE N11 27 musdrive, SuperH
FONE I9 22 PIThompson
FEES G9 22 jeff
FON N11 15 sunshine12
FEES M7 12 Davina

On 9th draw, CA(L)UMBA 2A 90 --- CALUMBA the root of an East African plant [n]
Other tops: MACU(M)BA 2A 90, (M)ACUMBA 2A 90, (S)AMBUCA 2A 90
Other moves: MACU(M)BA G9 74, CA(L)UMBAS 10A 71, MACU(M)BAS 10A 71, (M)ACUMBAS 10A 71, (S)AMBUCAS 10A 71
C(O)MB M12 32 musdrive
CRUMB 3I 28 Davina
VACU(U)M L8 24 jeff
BRAM(E) 3I 22 SuperH
BAM 2F 21 arlo805
TAM(E) L1 10 sunshine12

On 10th draw, DOWDIES G9 72 --- DOWDY a woman who wears unstylish clothes [n]
Other tops: DOWDIES I9 72
Other moves: SCOWED A1 48, SCOW A1 39, DOWD M12 34, DOWS M12 32, SWIDDEN N2 32
SCOWED A1 48 jeff, Davina, arlo805, PIThompson
DOWD M12 34 musdrive
WIDES G9 25 sunshine12
WO 7M 20 SuperH

On 11th draw, ADULATED B2 62 --- ADULATE to praise excessively [v]
Other moves: CAUDLED A2 36, CLAUTED A2 33, ADUSTED 15D 30, STADDLE 15G 30, STUDDLE 15G 30
SADDLE 15G 27 Davina, jeff, musdrive, PIThompson
SALUTED 15G 27 arlo805
DAE F10 24 SuperH
STUD 15G 15 sunshine12

On 12th draw, MIREX A8 81 --- MIREX an insecticide [n]
Other moves: REMIXT A8 78, REMIX A8 75, MIXIEST 15B 72, MIXIER A8 63, MIXER A8 60
MIREX A8 81 PIThompson
REMIXT A8 78 sunshine12
MIXIER A8 63 arlo805, musdrive
MIXER A8 60 Davina, jeff
SEX 15G 30 SuperH

On 13th draw, RESIZE 14B 70 --- RESIZE to size again [v] --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [v]
Other moves: RIZ F8 68, VIZIERS 15A 60, RESIZE M3 50, SIZERS 15G 48, SIZIER 15G 48
RIZ F8 68 SuperH, musdrive
VIZIERS 15A 60 PIThompson
SIZERS 15G 48 Davina, arlo805
SIZER B11 39 jeff

On 14th draw, SWIPEY 15G 54 --- SWIPEY fuddled with malt liquor [adj]
Other moves: SPEWY 15G 39, STEWY 15G 33, YEP 13C 32, YEP 3E 32, YIP 13C 32
SWIPEY 15G 54 Davina, PIThompson
STEWY 15G 33 SuperH
SWIPE 15G 30 jeff
YIP F8 29 musdrive
BAP G1 10 arlo805

On 15th draw, QUIT 4A 46 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other tops: QUAI 4A 46, QUAI D1 46, QUAT 4A 46, QUAT D1 46, QUIT D1 46
Other moves: CATTISH D9 32, HA F10 32, CHATTIS D8 30, HAT 7M 29, HIC F8 29
QUIT 4A 46 musdrive
QUIT D1 46 PIThompson, Davina
QUAT D1 46 jeff
HA F10 32 SuperH

On 16th draw, GUICHET M3 36 --- GUICHET a hatch [n]
Other moves: HIC F8 29, HIT 7M 29, HUG 13C 29, HUT 7M 29, CUISH D11 28
HIT 13C 26 musdrive
HI 13C 22 SuperH
HI B11 19 jeff

On 17th draw, YA F10 32 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: NOY F8 32, YO F10 32
Other moves: OY F9 31, NOY M12 27, DEVON 9G 26, AY 3F 25, OY 3F 25
NOY F8 32 SuperH, musdrive
YO F10 32 PIThompson, sunshine12
OY F9 31 jeff
NOISY D11 24 Davina

On 18th draw, VIGIA E11 36 --- VIGIA a warning on a navigational chart [n]
Other moves: VAGI E11 34, DEVON 9G 26, DOVING 12G 24, NGAIO E11 24, NOG M12 21
VAGI E11 34 SuperH, sunshine12, PIThompson
NOG M12 21 musdrive
GIVEN C11 18 Davina
VAW 11E 18 jeff

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