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Game of June 22, 2011 at 01:01, 4 players
1. 421 pts lyndyloo
2. 327 pts Lucylulu
3. 152 pts pickrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelnrt   H4    74    74   central
 2. adeinov   4B    78   152   voidance
 3. ?egghln   A3    44   196   haggle
 4. adgnoop   D2    64   260   poignado
 5. beimnou   H1    36   296   unicentral
 6. diorsuw   C9    35   331   words
 7. aeimrtu  13C    62   393   semitaur
 8. abimsuy  H12    39   432   yaba
 9. aelorrw  B10    32   464   wae
10. cehootu  D11    35   499   che
11. ?eijlou   9G    74   573   jalousie
12. eikpqsv   O7    51   624   qis
13. aeituvx   5H    95   719   exuviate
14. aefnrtz   O1    81   800   feaze
15. eforrtt  14D    40   840   ref
16. ailmsty   2B    40   880   imply
17. einoost   L8    68   948   isotones
18. beoprst   E7    43   991   boeps
19. adeikrt  15A    50  1041   irked

Remaining tiles: anrtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4715 Filelyndyloo    0 18:37  -620  421     1.4715 lyndyloo    0 18:37  -620  421 
  2.4587 FileLucylulu    0 18:37  -714  327     2.4587 Lucylulu    0 18:37  -714  327 
  3.3873 Filepickrose    1  9:45  -889  152     3.3873 pickrose    1  9:45  -889  152 
  4.  -  Fileosh         0  1:45  -994   47     4.  -  osh         0  1:45  -994   47 

On 1st draw, CENTRAL H4 74 --- CENTRAL a telephone exchange [n] --- CENTRAL situated at, in, or near the center [adj] --- CENTRAL in the middle [adj]
Other moves: CENTRAL H2 70, CENTRAL H3 70, CENTRAL H6 70, CENTRAL H7 70, CENTRAL H8 70
CRATE H4 20 lyndyloo
CARTEL H8 18 pickrose

On 2nd draw, VOIDANCE 4B 78 --- VOIDANCE the act or process of voiding [n]
Other moves: DEVONIAN 6D 72, NAEVOID G9 68, NAEVOID I9 68, DEVONIAN 6A 66, DONATIVE 7D 64
VEINED 5G 20 lyndyloo
DEVON 5G 18 Lucylulu
LIVEN 10H 16 pickrose

On 3rd draw, H(A)GGLE A3 44 --- HAGGLE to bargain [v]
Other moves: H(A)GGLE 3I 37, H(I)GGLE 3I 37, HEL(I)NG 3I 35, L(A)GGEN A3 35, HENG(E) 3I 33
H(A)VEN B2 24 pickrose
HEN(S) J1 22 lyndyloo
H(A)VE B2 18 Lucylulu

On 4th draw, POIGNADO D2 64 --- POIGNADO a small dagger [n]
Other moves: GONOPOD C3 32, PAGOD 3I 31, DOONA 3C 30, POOD 3C 30, DOGNAP 3I 29
PONGO C3 18 pickrose
GAPED I1 15 lyndyloo
POND 6F 13 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, UNICENTRAL H1 36 --- UNICENTRAL
Other moves: MOBIE C7 32, BIOME 3I 31, BIOME C9 31, BOOM 3C 31, DUOMI E4 31
LEMON 10H 13 pickrose
MOAN F2 12 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, WORDS C9 35 --- WORD to express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) [v]
Other moves: WOOD 3C 32, DOWS C7 31, DOW C7 30, SOW J4 29, WIS J2 29
SWORD J4 26 lyndyloo
WINDS 6F 19 Lucylulu
STROW 7G 10 pickrose

On 7th draw, SEMITAUR 13C 62 --- SEMITAUR a curved oriental sword [n]
Other moves: TAEDIUM E1 38, IMARET 3H 29, MATIER E7 29, MATURE E7 29, AIRTIME 3G 28
MADE 12A 20 lyndyloo
DRUM 12C 14 Lucylulu
DAME 12C 14 pickrose

On 8th draw, YABA H12 39 --- YABA yet another bloody acronym [n]
Other tops: YAMS H12 39
Other moves: MAUBY 12E 37, BAYS H12 36, MAYA H12 36, MAYS H12 36, ABYSM K10 35
YAMS H12 39 pickrose
BAYS H12 36 Lucylulu
BUSY K11 29 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, WAE B10 32 --- WAE woe [n]
Other tops: WOE B10 32
Other moves: LAWER E7 30, LOWER E7 30, RAWER E7 30, ROWEL E7 30, ROWER E7 30
LOWER 10H 16 Lucylulu
WEAR J10 15 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, CHE D11 35 --- CHE dialect version of I [pron]
Other tops: TECH A12 35
Other moves: COHO C1 32, THEE D11 31, HETE D12 30, HOOT 3C 29, THE D11 29
CHORE J10 18 lyndyloo
HOPE 2B 18 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, JALOU(S)IE 9G 74 --- JALOUSIE a type of window [n]
Other moves: JALOU(S)IE F3 68, JALOU(S)IE 15G 64, JOU(A)L C3 49, JOE(Y) 3C 42, JOI(N) 3C 42
JE(E)R J10 26 lyndyloo
JAIL 9G 20 Lucylulu, osh

On 12th draw, QIS O7 51 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: KEPIS O5 48, KIPES O5 48, PIKES O5 48, QIS J2 47, KEPS O6 45
EQUIPS K7 34 lyndyloo
QUIPS K8 32 Lucylulu

On 13th draw, EXUVIATE 5H 95 --- EXUVIATE to moult [v]
Other moves: EXUVIAE N9 66, EXUVIA N9 64, LAX 10H 53, EXUVIAE 5H 43, EXUVIA 5H 41
NEXT 2H 27 osh
EXIT N9 27 lyndyloo
OX J9 25 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, FEAZE O1 81 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: TEAZE O1 72, NERTZ N2 68, ZOEA 3C 53, IZAR 3H 52, ZEATIN L1 50
RATE O2 5 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, REF 14D 40 --- REF to referee [v]
Other moves: FRO E9 33, RETRO E7 33, LOFT 10H 32, FOB 14F 31, EF 14E 30
FONT 2F 15 Lucylulu
(S)TORER L9 10 lyndyloo

On 16th draw, IMPLY 2B 40 --- IMPLY to indicate or suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: AMPLY 2B 40, MALTS 15A 40, MILTS 15A 40
Other moves: MYALIST 10E 39, TIPSY 2B 36, LITAS E7 33, MALIST 10F 33, LAYS 10H 32
MASTY K11 31 lyndyloo
YAPS 2B 18 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, I(S)OTONES L8 68 --- ISOTONE a type of atom [n]
Other moves: INSET 15A 34, NITES 15A 34, NOTES 15A 34, OINTS 15A 34, ONSET 15A 34
SENT 15A 26 lyndyloo
(S)OONEST L9 14 Lucylulu

On 18th draw, BOEPS E7 43 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other moves: BOETS 15A 40, BORES 15A 40, BORTS 15A 40, PERTS 15A 40, POETS 15A 40
BEST 15A 32 lyndyloo
POSTER 15J 24 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, IRKED 15A 50 --- IRK to annoy or weary [v]
Other tops: ARKED 15A 50, KITED 15A 50, RAKED 15A 50
Other moves: DIKE 15A 41, KADE 15A 41, KARITE 2J 40, AIRED 15A 38, IKAT 15A 38
RISKED 15J 33 lyndyloo
SKID 15L 27 Lucylulu

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