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Game of June 22, 2011 at 04:05, 4 players
1. 464 pts lyndyloo
2. 318 pts Faeythe
3. 209 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeint   H8    64    64   animate
 2. ?agqstu  15D    96   160   quags
 3. ?bdeimo   8H    95   255   amoeboid
 4. dijlpsy  11F    34   289   jimply
 5. adeilrs   O8    83   372   diedrals
 6. deirsst   K2    68   440   sistered
 7. ceginot   L1    30   470   conte
 8. bcehotu  N10    35   505   hout
 9. beiorrv   I1    67   572   overbrim
10. aefgnrr  13B    30   602   engraft
11. cefmopw  14F    38   640   weem
12. ahikloy  B10    46   686   hokey
13. aaefinu   A5    32   718   faunae
14. adloprt   B2    32   750   troad
15. aeglowz   1E    51   801   wazoo
16. eegilpt  M11    27   828   plie
17. egilnux   2D    56   884   lex
18. eiinnot   D2    68   952   lenition

Remaining tiles: cguv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4711 Filelyndyloo    0 12:33  -488  464     1.5690 Faeythe     0 11:19  -634  318 
  2.5690 FileFaeythe     0 11:19  -634  318            Group: not rated
  3.3841 Filegmills0     0 11:55  -743  209     1.4711 lyndyloo    0 12:33  -488  464 
  4.3767 Filepaulineasb  0  4:05  -887   65     2.3841 gmills0     0 11:55  -743  209 
                                             3.3767 paulineasb  0  4:05  -887   65 

On 1st draw, ANI(M)ATE H8 64 --- ANIMATE to give life to [v]
Other tops: ANI(M)ATE H2 64, ANI(M)ATE H3 64, ANI(M)ATE H4 64, ANI(M)ATE H6 64, ANI(M)ATE H7 64, ANT(L)IAE H2 64, ANT(L)IAE H3 64, ANT(L)IAE H4 64, ANT(L)IAE H6 64, ANT(L)IAE H7 64, ANT(L)IAE H8 64, A(M)ENTIA H2 64, A(M)ENTIA H4 64, A(M)ENTIA H6 64, A(M)ENTIA H7 64, A(M)ENTIA H8 64, ENTA(S)IA H2 64, ENTA(S)IA H3 64, ENTA(S)IA H4 64, ENTA(S)IA H6 64, ENTA(S)IA H7 64, TAENIA(E) H2 64, TAENIA(E) H3 64, TAENIA(E) H4 64, TAENIA(E) H7 64, TAENIA(E) H8 64, TAENIA(S) H2 64, TAENIA(S) H3 64, TAENIA(S) H4 64, TAENIA(S) H7 64, TAENIA(S) H8 64, TA(E)NIAE H3 64, TA(E)NIAE H4 64, TA(E)NIAE H6 64, TA(E)NIAE H7 64, TA(E)NIAE H8 64, (P)ATINAE H2 64, (P)ATINAE H3 64, (P)ATINAE H6 64, (P)ATINAE H7 64, (P)ATINAE H8 64
Other moves: ANI(M)ATE H5 62, ANT(L)IAE H5 62, A(M)ENTIA H3 62, A(M)ENTIA H5 62, ENTA(S)IA H5 62
ANI(M)ATE H2 14 gmills0
TIN(G)E H8 10 paulineasb
TEA H8 6 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, QUAGS 15D 96 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUATS 15D 93, QU(A)GS 15D 93, Q(U)AGS 15D 93, (S)QUATS 15C 93, QUAG(S) 15D 90
QU(I)TS 15D 90 lyndyloo
A(C)QUITS 10D 37 gmills0
QUITS 10F 36 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, AM(O)EBOID 8H 95 --- AMOEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [adj] --- AMOEBOID resembling an ameba [adj]
Other tops: AMOEB(O)ID 8H 95
Other moves: AMBE(R)OID 8H 86, EMBODIE(D) 14H 86, EMBODIE(R) 14H 86, EMBODIE(S) 14H 86, EMBOI(L)ED 14H 86
MOB G8 19 Faeythe
BO(M)(B)ED 11F 14 lyndyloo
BEDTIM(E) 13E 14 gmills0
MADE 12G 7 paulineasb

On 4th draw, JI(M)PLY 11F 34 --- JIMP natty [adv] --- JIMPLY in a jimp manner [adv]
Other moves: MYSID I8 30, DIPS 9K 26, DISPLAY 12C 26, JEDIS K7 26, JOYS M7 26
DISPLAY 12C 26 lyndyloo
JOYS M7 26 Faeythe, gmills0
JAILS 12G 12 paulineasb

On 5th draw, DIEDRALS O8 83 --- DIEDRAL the angle between two planes [n]
Other moves: SOLIDARE M7 72, SOREDIAL M7 72, LARDIEST 13A 70, REALISED K2 68, RESAILED K2 68
IDEA 12C 19 Faeythe
TIRADES 13H 18 gmills0
SIRED K5 12 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, SISTERED K2 68 --- SISTER to treat like a sister (a female sibling) [v]
Other tops: RESISTED K2 68
Other moves: STEROIDS M4 61, DIET N10 23, DORISES M7 22, DOSSIER M7 22, DIE N10 20
STRIDES 13G 20 gmills0
DESIRES K3 16 lyndyloo
STRIDES K3 16 Faeythe

On 7th draw, CONTE L1 30 --- CONTE a short story [n]
Other moves: CINEOL 14J 28, COIGNE N6 27, CITO L1 26, CONI L1 26, COONTIE M7 26
INSECT 2I 20 Faeythe
CITING 3J 18 lyndyloo
SCENT 4K 16 gmills0

On 8th draw, HOUT N10 35 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other moves: CHOC 1L 33, CHUB 1L 33, COCH 1L 33, HOE N10 32, CHOTA 12D 31
HOE N10 32 Faeythe
CUBE 1L 24 lyndyloo
STOUT 4K 6 gmills0

On 9th draw, OVERBRIM I1 67 --- OVERBRIM to flow over [v]
Other moves: CIVE 1L 27, COVE 1L 27, OVERBITE 5E 26, BOI M11 25, VIREO 12B 25
COVE 1L 27 lyndyloo
CRIB 1L 24 Faeythe
CORE 1L 18 gmills0

On 10th draw, ENGRAFT 13B 30 --- ENGRAFT to graft for propagation [v]
Other tops: FAE 14F 30, FEERING 3G 30, FRAGOR 1E 30, FREEING 3G 30, REGRAFT 13B 30
Other moves: CAFE 1L 27, FANGO 1E 27, GANOF 1F 27, FEAR M12 26, FEG M12 26
CAFE 1L 27 Faeythe
CAGE 1L 21 lyndyloo
RANGER 4D 16 gmills0

On 11th draw, WEEM 14F 38 --- WEEM a subterranean dwelling [n]
Other tops: WEEP 14F 38
Other moves: WEE 14F 35, WOE 14F 35, COMPO 1E 33, COWP 1L 33, POEM M11 31
COW 1H 24 gmills0
COPE 1L 24 Faeythe
COME 1L 24 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, HOKEY B10 46 --- HOKEY false; contrived [adj]
Other moves: KILEY B10 44, YOKEL B10 40, CAKY 1L 39, CHIK 1L 39, COKY 1L 39
CHAY 1L 36 lyndyloo
HOY 1H 27 Faeythe

On 13th draw, FAUNAE A5 32 --- FAUNA the animal life of a particular region [n]
Other moves: FAENA A6 29, FAINE A6 29, FAUNA A6 29, FAAING D8 28, FAAN A8 28
CAFE 1L 27 Faeythe, lyndyloo

On 14th draw, TROAD B2 32 --- TROAD a track [n]
Other moves: PODAL B2 29, PORTAL B1 29, PLOAT B2 27, POLAR B2 27, PORAL B2 27
CLAP 1L 24 Faeythe

On 15th draw, WAZOO 1E 51 --- WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n]
Other tops: WAZOO 1F 51
Other moves: COZE 1L 45, GAZOO 1E 45, GAZOO 1F 45, ZA 7M 44, ZO 7M 44
COZE 1L 45 lyndyloo
ZO 1H 33 Faeythe

On 16th draw, PLIE M11 27 --- PLIE a movement in ballet [n]
Other moves: GLEET M11 26, PEELING 3G 26, CEPE 1L 24, CLIP 1L 24, GEEP C1 24
PEELING 3G 26 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, LEX 2D 56 --- LEX law [n]
Other moves: EX 2E 55, DEX 9K 40, FAXING 5A 34, WEXING E1 34, EX C3 31
WEXING E1 34 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, LENITION D2 68 --- LENITION a change in articulation [n]
Other moves: TENNE 3E 22, ONE 3D 21, NET 3E 20, TEN 3E 20, CENT 1L 18
CENT 1L 18 lyndyloo

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