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Game of June 22, 2011 at 06:21, 4 players
1. 503 pts jimbo
2. 419 pts lyndyloo
3. 213 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiiprw   H4    28    28   wiper
 2. aegiknt   8H   104   132   retaking
 3. ?efirrt   5D    90   222   ferritin
 4. cenorsw   F5    73   295   recrowns
 5. agirsty   N2    90   385   straying
 6. aelptuu   1L    40   425   plea
 7. eillntu   4A    24   449   enlit
 8. ?ahilos   O8    89   538   goliaths
 9. adeeins  11E    86   624   andesine
10. aelmmuu   8A    39   663   lammer
11. abdioou  10I    30   693   abid
12. abeegno  14J    36   729   beegah
13. achntuv  15H    42   771   chant
14. eiruuvx   B1    64   835   vernix
15. nooquyz   7M    42   877   qi
16. dfootuz   4L    40   917   zurf
17. dnoootu  12D    26   943   unsod
18. doootuv   I7    20   963   devas
19. oootuuy   9C    24   987   yo
20. joootuu  13I    26  1013   jot

Remaining tiles: ooouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4635 Filejimbo       2 24:55  -510  503     1.6221 margalang   2  8:46  -800  213 
  2.4756 Filelyndyloo    1 21:45  -594  419            Group: not rated
  3.6221 Filemargalang   2  8:46  -800  213     1.4635 jimbo       2 24:55  -510  503 
  4.  -  Filescrablehed  2  4:04  -844  169     2.4756 lyndyloo    1 21:45  -594  419 
                                             3.  -  scrablehed  2  4:04  -844  169 

On 1st draw, WIPER H4 28 --- WIPER one that wipes [n]
Other moves: PAWER H4 26, PAWER H8 22, WIPER H8 22, PAIRE H4 20, PAWER H5 20
WIPER H4 28 jimbo, margalang
RIPE H6 12 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, RETAKING 8H 104 --- RETAKE to take back [v] --- RETAKING the act or taking again [n]
Other moves: TWEAKING 4G 82, EWKING 4G 28, WAKING 4H 28, KETA I3 24, WAKEN 4H 24
TWEAKING 4G 82 jimbo
TAKING 5E 22 lyndyloo
TAKEN I1 21 margalang

On 3rd draw, FERRITI(N) 5D 90 --- FERRITIN a protein that contains iron [n]
Other tops: FERRITI(C) 5D 90, FIRRIE(S)T 5D 90, FREITI(E)R 5E 90, FR(E)ITIER 5E 90, FR(U)ITIER 5E 90, R(A)TIFIER 5E 90, TERRIFI(C) 5D 90
Other moves: GRIFTER(S) O8 86, FIRRIE(S)T M7 80, R(A)TIFIER M3 80, (D)RIFTIER M6 80, TERRIFI(C) M2 78
FRITTER(S) J4 64 jimbo
REF 7G 20 margalang
FRET(S) 9D 18 lyndyloo

On 4th draw, RECROWNS F5 73 --- RECROWN to crown again [v]
Other moves: CROWNERS F4 67, RECROWNS F2 67, COWER 4A 38, CREWS L1 37, CROWS L1 37
CROWNERS F4 67 jimbo
CROWS L1 37 lyndyloo
CREWS L1 37 margalang

On 5th draw, STRAYING N2 90 --- STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v] --- STRAYING the act of straying [n]
Other moves: STINGRAY 11C 74, STINGRAY N5 66, STAGY 9H 38, YAGIS L1 37, YAGI 4A 34
GRAYS L1 33 margalang
GRISY L2 29 lyndyloo
GRITS L1 27 jimbo

On 6th draw, PLEA 1L 40 --- PLEA an entreaty [n] --- PLEA to dispute in a court [v]
Other moves: PALET 1K 37, PALET 4A 32, LUTEA 1K 31, LEP 1M 28, PALE 4A 28
PLEATS 12A 22 lyndyloo
PLATES 12A 22 margalang
PULSATE 12C 20 jimbo

On 7th draw, ENLIT 4A 24 --- ENLIGHT to shed light on [v]
Other tops: INLET 4A 24, LUNET 4A 24, UNLET 4A 24, UNLIT 4A 24, UNTIE 4A 24
Other moves: LINTER 8A 21, LUNIER 8A 21, TILLER 8A 21, TUNIER 8A 21, UNITER 8A 21
UNFELT D3 20 lyndyloo
TUNES 12B 10 margalang
KILL L8 8 jimbo

On 8th draw, GOLIA(T)HS O8 89 --- GOLIATH a person considered to be a giant [n]
Other moves: HA(P)LOSIS 12A 80, HE(M)IOLAS A3 80, AL(P)HOSIS 12A 74, HE(M)IOLAS I7 74, HO(B)NAILS B1 74
SHIEL(D) A1 24 jimbo
HOLE(S) A1 21 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, ANDESINE 11E 86 --- ANDESINE a feldspar [n]
Other moves: ANISEEDS 15H 80, ANISEED 3E 74, ADENINES B1 72, ANISEEDS 12C 70, ADENINES 11A 68
DINES A1 18 lyndyloo
SNEED A1 18 jimbo

On 10th draw, LAMMER 8A 39 --- LAMMER amber [n]
Other moves: MAMIE M5 34, AEMULE H10 33, MUMU 10H 32, EMULE H11 30, MUMU 10J 30
MEME A1 24 lyndyloo
MEAL L10 12 jimbo

On 11th draw, ABID 10I 30 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: OBIA N11 29, BUDA 10J 28, BUDI 10J 28, BUDO 10J 28, OBIA 10I 28
BIDE A1 21 jimbo
BODE A1 21 lyndyloo

On 12th draw, BEEGAH 14J 36 --- BEEGAH an Indian land measure [n]
Other moves: BEENAH 14J 34, BAGIE M5 30, BOGIE M5 30, WAGONER 4H 28, OBIA M6 27
BONE A1 18 jimbo
BANE A1 18 lyndyloo
BINGO J10 10 scrablehed

On 13th draw, CHANT 15H 42 --- CHANT to recite in a singing manner [v]
Other moves: NUCHA 15F 34, CHAT 15H 33, HAVEN A1 33, CANEH A1 30, CHANTS 12A 30
CAVE A1 27 lyndyloo
CHANT B1 20 scrablehed
LAUNCH A8 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, VERNIX B1 64 --- VERNIX a fatty substance covering the skin of a fetus [n]
Other moves: VEXER A1 45, XI 12L 40, XU 12L 40, SEX 12F 38, SIX 12F 38
XU 12L 40 scrablehed
RIVE A1 21 lyndyloo
AXE B8 12 jimbo

On 15th draw, QI 7M 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI M7 42, QUIZ J3 42
Other moves: QUOIN J2 36, ZOO 2J 36, ONY 12J 34, ZOOTY 3K 34, YUTZ 3L 32
QUIZ J3 42 scrablehed, jimbo, lyndyloo
QI M7 42 margalang

On 16th draw, ZURF 4L 40 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: ZOOID J2 39, ZOO 2J 36, FIZ J4 35, ADZ B8 33, FUTZ 3L 32
ZOO 2J 36 lyndyloo
ADZ B8 33 scrablehed
ZIT J4 14 jimbo

On 17th draw, UNSOD 12D 26 --- UNSOD not sodden [adj]
Other moves: DUOTONE I2 22, DODO G9 20, DONUTS 12A 20, POD 6H 19, MOUTON C8 18
OX 6A 9 jimbo
MOOD C8 8 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, DEVAS I7 20 --- DEVA a Hindu god [n]
Other moves: POD 6H 19, DODO G9 18, DIVOT J4 17, DOO 9B 17, DUO 9B 17
DOT 13B 10 jimbo
OX 6A 9 lyndyloo

On 19th draw, YO 9C 24 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: YO 12L 24, YU 12L 24, YU 9C 24
Other moves: YU 13L 22, TOY 9B 21, YOU 9B 21, OOSY 2L 18, OY 9C 18
YO 9C 24 scrablehed
OX 6A 9 jimbo
LOOT A8 4 lyndyloo

On 20th draw, JOT 13I 26 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: JOR G3 23, JOT I3 23, JO 13I 22, JOG M12 22, JOT 13B 22
JET 2A 10 lyndyloo
LOOT A8 4 jimbo

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