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Game of June 22, 2011 at 11:42, 12 players
1. 692 pts PIThompson
2. 561 pts pandora1._
3. 557 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acdeel   H2    74    74   declare
 2. deiorvw   8A    98   172   overwide
 3. ehoprtv   3C    32   204   throve
 4. ?bekntx   C8    40   244   extern
 5. abdnsuw   2D    34   278   saw
 6. aabejmt   1A    42   320   abeam
 7. aimnrtu   5E    36   356   murlain
 8. aeijnot  14B    41   397   jeton
 9. aeiortt   K3    58   455   tentoria
10. aeghiot  15E    37   492   hoagie
11. defosty  14J    51   543   festy
12. cdgilop  11J    34   577   clip
13. degnouz   N8    44   621   dozen
14. dklopru   O7    40   661   kop
15. adefgir  12L    34   695   fang
16. adelouu   B7    22   717   uvea
17. deiloru   9F    24   741   dirl
18. binoqsu   L1    64   805   quins
19. einrsuy   1L    48   853   quey
20. bgilnos  15A    38   891   bos

Remaining tiles: giilnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7416 FilePIThompson  5 19:15  -199  692     1.7416 PIThompson  5 19:15  -199  692 
  2.5341 Filepandora1._  1 26:19  -330  561            Group: intermediate
  3.6626 Fileyab         3 23:50  -334  557     1.6626 yab         3 23:50  -334  557 
  4.5970 Fileksong       1 26:27  -392  499            Group: novice
  5.5589 FileJennyB      0 23:03  -467  424     1.5341 pandora1._  1 26:19  -330  561 
  6.5163 Fileneyetifu    0 14:08  -676  215     2.5970 ksong       1 26:27  -392  499 
  7.  -  Filestrykyster  0 11:26  -742  149     3.5589 JennyB      0 23:03  -467  424 
  8.5094 Fileworsie      1  6:28  -761  130     4.5163 neyetifu    0 14:08  -676  215 
  9.4646 Filejimbo       0  6:02  -797   94     5.5094 worsie      1  6:28  -761  130 
 10.3892 Filemanfred     1  2:43  -841   50            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Fileharaya      0  3:26  -844   47     1.  -  strykyster  0 11:26  -742  149 
 12.  -  Filelove4life   0  1:12  -888    3     2.4646 jimbo       0  6:02  -797   94 
                                             3.3892 manfred     1  2:43  -841   50 
                                             4.  -  haraya      0  3:26  -844   47 
                                             5.  -  love4life   0  1:12  -888    3 

On 1st draw, DECLA(R)E H2 74 --- DECLARE to make known clearly [v]
Other tops: CADEL(L)E H4 74, CADE(L)LE H4 74, CLEA(N)ED H4 74, CLEA(R)ED H4 74, CLEA(T)ED H4 74, CLEA(V)ED H4 74, C(R)EEDAL H4 74, DECALE(D) H2 74, DE(B)ACLE H8 74, ELA(N)CED H8 74, E(N)LACED H8 74, (B)ELACED H8 74, (D)ECALED H2 74, (R)ELACED H8 74
Other moves: CADEL(L)E H2 72, CADE(L)LE H2 72, CLEA(N)ED H6 72, CLEA(R)ED H6 72, CLEA(T)ED H6 72
CLEA(R)ED H4 24 PIThompson
CLEA(N)ED H4 24 ksong
(R)ELACED H8 24 yab
DE(S)CALE H4 22 pandora1._
CA(N)DLE H8 18 neyetifu
CLEA(N) H8 12 JennyB

On 2nd draw, OVERWIDE 8A 98 --- OVERWIDE too wide [adj]
Other moves: OVERWIDE 3F 90, OVERWIDE 3A 84, OVERWIDE 8F 67, DOWLIER 5E 44, DOWDIER 2H 40
OVERWIDE 8A 48 PIThompson
DIVORCE 4C 26 yab
VOW G1 25 ksong
DROVE 9H 21 JennyB
DRIVE 9H 21 neyetifu
REVIEW 3G 17 pandora1._

On 3rd draw, THROVE 3C 32 --- THRIVE to grow vigorously [v]
Other tops: THROVE C3 32
Other moves: THORPE 3C 28, THORPE C3 28, PEH G1 24, PEH I1 24, PHEW E5 24
POH I1 24 PIThompson
HOVER B6 21 pandora1._, ksong
HE 7C 20 neyetifu
PRAT 6F 12 JennyB

On 4th draw, EXTE(R)N C8 40 --- EXTERN a non-resident of an institution [n]
Other tops: EXE(U)NT C8 40, EXTEN(D) C8 40, EXTEN(T) C8 40, EXT(I)NE C8 40, EX(T)ENT C8 40
Other moves: E(E)K 2D 38, E(U)K 2D 38, (E)EK 2D 38, BEA(U)X 6F 35, KN(E)E 4A 35
KN(E)E 4A 35 PIThompson
HEX D3 26 ksong, JennyB
BL(A)NKET 5G 24 yab
BOXE(S) F2 19 pandora1._

On 5th draw, SAW 2D 34 --- SAW to cut or divide with a saw (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AW 2E 28, SAB 2D 28, SNAW 14C 28, SUB 2D 28, SWAB 14C 28
SAW 2D 34 PIThompson
SWAB 14C 28 yab
WAS 14A 25 ksong, pandora1._, neyetifu
SWAB 9H 23 JennyB

On 6th draw, ABEAM 1A 42 --- ABEAM at right angles to the keel of a ship [adv]
Other moves: ABEAM 4A 39, JAVA B6 39, JEAT 4B 39, JA(R)TA 12A 38, BEMATA 14B 37
JAVA B6 39 ksong
JA(R)TA 12A 38 PIThompson
BEAT 4B 29 pandora1._
JADE G6 25 yab
JA(R) 12A 17 JennyB, neyetifu

On 7th draw, MURLAIN 5E 36 --- MURLAIN a basket [n]
Other moves: VAIN B8 24, VAIR B8 24, VAUT B8 24, ARM 9G 23, ARUM 9G 22
VAIN B8 24 PIThompson
ARM 9G 23 pandora1._
MA 2A 20 neyetifu
MA(R)TIN 12A 20 JennyB, ksong
DECLA(R)ER H2 10 yab

On 8th draw, JETON 14B 41 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JIVE B6 39, JETON 6B 38, JEAN 14B 35, JEAT 14B 35, JEON 14B 35
JIVE B6 39 ksong, pandora1._
JETON 6B 38 PIThompson
(R)EJOIN 12C 26 JennyB
JET 6D 20 yab
RIOT D8 17 neyetifu

On 9th draw, TENTORIA K3 58 --- TENTORIUM the internal skeleton of the head of an insect [n]
Other moves: VAIRE B8 26, ARETT 15D 25, IRATE 15D 25, ORATE 15D 25, TERTIA 9F 24
VAIRE B8 26 PIThompson
ROTATE 15E 22 yab
TART 9F 22 pandora1._
TORE 9F 22 neyetifu
TO 15A 15 ksong, JennyB

On 10th draw, HOAGIE 15E 37 --- HOAGIE a long sandwich [n]
Other tops: HOGTIE 15E 37
Other moves: GATH J7 36, GOTH J7 36, HOVEA B6 34, OATH J7 34, ARIGHT 8J 33
HOGTIE 15E 37 yab
OATH J7 34 PIThompson
RIGHT 8K 30 pandora1._
HATE J10 28 JennyB
HEAT 15E 28 neyetifu
HO 15A 24 ksong

On 11th draw, FESTY 14J 51 --- FESTY (Australian slang) very bad [adj]
Other moves: FEODS 14J 47, FEODS L1 44, DRYEST 8J 42, YOS 15A 41, FEY 4B 40
DRYEST 8J 42 yab
YOS 15A 41 pandora1._
FROSTY 8J 39 JennyB, PIThompson, strykyster
YES 14J 27 neyetifu
DEFY L10 25 ksong

On 12th draw, CLIP 11J 34 --- CLIP to trim by cutting [v]
Other tops: CLOP 11J 34, DOLCI 11I 34, LOGIC 11K 34
Other moves: CLOD 11J 32, CLOG 11J 32, COLD 11I 32, GLOP 11J 32, GOLP 11I 32
CLOP 6C 28 PIThompson
COP 6D 27 ksong
VOID B8 26 pandora1._
PO 15A 21 yab, JennyB
TENTORIAL K3 18 strykyster

On 13th draw, DOZEN N8 44 --- DOZEN to stun [v] --- DOZEN twelve [n]
Other tops: ZE(R)O 12A 44
Other moves: DOZE N8 43, ADOZE 10K 42, ZED N10 42, ZO 15A 42, DOZE 12L 40
ZE(R)O 12A 44 PIThompson
ZO 15A 42 yab, JennyB, pandora1._

On 14th draw, KOP O7 40 --- KOP a hill [n]
Other moves: KUDO O5 36, PUDOR O5 35, DROP O6 34, PLOD O6 33, PROD O6 33
KOP O7 40 PIThompson
KUDO O5 36 yab
DROP O6 34 JennyB
PROD O6 33 pandora1._
POD O7 30 ksong
WORK E8 22 haraya
DECLA(R)ED H2 11 strykyster

On 15th draw, FANG 12L 34 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [n] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other tops: FAND 12L 34, FEND 12L 34, FIND 12L 34
Other moves: DEAF L1 32, DEIF L1 32, FADE 9F 30, FANE 12L 30, FARD 9F 30
FRAE L1 28 yab
FADER 6B 27 PIThompson
FIVE B6 27 pandora1._
FI(R)ED 12A 24 ksong
EF 15N 20 jimbo
DEAF 4J 19 worsie
EAGER 4K 14 strykyster
IDEA F8 7 haraya

On 16th draw, UVEA B7 22 --- UVEA a layer of the eye [n]
Other tops: UVAE B7 22
Other moves: ADO 9G 21, ALOUD M5 21, CADEE 4H 21, DEVA B6 21, DOVE B6 21
DOVE B6 21 PIThompson, pandora1._
DEAL L1 20 ksong
DA 15A 18 yab
DO 15A 18 worsie, JennyB
WOULD E8 18 haraya
WADE E8 16 strykyster
DEAL 4J 13 jimbo

On 17th draw, DIRL 9F 24 --- DIRL to tremble [v]
Other tops: DERO 9F 24, DIRE 9F 24, DORE 9F 24
Other moves: DOR 9F 22, LEIRED 11B 22, OROIDE A8 22, CEDER 4H 21, DOOLE A6 21
ODOUR A8 21 PIThompson
ODE 9G 21 yab
DO 15A 18 worsie, pandora1._, ksong
WORD E8 16 JennyB, strykyster
WILD E8 16 jimbo

On 18th draw, QUINS L1 64 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QUIN L1 52, BOS 15A 38, SEQUIN 11B 38, QUINOS A4 37, SEQUIN 4J 34
QUINS L1 64 PIThompson, yab
SEQUIN 4J 34 pandora1._
QUIN A10 26 JennyB
BEN 4J 14 ksong
DECLA(R)ERS H2 11 worsie
TIN 3K 6 strykyster
GU O12 3 love4life

On 19th draw, QUEY 1L 48 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: REQUIN 1J 45, SEQUIN 1J 45, QUIN 1L 39, SEY 4B 34, STYRE 6J 34
QUEY 1L 48 worsie, yab
SEQUIN 1J 45 ksong, PIThompson, jimbo
SEY 4B 34 pandora1._
PASTY M11 20 strykyster
IN M1 15 JennyB
QIS 1L 12 manfred

On 20th draw, BOS 15A 38 --- BO a pal [n]
Other moves: GOS 15A 35, IOS 15A 32, LOS 15A 32, NOS 15A 32, BINGOS A4 25
BOS 15A 38 PIThompson, manfred, ksong, pandora1._
BO 15A 21 yab
BO(R)N 12A 16 worsie
BONG A10 13 JennyB
BLING H11 9 strykyster

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