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Game sheet of SuperH (file), Game of June 22, 2011 at 15:37

Word find
Word played
1 ?ALOSTY             O(U)TLAYS H7 76 76  
2 AIKLRSW             SKAILS 13H 30 106  
3 ?AAEERY             LAYERA(G)E 10H 68 174  
4 ACENPQW             PAWNCE O5 39 213  
5 AEILOTW             OWT 14I 35 248  
6 ADDENRU             DAUNERED K4 90 338  
7 ACEISTU TEA 15G 16 -24 16 4/5 CESTUI 15D 40 378 8/8
8 DEFGNRU FER L8 21 -11 37 2/6 ENUF N3 32 410 8/8
9 LMOQRTU MOT M3 25 -7 62 3/6 QORMA 11D 32 442 7/8
10 AELNOOR LONE M1 14 -15 76 2/4 LOANER L3 29 471 6/8
11 DEIMNST MID 12C 37 -31 113 3/6 MISTEND G1 68 539 6/9
12 ADEEITV VIDE 12C 43 -35 156 2/6 IDEATIVE 2B 78 617 4/9
13 EFIINOU FINE 12C 40 -4 196 1/6 FENI 12A 44 661 4/9
14 BHIILOR HO J6 30 -4 226 2/6 BOH J6 34 695 4/9
15 AGHIRTU AH O2 10 -28 236 6/6 GHAT 1A 38 733 4/9
16 EIOPRRV FIVE A12 30 -43 266 3/5 OVERRIPE B5 73 806 4/9
17 EGIJLUX FLUX A12 42 -18 308 5/6 GREX 8A 60 866 4/9
18 BGIJLOZ ZA M9 21 -31 329 5/5 BLITZ 4D 52 918 4/9
19 GIIJOOU             FUJI A12 42 960 4/9

Total: 329/960 or -631 for 34.27%
Rank: 5819

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