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Game of June 22, 2011 at 17:53, 12 players
1. 625 pts PIThompson
2. 447 pts rn.roselle
3. 443 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegiooy   H4    30    30   yogic
 2. acdhlru   4B    32    62   duarchy
 3. ?deimst   E4    90   152   readmits
 4. aaefimr   8A    33   185   fraim
 5. abdnost   F6    44   229   basto
 6. aeeesty   3B    27   256   aye
 7. adegstv   2B    41   297   gated
 8. eefiotw   1E    41   338   wefte
 9. aehilst   2I    79   417   halites
10. aeinnow   O2    33   450   swannie
11. aoortuv   L1    26   476   viator
12. eeinoos   K2    22   498   lesion
13. eilnoqu   C8    52   550   aquilon
14. bglopru   J6    31   581   bourg
15. ?eeilmp   N6    76   657   implete
16. ejlnouv  12A    38   695   jole
17. aenoprz  12L    50   745   prez
18. delnruv  A12    42   787   juve
19. adiknrx  O11    46   833   izard

Remaining tiles: klnnox

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7420 FilePIThompson  7 22:39  -208  625     1.7420 PIThompson  7 22:39  -208  625 
  2.6451 Filern.roselle  3 19:15  -386  447     2.7014 musdrive    2 12:17  -502  331 
  3.6424 Filesunshine12  1 19:20  -390  443            Group: intermediate
  4.6433 FileDavina      2  9:54  -487  346     1.6451 rn.roselle  3 19:15  -386  447 
  5.7014 Filemusdrive    2 12:17  -502  331     2.6424 sunshine12  1 19:20  -390  443 
  6.6491 FileSuperH      2  9:43  -530  303     3.6433 Davina      2  9:54  -487  346 
  7.5079 Filenarisa      0 13:01  -599  234     4.6491 SuperH      2  9:43  -530  303 
  8.6015 Filejeff        0 12:10  -635  198     5.6015 jeff        0 12:10  -635  198 
  9.6833 Filemylover81   2  5:55  -676  157     6.6833 mylover81   2  5:55  -676  157 
 10.5693 FileFaeythe     0  8:05  -686  147            Group: novice
 11.  -  Filekeledi      0  9:35  -757   76     1.5079 narisa      0 13:01  -599  234 
 12.5244 FileOasthouse1  0  3:15  -762   71     2.5693 Faeythe     0  8:05  -686  147 
                                             3.5244 Oasthouse1  0  3:15  -762   71 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  keledi      0  9:35  -757   76 

On 1st draw, YOGIC H4 30 --- YOGIC pertaining to yoga [adj]
Other moves: COOEY H8 28, YOGIC H8 28, COOEY H4 26, GOOEY H8 26, COGIE H4 22
COOEY H8 28 sunshine12, PIThompson
GOOEY H8 26 musdrive
GOOEY H4 22 narisa
COY H6 16 rn.roselle
COGIE H5 16 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, DUARCHY 4B 32 --- DUARCHY government by two powers [n]
Other moves: ARCHLY 4C 28, DUCHY 4D 28, CHARY 4D 26, CHORDAL 5F 26, DAH G5 26
DAH G5 26 sunshine12, PIThompson
DUH G5 26 Faeythe, musdrive
HARDY 4D 24 rn.roselle
HOARD 5G 18 narisa
CHAIR 7E 12 keledi

On 3rd draw, RE(A)DMITS E4 90 --- READMIT to admit again [v]
Other moves: D(O)MESTIC 8A 89, MODE(L)IST 5G 77, MODISTE(S) 5G 77, MODI(S)TES 5G 77, MO(L)DIEST 5G 77
DIME 3A 27 sunshine12
M(U)DDIEST B2 26 musdrive
MUD(D)IEST C3 24 PIThompson
ME 5D 16 rn.roselle
MIDGETS 6E 15 Faeythe
DICES F2 14 narisa
MIST 7G 10 keledi

On 4th draw, FRAIM 8A 33 --- FRAIM a stranger [n]
Other moves: FAME 3A 31, CAMA F4 28, CAME F4 28, FEM 3A 27, FEM D6 27
FRAIM 8A 33 PIThompson
FAME 3A 31 sunshine12
CAME F4 28 musdrive
MAID B1 14 narisa
FIRM 8B 10 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, BASTO F6 44 --- BASTO the ace of clubs in the game of quadrille [n]
Other moves: BAST F6 37, BAS F6 34, BOS F6 34, ROBANDS B8 32, DOST F6 31
BASTO F6 44 rn.roselle
BOS F6 34 sunshine12
SNOT F8 25 narisa
SCAB F3 25 PIThompson, musdrive
*B*S D11 14 Davina

On 6th draw, AYE 3B 27 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: EYE 3B 27
Other moves: SAY 3A 25, SEY 3A 25, TAY 3A 25, AY 3B 23, YA 3C 22
AYE 3B 27 musdrive, Davina
EYE 3B 27 PIThompson
TAY 3A 25 rn.roselle
YEED B1 16 narisa
TOAST 10E 5 keledi

On 7th draw, GATED 2B 41 --- GATE to supply with a gate (a movable barrier) [v]
Other moves: GASTED 2B 39, SATED 2B 37, DATES 2B 35, GATES 2B 35, SAVAGED C7 34
GATED 2B 41 PIThompson
SAVAGED C7 34 musdrive
VADED B2 28 narisa
AVES D11 16 Davina
AD 2A 16 rn.roselle
AG 2A 16 sunshine12
AHS G3 9 Faeythe
ADDS B3 8 keledi

On 8th draw, WEFTE 1E 41 --- WEFTE a waif [n]
Other moves: WEFT 1E 38, WIFE 1E 38, WOF I5 30, FEET 1E 29, FETE 1E 29
WIFE 1E 38 musdrive, PIThompson, rn.roselle, Oasthouse1, sunshine12
WEFT 1E 38 Davina
WOF I5 30 Faeythe
EWE 1F 21 narisa

On 9th draw, HALITES 2I 79 --- HALITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: HELIAST 2I 79
Other moves: HALITES I8 69, HELIAST I8 69, SHEILA 2I 36, SHELTA 2I 36, THALIS 2I 36
HALITES C7 30 musdrive, PIThompson
SHEAL J1 28 sunshine12
SHE J1 26 rn.roselle
AH 7B 20 SuperH
SHALT I7 20 Faeythe

On 10th draw, SWANNIE O2 33 --- SWANNIE in New Zealand, a heavy all-weather woollen shirt [n]
Other moves: AWE 1M 31, AINE 1L 28, WANE 3J 27, WINE 3J 27, WINO 3J 27
SWANNIE O2 33 musdrive
AWE 1M 31 rn.roselle, Faeythe, PIThompson, SuperH
WINE L1 22 Oasthouse1, Davina, jeff
SNOW O2 8 keledi

On 11th draw, VIATOR L1 26 --- VIATOR a traveller [n]
Other moves: VIRTU L1 24, VITA L1 22, OVATOR 9J 21, VAR 9M 21, VOR 9M 21
VIRTU L1 24 SuperH, PIThompson
VITA L1 22 musdrive, Davina
VOR 9M 21 jeff
VIA L1 10 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, LESION K2 22 --- LESION an abnormal change in the structure of an organ or tissue [n] --- LESION to cause an abnormal change in the structure of an organ [v]
Other moves: NOISE N4 19, NOOSE N4 19, IONISE 7H 18, SAINE J1 17, ENES 9L 16
NOISE N4 19 PIThompson
TEEN M2 16 musdrive
ONES 9L 16 rn.roselle, jeff, sunshine12
SOON K5 14 Davina
SWANNIES O2 11 Oasthouse1

On 13th draw, AQUILON C8 52 --- AQUILON the north wind [n]
Other moves: QI 1A 39, REQUIN B8 35, ROQUE B8 34, NOULE N4 19, FIQUE A8 18
QI 1A 39 PIThompson
REQUIN B8 35 sunshine12
ROQUE B8 34 jeff, SuperH
QI 7N 11 Davina

On 14th draw, BOURG J6 31 --- BOURG a medieval town [n]
Other moves: BURP J6 27, BOP J6 26, BURG J6 26, BOG J6 25, BUG J6 25
BOURG J6 31 SuperH, PIThompson
BURP J6 27 Davina
BOP J6 26 jeff
PUB B13 22 rn.roselle
POLL 12A 18 mylover81
PURE 8L 9 keledi
GU 10B 7 sunshine12

On 15th draw, IMPLE(T)E N6 76 --- IMPLETE to fill [v]
Other tops: EPI(B)LEM N8 76
Other moves: EPI(B)LEM M6 69, POLEMI(S)E 13B 63, POLEMI(Z)E 13B 63, (S)EMPLE 15C 46, (S)IMPLE 15C 46
(S)IMPLE 15C 46 PIThompson
LI(S)P 15A 40 jeff
MI(S)E 15A 34 rn.roselle
PI(S)E 15A 34 mylover81
PELE B11 24 SuperH
P(A)LM 12A 20 Davina
M(A)P B13 18 sunshine12
TEAM D2 10 keledi

On 16th draw, JOLE 12A 38 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other tops: JELL 12A 38, JOLL 12A 38
Other moves: UNLOVE 14B 34, JEU B13 33, JOE B13 33, JOL B13 33, JUN B13 33
JOLE 12A 38 Davina, rn.roselle, PIThompson
JELL 12A 38 mylover81
JOE B13 33 SuperH, sunshine12
JOL(T) 11K 20 jeff
VOL(T)E 11K 14 keledi

On 17th draw, PREZ 12L 50 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: AZON O12 45, NAZE O12 45, RAZE O12 45, OOZE B11 43, PANZER M10 41
PREZ 12L 50 PIThompson
RAZE O12 45 narisa
JAPE A12 39 Davina, SuperH, rn.roselle, sunshine12

On 18th draw, JUVE A12 42 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: JURE A12 33, DALE J1 24, ED 13M 22, DONER B11 21, LODEN B11 21
JUVE A12 42 SuperH, mylover81, PIThompson, rn.roselle, sunshine12
JURE A12 33 Davina
ZED O12 13 narisa

On 19th draw, IZARD O11 46 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: AX B14 39, XI 1A 33, DAK J1 28, DA 13N 26, XU 10B 25
XI 1A 33 PIThompson
XU 10B 25 Davina, sunshine12, SuperH, mylover81
AX D14 19 jeff
EX D12 18 narisa

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