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Game sheet of ZEHAVARON (file), Game of June 22, 2011 at 19:29

Word find
Word played
1 AJNOORT JAR H7 20 -2 20 5/6 JATO H6 22 22 5/6
2 ?CEIKST JEST 6H 13 -91 33 7/7 T(H)ICKEST 8H 104 126 5/7
3 DHIOSTY SKY L7 10 -26 43 8/8 ISOHYET M3 36 162 6/8
4 AEILNPU PILE J7 8 -25 51 9/9 ALPINE L1 33 195 6/9
5 AEELOSU AULA 1L 12 -11 63 9/9 LEASE 10J 23 218 6/10
6 ADEOSUU DOUSE O10 14 -11 77 7/9 SAD(H)E I5 25 243 6/10
7 EHORUWX HOAXER 1J 48   125 3/9       291 6/10
8 AGLNORT RANT O10 11 -17 136 6/8 ORACLE K5 28 319 6/11
9 AAEGIOR TIRAGE O8 15 -5 151 2/8 AGORAE 2E 20 339 6/11
10 ?LNPTUV PANT E1 6 -24 157 8/9 (E)RUV H1 30 369 6/11
11 ADFIRTU DRIFT O10 17 -24 174 6/8   1A 41 410 6/11
12 ADILNUW DAWN O10 19 -21 193 6/9 WADI 11I 40 450 6/11
13 DEEIINR DINER O10 14 -17 207 8/9 DENIER O10 31 481 6/11
14 BERTUVY TRUE G9 9 -29 216 7/8 REBURY B1 38 519 6/11
15 BENNOTV TYE 6A 6 -25 222 10/10 BONNET A6 31 550 6/12
16 CIMNOOW MINOR 15K 8 -20 230 9/9 MOWN 12L 28 578 7/12
17 FILMNQU QUAD 7F 15 -36 245 11/12 FILUM B10 51 629 7/13
18 ACEIIOT MEAT 14B 6 -22 251 11/11 COATEE 14J 28 657 7/13
19 GINPUVZ LUNG 12B 10 -22 261 7/9 UNZIP 13B 32 689 8/13
20 GGINQUV QUAD 7F 15 -31 276 12/12 QUIN 4A 46 735 8/14

Total: 276/735 or -459 for 37.55%
Rank: 4090

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