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Game of June 22, 2011 at 21:04, 10 players
1. 540 pts sunshine12
2. 528 pts jeff
3. 490 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eloosyy   H8    26    26   looeys
 2. egiinrs  10B    63    89   seignior
 3. ?dfinst   C7    82   171   infested
 4. aennorw   E5    44   215   nonwage
 5. aegmqtv   D4    28   243   qat
 6. deeirtv   B2    80   323   verdite
 7. aeelrtu  13F    70   393   resalute
 8. ?agiikt   A8    39   432   ka
 9. ?iloprt   5D    70   502   antipolar
10. bdeefoo   L3    80   582   forebode
11. adilstz  12A    46   628   zati
12. giimops  A12    45   673   zips
13. deemmoo  11J    36   709   modem
14. eilnnrt  14J    24   733   inert
15. abghjlu   G7    45   778   haji
16. alnoruu   M1    20   798   luau
17. accenor  15D    95   893   conacre
18. abgiwxy   1K    51   944   bylaw
19. gghiuvx   2J    29   973   xi

Remaining tiles: gghuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6436 Filesunshine12  4 22:29  -433  540     1.6436 sunshine12  4 22:29  -433  540 
  2.6064 Filejeff        3 23:30  -445  528     2.6064 jeff        3 23:30  -445  528 
  3.6459 FileDavina      3 14:09  -483  490     3.6459 Davina      3 14:09  -483  490 
  4.5458 Filesabs        3 19:11  -515  458     4.6511 SuperH      1  0:56  -944   29 
  5.4517 FileAndy1990    1 11:34  -701  272     5.6126 dannyboy    0  0:44  -963   10 
  6.3877 Filepickrose    0 15:58  -722  251            Group: novice
  7.5091 Filenaomiari    1  9:35  -734  239     1.5458 sabs        3 19:11  -515  458 
  8.5964 FileKlonimous   0  2:22  -938   35     2.5091 naomiari    1  9:35  -734  239 
  9.6511 FileSuperH      1  0:56  -944   29     3.5964 Klonimous   0  2:22  -938   35 
 10.6126 Filedannyboy    0  0:44  -963   10            Group: not rated
                                             1.4517 Andy1990    1 11:34  -701  272 
                                             2.3877 pickrose    0 15:58  -722  251 

On 1st draw, LOOEYS H8 26 --- LOOEY a lieutenant of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: LOOEY H8 24, SOOEY H8 24, LOOEYS H3 20, LOOEYS H4 20, LOOEYS H7 20
SLEY H7 14 sunshine12
LYES H8 14 Davina
LOOSE H4 12 sabs
SLY H7 12 jeff

On 2nd draw, SEIGNIOR 10B 63 --- SEIGNIOR a feudal lord [n]
Other moves: SEIGNIOR 9B 62, RESILING 8D 60, RIESLING 8D 60, GRIESIE 11E 32, GIRNIE G9 27
SYRINGE 12G 22 jeff
SINGERS 13H 18 Davina
EYING 12G 9 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, INFEST(E)D C7 82 --- INFEST to overrun in large numbers [v]
Other moves: F(E)NDIEST C5 63, O(U)TFINDS 9H 63, (U)NSIFTED C4 63, INF(E)STED C4 62, F(A)DINGS E5 44
INFEST(E)D C7 32 jeff
FINDS J6 31 sabs
SIFT(E)D J10 23 sunshine12
FIST(E)D D9 18 Davina
IF G10 10 dannyboy

On 4th draw, NONWAGE E5 44 --- NONWAGE not including or involving wages (money paid for work or services) [adj]
Other moves: NONWAR 8A 39, WINNER G9 33, WINNA G9 32, ANEW D12 30, ANOW D12 30
WANNER 8A 30 Davina, jeff
RENOWN 8A 30 sabs
WONNER 8A 30 sunshine12

On 5th draw, QAT D4 28 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: MAE F6 28
Other moves: GAME F4 27, TAME F4 26, GAM F4 24, GEM F4 24, TEAM F3 24
QAT D4 28 sabs, jeff
MAE F6 28 sunshine12
GAME F4 27 Davina
SAVE 13H 8 pickrose

On 6th draw, VERDITE B2 80 --- VERDITE green mica [n]
Other moves: RIVETED B1 79, VERDITE F1 75, VERDITE G2 65, VINEW 8A 36, EVITED F1 33
EVITED F1 33 sunshine12
RENEW 8A 27 jeff
STRIVED 13H 24 pickrose
VIED F2 20 Davina
VIN 8A 18 sabs

On 7th draw, RESALUTE 13F 70 --- RESALUTE to salute again [v] --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other moves: RENEW 8A 27, SAETER B10 23, SAUREL B10 23, SEATER B10 23, LAREE F4 22
RENEW 8A 27 jeff
RELET F2 17 sunshine12
STEALER 13H 16 Davina
ATE I12 12 sabs
LATER 8H 6 pickrose

On 8th draw, KA A8 39 --- KA the spiritual self of a human being in Egyptian religion [n] --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: KI A8 39
Other moves: K(A) A8 36, K(I) A8 36, K(O) A8 36, K(Y) A8 36, KAI(N)G F2 33
KA A8 39 sunshine12, sabs
KI A8 39 jeff
KIT G9 25 Davina
TOK(E) 6D 17 pickrose
TAKE M10 8 Andy1990

On 9th draw, ANTIPOL(A)R 5D 70 --- ANTIPOLAR [adj]
Other moves: PORTLI(E)R I3 66, PLOT(T)IER M7 63, PLO(T)TIER M7 63, PORTLIE(R) M7 63, TOPLI(N)ER M7 63
PO(O) F6 27 sunshine12
TRIP F3 26 sabs
POOL(E)R 9G 21 Davina
LI(S)P N11 18 jeff
PORT(A)L L10 16 pickrose
PORT L10 12 Andy1990

On 10th draw, FOREBODE L3 80 --- FOREBODE to indicate in advance [v]
Other moves: FORBODE L3 30, BEFORE L1 28, BOOED 4K 27, BEDE 4I 26, DEBE 4I 26
BODE N11 24 Davina, sunshine12
DEF N13 24 jeff
FREED L4 22 sabs
BREED L4 20 Andy1990, pickrose

On 11th draw, ZATI 12A 46 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZITS 12A 46
Other moves: ZIT G9 45, ADZ 11K 42, ZATI K8 42, ZITS K8 42, ZITS N10 42
ZITS 12A 46 Davina
ZIT G9 45 sunshine12
ZOIST 8K 42 jeff
ZAS M2 36 sabs
FIZ 3L 30 Andy1990, naomiari
SOLID 8K 18 pickrose

On 12th draw, ZIPS A12 45 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other moves: ZIGS A12 42, GIMPS 12K 33, GISMO 11J 31, MISGO 11J 31, SPIM 12L 30
ZIPS A12 45 naomiari, sunshine12, jeff, Davina, Andy1990
P*MS 14K 26 sabs
STOP L12 18 pickrose

On 13th draw, MODEM 11J 36 --- MODEM a device for converting signals from one form to another [n] --- MODEM to transmit by modem (a device for converting signals from one form to another) [v]
Other moves: MODEM M6 32, MODE 11J 30, MODEM 8K 30, MODEM N11 30, MODEM 14K 29
MODEM 8K 30 Davina, Andy1990, jeff
MODEM N11 30 sunshine12
MED M2 25 sabs
FEED 3L 16 pickrose, naomiari

On 14th draw, INERT 14J 24 --- INERT passive [adj] --- INERT something that lacks active properties [n]
Other tops: ARET B12 24
Other moves: LENITE M6 23, NERINE M6 23, NERITE M6 23, NERINE 6G 21, NERITE 6G 21
TEN M2 18 sabs
LONER 8K 15 pickrose
TONER 8K 15 jeff
RONTE 8K 15 sunshine12
FINE 3L 14 Davina
FIRN 3L 14 Andy1990
FLIT 3L 14 naomiari

On 15th draw, HAJI G7 45 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: JAB 15H 41, JIB G9 41, JAB M2 38, JAG 15H 37, JUG 15H 37
JAB 15H 41 jeff, naomiari
JIB G9 41 Davina, sunshine12
JAB M2 38 sabs
J(A)B K4 24 Andy1990
AH 15N 17 Klonimous
JIG G4 11 pickrose

On 16th draw, LUAU M1 20 --- LUAU a Hawaiian feast [n]
Other tops: ANOLE M7 20, LOAN M1 20, ROAN M1 20, ULAN M1 20, UNAU M1 20, URAO M1 20, URNFUL 3I 20
Other moves: ARF 9A 19, VERDITERS B2 19, ANOLE 6H 18, LAR M2 18, LORAN 15F 18
LOAN M1 20 sabs
RAN M2 18 Klonimous
LOAN 15G 15 Davina
ROAN 15G 15 sunshine12
FLAN 3L 14 Andy1990
FOUL 3L 14 naomiari
RAN 15M 14 jeff
FAR 3L 12 pickrose

On 17th draw, CONACRE 15D 95 --- CONACRE to sublet [v]
Other moves: CROC 15L 46, CORACLE 1H 42, CRAN 15L 40, CONCEAL 1G 36, CANCEL 1H 33
CROC 15L 46 sunshine12
CLAN 1L 27 Davina, naomiari, pickrose, jeff
CLON 1L 27 Andy1990
RACE 15G 21 sabs

On 18th draw, BYLAW 1K 51 --- BYLAW a secondary law [n]
Other moves: BAWTY F2 41, GYM J9 38, BAWR I7 36, BILGY 1K 36, BLAW 1L 36
LAX 1M 30 pickrose, Andy1990, sabs, Davina, sunshine12
AX 15N 29 jeff
YEX 3A 26 naomiari

On 19th draw, XI 2J 29 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: HI 10N 28, UH B14 27, HEX 3A 26, VEX 3A 26, XI 6I 24
XI 2J 29 Davina, SuperH, sunshine12
VEX 3A 26 sabs
HEX 3A 26 naomiari, jeff
EX 3B 18 Andy1990
HOX 8K 13 pickrose

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