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Game of June 23, 2011 at 01:38, 5 players
1. 408 pts ceosickey
2. 367 pts tonikay
3. 347 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefiopt   H3    22    22   opiate
 2. amnowxy   I1    45    67   myxo
 3. ?abfnrt   1D    48   115   ferbam
 4. ghinoru   G3    36   151   hug
 5. aeiirst   9C    69   220   airiest
 6. ?hjmrtu   8A    51   271   mutha
 7. adeenuy  10C    33   304   yeed
 8. aderswz   E4    44   348   redwares
 9. adeejot   D3    34   382   jade
10. abdeoot  11E    22   404   seaboot
11. egilnsu   A8    86   490   mulesing
12. aelnnor  12G    27   517   ronnel
13. efinrtt  13C    34   551   treif
14. aacilno  10J    30   581   canola
15. aaiostw   O9    33   614   waiatas
16. gilnopz   9K    53   667   poz
17. ilnqruv  14K    28   695   quina
18. cdeiilr  15H    32   727   cedi
19. egiknrv   2I    34   761   yerking

Remaining tiles: lovv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6614 Fileceosickey   0 18:21  -353  408     1.6614 ceosickey   0 18:21  -353  408 
  2.4150 Filetonikay     1 21:50  -394  367            Group: not rated
  3.4584 FileLucylulu    0 22:45  -414  347     1.4150 tonikay     1 21:50  -394  367 
  4.  -  FileAJ0711      0 19:24  -515  246     2.4584 Lucylulu    0 22:45  -414  347 
  5.  -  FileDarkswan    0  2:29  -738   23     3.  -  AJ0711      0 19:24  -515  246 
                                             4.  -  Darkswan    0  2:29  -738   23 

On 1st draw, OPIATE H3 22 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: PATIO H4 20, PIETA H4 20, POTAE H4 20, OPIATE H4 18, OPIATE H7 18
FEAT H6 14 AJ0711
FATE H5 14 tonikay
FAT H6 12 Darkswan
PEAT H7 12 Lucylulu

On 2nd draw, MYXO I1 45 --- MYXO myxomatosis, a disease introduced to control rabbits [n]
Other moves: AXON I2 42, MOXA I1 42, WAXY I6 39, WOX G3 39, MOXA G3 38
WAXY I6 39 tonikay
MAXI 5E 26 Lucylulu
WOMAN 3G 17 AJ0711
WOO 3G 11 Darkswan

On 3rd draw, F(E)RBAM 1D 48 --- FERBAM a fungicide [n]
Other moves: FANT(O)M 1D 42, FAR(E)BOX 3C 42, FAB G3 38, BANT(A)M 1D 36, B(A)NTAM 1D 36
FR(O)M 1F 24 Lucylulu, AJ0711
BAM(S) 1G 21 tonikay

On 4th draw, HUG G3 36 --- HUG to clasp tightly in the arms [v]
Other moves: BOH G1 29, OHING J3 29, POOHING 4H 26, OHING G5 24, GU G3 23
BOH G1 29 tonikay
OH J3 23 ceosickey
POURING 4H 20 Lucylulu
YOGH 2I 13 AJ0711

On 5th draw, AIRIEST 9C 69 --- AIRY having the nature of air [adj]
Other moves: IRISATE 9E 68, AIRIEST I6 66, IRISATE G7 65, IRISATE I7 65, AIRIEST G8 61
SATIRE 9H 17 AJ0711
FIRST D1 16 Lucylulu
HOXES 3G 15 tonikay
AIRIEST G8 11 ceosickey

On 6th draw, MUTH(A) 8A 51 --- MUTHA (slang) a motherfucker [n]
Other moves: M(A)TH 8A 47, M(E)TH 8A 47, M(O)TH 8A 47, M(Y)TH 8A 47, UM(P)H 8A 46
JUT 8A 32 ceosickey
MAJ(O)R C8 13 AJ0711
JAM(S) C8 12 tonikay
JAM C8 12 Lucylulu

On 7th draw, YEED 10C 33 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: ANE(A)RED E5 28, DYNE 10D 28, UNE(A)RED E5 28, YEANED 6F 28, YEDE 10B 28
FADY D1 22 tonikay
DENE 10B 20 ceosickey
NEEDY G8 11 Lucylulu
Y(A)RD E7 7 AJ0711

On 8th draw, REDW(A)RES E4 44 --- REDWARE an edible seaweed [n]
Other moves: SADZA 6G 43, SWEARD 11D 43, ZEAS 6F 41, ADW(A)RES E5 40, ZEA 6F 40
RAZED 2A 37 ceosickey
W(A)REZ E7 32 Lucylulu
MYXOS I1 21 tonikay

On 9th draw, JADE D3 34 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JATO D3 31, JEED 2B 31, JETE D3 31, JOTA D3 31, AJEE 10I 29
JADE D3 34 tonikay
JADE 2A 29 AJ0711
JEU B6 26 ceosickey
JEER 4B 22 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, SEABOOT 11E 22 --- SEABOOT a waterproof boot [n]
Other moves: TAJ 3B 20, BATTED I6 19, BOATED I6 19, BOTTED I6 19, BOT C4 18
BOT C4 18 ceosickey
ABODE 10I 16 AJ0711
WOOT 7E 8 tonikay
MOAT A8 6 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, MULESING A8 86 --- MULES to remove anal wrinkles of a sheep to prevent flystrike [v]
Other moves: LUNGIES L5 70, GUMLINES A6 62, LEGUMINS A4 62, GUNSEL L8 28, BEGIN H11 27
BEGIN H11 27 tonikay
BLING H11 27 ceosickey
SLUNG L11 26 Lucylulu
SINGLET K5 16 AJ0711

On 12th draw, RONNEL 12G 27 --- RONNEL an insecticide [n]
Other tops: LANNER 12G 27
Other moves: BALER H11 24, BARON H11 24, BEANO H11 24, BELAR H11 24, BELON H11 24
BALER H11 24 tonikay
BARON H11 24 Lucylulu, ceosickey

On 13th draw, TREIF 13C 34 --- TREIF not kosher [adj]
Other moves: RIFTE 13E 32, FIE 13G 30, FITTER 13C 29, TITFER 13C 29, FINE B11 27
FE B13 19 ceosickey
FONT J10 15 tonikay
SIFT 12A 14 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, CANOLA 10J 30 --- CANOLA an oil from the seeds of a kind of herb [n]
Other moves: CANAL 10J 29, OCA 10I 29, CAIN 10J 26, CALO 10J 26, CAA 10J 25
CANAL 10J 29 ceosickey
CRAN D12 14 Lucylulu
CON J10 11 tonikay
GOAL 15A 6 AJ0711

On 15th draw, WAIATAS O9 33 --- WAIATA a Maori song [n]
Other tops: WAIATAS O7 33
Other moves: AWAITS O10 30, AWAITS O8 30, BOAST H11 30, BOATS H11 30, TAWAIS O7 30
AWAITS O10 30 AJ0711
AWA 9L 23 ceosickey
STAW O8 21 Lucylulu
TWAS O8 21 tonikay

On 16th draw, POZ 9K 53 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZIP N12 49, ZO N14 46, ZIN N12 41, POZ C4 36, GLOZING 15A 28
ZIN N12 41 ceosickey
ZIPS 15L 25 Lucylulu
ZOO M9 22 tonikay
GLOPS 15K 9 AJ0711

On 17th draw, QUINA 14K 28 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QUA 14M 24, VIZOR M7 21, VIN C4 20, ANVIL 6H 16, LINURON L4 16
QUA 14M 24 ceosickey
QUINS 15K 15 Lucylulu, AJ0711
PATER K9 7 tonikay

On 18th draw, CEDI 15H 32 --- CEDI a monetary unit of Ghana [n]
Other tops: CEILI 15G 32
Other moves: DELI 15H 26, LIRI 15H 23, IDE 8L 22, ED 8L 21, EDIT 13L 21
DELI 15H 26 ceosickey
CRED D12 18 Lucylulu
LI 15J 13 tonikay
GLIDER 15A 10 AJ0711

On 19th draw, YERKING 2I 34 --- YERK to beat vigorously [v]
Other moves: YEVING 2I 30, KET 13M 28, KIT 13M 28, VIGNERON L3 26, NEK J4 23
KIT 13M 28 ceosickey
KON L8 12 tonikay
TRIKE 7H 10 AJ0711
TREK 7H 9 Lucylulu

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