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Game of June 23, 2011 at 03:56, 3 players
1. 469 pts TwoFold
2. 25 pts Groucho70
3. 14 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorsvx   H8    40    40   sorex
 2. ?eiklsu   8A    98   138   leukosis
 3. aaeflrt   B2    36   174   ratafee
 4. dehiinp   C3    36   210   hide
 5. egnrswy  11E    44   254   gyrenes
 6. aegltuy   A1    32   286   gay
 7. ?aaacrz   K4    86   372   alcazars
 8. acelntt   F1    64   436   cantlets
 9. eiinost   8K    45   481   zones
10. deiltww  10J    34   515   wried
11. ahilmnt   1D    45   560   micht
12. aeiluuv  12A    28   588   eluvia
13. beiootw  B10    32   620   below
14. eijmoru   4H    44   664   jumar
15. defiinu  C10    30   694   enuf
16. eiloptu   M1    31   725   plutei
17. agnooot   D4    26   751   gon
18. abiinoq   2J    72   823   qibla
19. dinooop   1L    36   859   oppo
20. dinortv  A11    33   892   redon

Remaining tiles: diiotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6264 FileTwoFold     2 22:20  -423  469     1.6264 TwoFold     2 22:20  -423  469 
  2.  -  FileGroucho70   0  4:17  -867   25     2.6417 rn.roselle  0  1:30  -878   14 
  3.6417 Filern.roselle  0  1:30  -878   14            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Groucho70   0  4:17  -867   25 

On 1st draw, SOREX H8 40 --- SOREX the common shrew [n]
Other moves: OXERS H4 26, OXERS H8 26, RAXES H4 26, RAXES H8 26, SOREX H4 26
SAVER H4 18 TwoFold

On 2nd draw, LEUK(O)SIS 8A 98 --- LEUKOSIS a disease of the blood-forming organs [n]
Other moves: (F)USELIKE 11E 94, SULKIES(T) 8H 86, SU(N)LIKE G4 81, (P)USLIKE G4 81, RUS(H)LIKE 10H 73
SOREXES H8 14 TwoFold

On 3rd draw, RATAFEE B2 36 --- RATAFEE an almond-flavoured liqueur [n]
Other moves: TEARFUL C3 30, FARTLEK D2 28, AFEAR G10 25, AFAR G10 24, FREAK D4 24
FORE 9G 21 TwoFold

On 4th draw, HIDE C3 36 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other tops: PHENIX 12C 36
Other moves: PEH A1 31, HEP A1 30, HIP 9C 30, HID C3 29, PENI I9 29
PEH A1 31 TwoFold

On 5th draw, GYRENES 11E 44 --- GYRENE a marine [n]
Other moves: WEY A1 38, GEY A1 32, SNYE 9B 32, SNY 9B 30, SEY A1 29
WEY A1 38 TwoFold

On 6th draw, GAY A1 32 --- GAY a homosexual [n] --- GAY merry [adj]
Other tops: GEY A1 32, GUY A1 32, GYAL D1 32
Other moves: YUGA 10J 31, YAG 10J 30, YALE 10J 30, YATE 10J 30, YELT 10J 30
GAY A1 32 TwoFold

On 7th draw, A(L)CAZARS K4 86 --- ALCAZAR a Spanish fortress or palace [n]
Other moves: ALCAZAR(S) A7 71, A(L)CAZARS F1 70, C(O)Z D4 54, CA(P)IZ G5 46, IZAR G8 46
CRAZE J7 36 TwoFold

On 8th draw, CANTLETS F1 64 --- CANTLET a fragment [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 8K 45, CLEAN 10B 25, LACTEAN 4F 24, ITERANT G8 23, LANE L7 23
CLEAN 10B 25 TwoFold

On 9th draw, ZONES 8K 45 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZEINS 8K 45, ZINES 8K 45, ZITIS 8K 45, ZOIST 8K 45
Other moves: SNOT D3 34, INCITES 1D 30, NICOISE 1D 30, SECTION 1D 30, ICONISE 1E 27
ZINES 8K 45 TwoFold

On 10th draw, WRIED 10J 34 --- WRY to contort [v]
Other moves: WRITE 10J 31, WAWLED 4J 30, WEID L1 30, WELD L1 30, WILD L1 30
WIDE L1 28 TwoFold

On 11th draw, MICHT 1D 45 --- MICHT (Scots) might, power [n]
Other tops: MACHI 1D 45
Other moves: CHIMLA 1F 39, HALM L1 34, MATH L1 34, CANTHI 1F 33, CHAM 1F 33
HAM 10D 30 TwoFold

On 12th draw, ELUVIA 12A 28 --- ELUVIUM a soil deposit [n]
Other moves: UVULAE C8 26, VAIL L1 26, VALE L1 26, VALI L1 26, VEAL L1 26
VALE L1 26 TwoFold

On 13th draw, BELOW B10 32 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other tops: TOWBOAT 4F 32
Other moves: TOW D4 31, BEWET A11 30, BOLETI B10 28, BOW L2 26, BOWAT 4H 26

On 14th draw, JUMAR 4H 44 --- JUMAR a clip used in mountain climbing [n] --- JUMAR to climb using ropes and clips [v]
Other tops: JORAM 4H 44
Other moves: JOUR L1 42, JURE L1 42, OJIME J1 35, JO J7 33, ROMAJI 4H 32
JOE N6 26 TwoFold

On 15th draw, ENUF C10 30 --- ENUF enough [adv] --- ENUF enough, used in texting [adj]
Other moves: FUD C11 25, NUDE C11 23, DEF 13E 22, DEFUND N10 22, DUNE C11 22
FENDS O4 13 TwoFold

On 16th draw, PLUTEI M1 31 --- PLUTEUS the larva of a sea urchin [n]
Other moves: POT D4 30, LETUP M2 29, UPTIE M2 29, LEPT M1 27, PELT M1 27
OP 5H 17 TwoFold

On 17th draw, GON D4 26 --- GON a grade [n]
Other tops: GOT D4 26
Other moves: NOG D4 25, TOG D4 25, NAPOO 1K 24, EOAN A12 23, GLOAT 5E 23
LOON 5F 15 TwoFold

On 18th draw, QIBLA 2J 72 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: INQILAB 2I 40, NIQAB I11 35, BIALI 2J 26, QUINA I3 25, QUINO I3 25
QUIN I3 23 TwoFold
LOB 2M 10 Groucho70

On 19th draw, OPPO 1L 36 --- OPPO an opposite number or an opponent [n]
Other moves: LOOPED A8 26, OPED A10 24, PO J7 23, ENDOPOD N8 22, DO J7 21
LOOP 5F 19 TwoFold
COIN 6K 8 Groucho70

On 20th draw, REDON A11 33 --- DON to put on [v] --- REDON to don again [v]
Other moves: DO J7 21, REDO A11 20, NO J7 19, TO J7 19, DIVOT N10 18
OD A14 14 rn.roselle
TREND N6 12 TwoFold
WENT J10 7 Groucho70

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