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Game of June 23, 2011 at 10:51, 10 players
1. 588 pts yab
2. 520 pts Faeythe
3. 495 pts sabs

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aahintt   H4    24    24   haint
 2. ?adefgr   5D    98   122   fardages
 3. ?acertx   J5    84   206   execrate
 4. beeikno   4A    40   246   kibe
 5. eglnort   8J    33   279   cogent
 6. aeiimnr   L6    72   351   migraine
 7. adeilop   G7    69   420   oedipal
 8. dfilorw  H12    53   473   wolf
 9. alrsuuv   A4    27   500   kauru
10. aeiostu   F2    71   571   outraise
11. adelpsz  13J    47   618   sleaze
12. ddeirrv  O12    36   654   verd
13. cdiosvy  14M    33   687   dor
14. eiostwy   B1    34   721   yowies
15. ijlnnot   N6    27   748   jinn
16. ehilotv   1A    45   793   lythe
17. begioop  15L    26   819   pood
18. abcemuy   4K    33   852   embay
19. ginrstu   B8    72   924   rusting

Remaining tiles: ceinqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6660 Fileyab         3 24:27  -336  588     1.7639 ste11a      3 14:19  -434  490 
  2.5654 FileFaeythe     4 19:11  -404  520            Group: intermediate
  3.5510 Filesabs        1 19:51  -429  495     1.6660 yab         3 24:27  -336  588 
  4.7639 Fileste11a      3 14:19  -434  490     2.6409 rn.roselle  1  9:02  -762  162 
  5.4902 Filebramms22    0 17:59  -600  324     3.6170 margalang   0  0:51  -861   63 
  6.  -  FileJudyS       0 23:11  -711  213            Group: novice
  7.6409 Filern.roselle  1  9:02  -762  162     1.5654 Faeythe     4 19:11  -404  520 
  8.6170 Filemargalang   0  0:51  -861   63     2.5510 sabs        1 19:51  -429  495 
  9.3944 Filemanfred     0  3:30  -866   58            Group: not rated
 10.4962 Fileannelhynz   0  2:54  -876   48     1.4902 bramms22    0 17:59  -600  324 
                                             2.  -  JudyS       0 23:11  -711  213 
                                             3.3944 manfred     0  3:30  -866   58 
                                             4.4962 annelhynz   0  2:54  -876   48 

On 1st draw, HAINT H4 24 --- HAINT (Southern US dialect) a ghost [n]
Other tops: HIANT H4 24
Other moves: TAHINA H3 20, TAHINA H4 20, TAHINA H7 20, TAHINA H8 20, AHINT H4 18
HAINT H4 24 Faeythe, yab
THIN H5 14 sabs, bramms22
THAT H5 14 JudyS

On 2nd draw, FARDAGE(S) 5D 98 --- FARDAGE a bottom layer of wood to keep cargo from water [n]
Other moves: FARDAGE(S) 5G 74, DEFRAG(S) 9B 72, ARG(U)FIED 6C 66, DRIF(T)AGE 6F 66, DR(I)FTAGE 8D 64
(W)HARFED 4G 26 yab
FRIDGE 6F 23 annelhynz
F(R)IDGE 6F 22 bramms22
GRAF(F)ED 5F 22 sabs

On 3rd draw, EX(E)CRATE J5 84 --- EXECRATE to curse [v]
Other tops: EXACTER(S) J5 84, EXCRETA(L) J1 84, EXCRETA(L) J5 84, EXECRAT(E) J5 84
Other moves: EXCER(P)TA J5 82, EXTRAC(T) G8 78, EXTRAC(T) I8 78, EX(T)RACT G8 78, EX(T)RACT I8 78
X(I) 6J 49 yab, Faeythe
EXCE(P)T J5 32 sabs
EXERT J5 28 JudyS
(V)EX J4 25 bramms22
EX J5 25 annelhynz

On 4th draw, KIBE 4A 40 --- KIBE a sore caused by cold (a chilblain) [n]
Other tops: NEBEK 4A 40
Other moves: BIKE 4C 38, BOKE 4C 38, BIKE 4A 36, BOKE 4A 36, EBONITE 11E 36
BOKE 4C 38 Faeythe
EKE 4D 32 ste11a
EIKON 4A 32 yab
KNIFE D2 24 bramms22
BONE K10 22 sabs

On 5th draw, COGENT 8J 33 --- COGENT convincing [adj]
Other moves: LONGER 3B 32, TONGER 3B 32, CONGER 8J 30, KLONG A4 30, KRENG A4 30
TONKER A1 30 Faeythe
KLONG A4 30 yab
GORE 3B 27 sabs
CLONER 8J 27 ste11a
TREK A1 24 bramms22
GREET 12H 16 JudyS

On 6th draw, MIGRAINE L6 72 --- MIGRAINE a severe headache [n]
Other moves: MANKIER A1 39, KINEMA A4 36, MARINE 3B 36, MERANTI 11E 36, MERKIN A1 36
MANKIER A1 39 sabs, ste11a
KINEMA A4 36 yab
MINKE A1 33 Faeythe
REMAIN 12I 16 bramms22
MINER N6 15 JudyS

On 7th draw, OEDIPAL G7 69 --- OEDIPAL pertaining to the libidinal feelings in a child toward the parent of the opposite sex [adj]
Other moves: PALINODE N4 67, PETALOID O6 62, POLKAED A1 42, PAIKED A1 39, PODIAL 3B 39
POLKAED A1 42 yab
POLKED A1 39 sabs
PODIA 3B 35 ste11a
POLKA A1 33 bramms22, Faeythe
PEAK A1 30 rn.roselle, margalang
PAN N6 11 JudyS

On 8th draw, WOLF H12 53 --- WOLF a carnivorous mammal [n] --- WOLF to devour voraciously [v]
Other moves: OLDWIFE M2 49, WILD H12 47, WOLD H12 47, WORD H12 47, DOWF H12 46
WOLF H12 53 ste11a
WORD H12 47 sabs, yab
WORK A1 33 margalang, bramms22, JudyS
FORK A1 33 Faeythe

On 9th draw, KAURU A4 27 --- KAURU (Maori) the edible stem of the cabbage tree [n]
Other tops: KULAS A4 27, KURUS A4 27, LARKS A1 27, LURKS A1 27, VALORS 13E 27, VAR K10 27
Other moves: VAS 14J 26, LUV F10 25, SUER 13J 25, LARK A1 24, LARS 3B 24
LURKS A1 27 yab
VAS 14J 26 ste11a
SULK A1 24 Faeythe, sabs
EX(E)CRATES J5 17 rn.roselle
VAN N6 14 JudyS

On 10th draw, OUTRAISE F2 71 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: SUET 13J 25, LOOSIE 13G 24, OATS 3B 24, SATE 3B 24, SATI 3B 24
SUET 13J 25 ste11a, yab
SITE 14L 20 sabs
SOB C2 10 JudyS
FOIST 15H 9 Faeythe
STONE N5 7 bramms22

On 11th draw, SLEAZE 13J 47 --- SLEAZE a squalid quality [n]
Other moves: LAZES 14H 46, ZAS 14J 44, ZAPS E9 43, ZEPS E9 43, SPAZ 14L 42
LAZES 14H 46 Faeythe
ZAPS E9 43 ste11a, sabs, yab
SEED 13J 27 bramms22

On 12th draw, VERD O12 36 --- VERD green in the phrase verd antique (marble) [adj]
Other moves: VEZIR N11 34, VEER O12 33, DEEV O12 30, DERV O12 30, DERIDE M3 29
VERD O12 36 Faeythe
VEER O12 33 ste11a, yab
ZED N13 26 bramms22
EVE O13 18 sabs, JudyS

On 13th draw, DOR 14M 33 --- DOR a black European beetle [n] --- DOR to mock [v]
Other moves: SCODY M2 29, VOIDS B2 29, IODIC 10D 26, OR 14N 26, SCODY E9 26
DOR 14M 33 ste11a, sabs, Faeythe, rn.roselle
ZO N13 26 yab
IVY 4K 19 JudyS

On 14th draw, YOWIES B1 34 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: STEWY M2 29, TOWSY M2 29, WYTES E9 29, TOWIES B1 28, YITIES B1 28
SWEY M3 27 yab
WETS E9 21 Faeythe
TWINY N5 19 bramms22
WEB C2 16 rn.roselle
SIT 10F 16 ste11a
AWAITS 10J 11 sabs
AWAY 10J 10 JudyS

On 15th draw, JINN N6 27 --- JINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: NYLON 1A 27
Other moves: JIN N6 26, WON 3B 26, WOT 3B 26, JIG I3 24, JOG I3 24
JINN N6 27 Faeythe, ste11a
NYLON 1A 27 yab
JIN N6 26 sabs
JOG I3 24 rn.roselle
JOINT N5 14 bramms22
JOT O6 10 JudyS

On 16th draw, LYTHE 1A 45 --- LYTHE a common fish of the cod family [n]
Other moves: OH A1 35, HYLE 1A 33, HYTE 1A 33, HOB C2 31, HOLD 15L 28
OH A1 35 Faeythe, ste11a, sabs
HYE 1A 27 rn.roselle
THIO O3 20 yab

On 17th draw, POOD 15L 26 --- POOD a Russian unit of weight [n]
Other moves: AGAPE 10J 24, APAGE 10J 24, BOOGIE E9 24, GOOD 15L 24, BOEP E9 22
GOOD 15L 24 bramms22, ste11a
BOOGIE E9 24 yab
OB C3 18 manfred
POO O4 17 Faeythe
OP F11 16 sabs
ZOO N13 15 rn.roselle
GOOF 15E 8 JudyS

On 18th draw, EMBAY 4K 33 --- EMBAY to enclose in a bay [v]
Other moves: CYMBALO 13B 32, BEAMY E9 30, MAUBY E9 30, MAYBE E9 30, BAEL K10 26
BEAMY E9 30 yab
MACAW 12D 24 manfred
BUY E9 22 ste11a
MACE E9 22 sabs
YEA O4 19 Faeythe

On 19th draw, RUSTING B8 72 --- RUST to form rust (a reddish coating that forms on iron) [v] --- RUSTING the act of rusting [n]
Other moves: RUSTING E9 70, ROUSTING 2E 63, ROUTINGS 2E 63, TOURINGS 2E 63, OUTGRINS 2F 61
RUSTING E9 20 ste11a, yab
GRUBS M1 16 bramms22
SIR 10F 16 manfred
ROUSTING 2E 13 Faeythe
TRIED 9C 7 JudyS
NY O3 5 sabs

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