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Game of June 23, 2011 at 17:50, 9 players
1. 592 pts PIThompson
2. 517 pts jeff
3. 512 pts woofy1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eefinpw   H4    20    20   penie
 2. aimnosy   4H    28    48   paynims
 3. adimnou   8H    86   134   eudaimon
 4. cdeilot   L8    74   208   idiolect
 5. abdeosx  M11    48   256   box
 6. ellorst   5B    68   324   solleret
 7. deikstt   F1    67   391   diskette
 8. aeglort   I7    65   456   outglare
 9. aaegirw   1D    39   495   wader
10. ?adefor  15D   103   598   forbade
11. ?egiorw  13B    74   672   growlier
12. aaejntv   4A    46   718   jane
13. aefhiov   8A    39   757   foveae
14. aehintv  B10    34   791   hangi
15. ghptuuy   N2    42   833   pushy
16. egiqrsz   O1    46   879   zig
17. abenrtu   A1    39   918   benj
18. acqrstu  N10    40   958   qat
19. cirsuuv  O12    26   984   scur

Remaining tiles: iuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7459 FilePIThompson  5 24:05  -392  592     1.7459 PIThompson  5 24:05  -392  592 
  2.6062 Filejeff        3 23:27  -467  517            Group: intermediate
  3.6567 Filewoofy1      2 26:40  -472  512     1.6062 jeff        3 23:27  -467  517 
  4.5536 FileJennyB      1 23:12  -571  413     2.6567 woofy1      2 26:40  -472  512 
  5.3977 Filemanfred     2 21:16  -604  380     3.6631 ceosickey   2  9:26  -708  276 
  6.6631 Fileceosickey   2  9:26  -708  276     4.6395 rn.roselle  0  6:29  -831  153 
  7.5300 Filevikialuk    0 14:37  -738  246            Group: novice
  8.6395 Filern.roselle  0  6:29  -831  153     1.5536 JennyB      1 23:12  -571  413 
  9.5105 Fileneyetifu    0  6:40  -884  100     2.5300 vikialuk    0 14:37  -738  246 
                                             3.5105 neyetifu    0  6:40  -884  100 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3977 manfred     2 21:16  -604  380 

On 1st draw, PENIE H4 20 --- PENIE a penny [n]
Other tops: WIFE H5 20, WIFE H6 20, WIFE H7 20, WIFE H8 20
Other moves: FEW H6 18, FEW H7 18, FEW H8 18, NEWIE H4 18, NEWIE H8 18
WIFE H7 20 PIThompson
WIFE H8 20 JennyB, manfred
WIFE H5 20 jeff
NEWIE H8 18 woofy1

On 2nd draw, PAYNIMS 4H 28 --- PAYNIM a heathen [n]
Other tops: MOYAS G3 28
Other moves: MYOSIN G7 27, MYOSIN I5 27, MAYOS G7 26, MOYAS G7 26, MYNAS G7 26
MOYS G7 25 PIThompson, woofy1
MANY I3 23 JennyB
MONEYS 5E 22 neyetifu
MAYS 9E 21 jeff
SOMY 9H 18 manfred

On 3rd draw, EUDAIMON 8H 86 --- EUDAIMON a good spirit [n]
Other moves: DOUMA 3I 44, AMIDO 3I 41, ADMIN 3K 35, MIAOU 3J 35, ADMIN 5K 31
MAID 3L 28 jeff, woofy1, PIThompson
MAID 3I 27 neyetifu
MINED 5E 19 vikialuk
MONS N1 12 manfred
DAM M2 12 JennyB

On 4th draw, IDIOLECT L8 74 --- IDIOLECT an individual's distinctive form of speech [n]
Other moves: IDIOLECT L6 72, TOILE 3I 32, OLEIC 3K 28, CLOSED N1 26, MELODIC M8 26
TOILE 3I 32 PIThompson
MILTED M8 20 vikialuk
MOLTED M8 20 jeff
CLONED K1 18 JennyB
DUCE I7 17 neyetifu
TOD 9L 15 woofy1
DOOLE N6 12 manfred

On 5th draw, BOX M11 48 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: AXSEED 13H 44, EXODES 13H 44, BOX G5 43, SAX M11 42, SOX M11 42
BOX M11 48 jeff, PIThompson, manfred
AXE 3K 39 woofy1
BOXED 11K 30 JennyB
SOX N4 26 vikialuk
SEX 5G 19 neyetifu

On 6th draw, SOLLERET 5B 68 --- SOLLERET a piece of armour for the foot [n]
Other moves: TOLLERS 9B 67, DROLLEST J8 63, STOLE N11 28, STORE N11 28, EROS N11 26
LOTTERS 15I 21 vikialuk
TOLLERS 9B 17 jeff, PIThompson
DORE 9L 15 neyetifu
TORS 9E 13 JennyB
EXES 13L 11 manfred
ME M8 9 woofy1

On 7th draw, DISKETTE F1 67 --- DISKETTE a floppy disk for a computer [n]
Other moves: SKITE 3I 45, KITE 3J 37, KAIDS K7 36, DIKE 4A 34, KITE 4A 34
KITE 4A 34 PIThompson
KITTED 15J 33 woofy1
TIKE 15L 24 JennyB
KOBS 11K 20 manfred
DIKES 9D 19 jeff

On 8th draw, OUTGLARE I7 65 --- OUTGLARE to surpass in glaring [v]
Other moves: GAROTE N10 40, GATOR N10 38, ROATE 3I 33, TARGED 1A 30, GOLDER 9I 28
GLARED 1A 27 JennyB
TEAGLE 8A 27 manfred
GRATED 1A 27 PIThompson
LATTER 15J 18 vikialuk
GO 3L 17 woofy1
DARE 1F 15 jeff

On 9th draw, WADER 1D 39 --- WADER one that wades [n]
Other tops: WIDER 1D 39
Other moves: WAGE 4A 33, WAIRED 1A 33, WEAK 4C 33, RESAW N2 32, ADWARE 1E 30
WIDER 1D 39 jeff
WADER 1D 39 woofy1, PIThompson
DREW 1F 24 JennyB
TREW 15L 21 manfred

On 10th draw, FOR(B)ADE 15D 103 --- FORBID to command not to do something [v]
Other moves: A(L)FREDO 15D 94, FA(V)ORED 15C 94, FORA(G)ED 15C 94, FORA(Y)ED 15C 94, FEDORA(S) 15C 92
FADER(S) 15D 48 jeff
FADE 3J 37 woofy1
FORD(S) 15E 33 JennyB
FORA(Y)ED E8 25 ceosickey
FA 3I 24 PIThompson
T(E)RF 15L 18 manfred

On 11th draw, GROW(L)IER 13B 74 --- GROWLY deep and harsh in speech [adj]
Other tops: LOWERI(N)G D5 74
Other moves: RESOWI(N)G B3 67, WINGO(V)ER O6 62, WERO(S) N10 48, REWO(N) N10 39, GIRO(N) N10 36
W(A)GE 4A 30 PIThompson
WOE 3I 27 woofy1
GROW 14B 26 ceosickey
TWIG 15L 24 vikialuk
WIG(S) 9C 24 jeff
TREW 15L 21 manfred
WIRE 2A 19 JennyB

On 12th draw, JANE 4A 46 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JANTEE 8A 42, JA 12D 41, JET N10 34, JA 4C 31, JA N10 30
JANE 4A 46 PIThompson
JA 12D 41 ceosickey, woofy1
JAY J2 29 jeff, vikialuk
JAM M2 24 JennyB
VEX 13K 13 manfred

On 13th draw, FOVEAE 8A 39 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: HOAGIE B10 36, OHIA 3L 32, AHI 3L 30, HO 6B 30, AH K10 28
HO 6B 30 PIThompson
OF K10 28 ceosickey
AH K10 28 woofy1
OH 6A 27 jeff
HOVE E8 25 JennyB

On 14th draw, HANGI B10 34 --- HANGI (Maori) an open air cooking pit also UMU [n]
Other tops: HINGE B10 34
Other moves: HAET 12D 32, THAE 3L 32, THAN 3L 32, THEN 3L 32, THIN 3L 32
HAET 3I 30 PIThompson, woofy1
HEAT 3L 29 jeff, JennyB
EH 6A 27 rn.roselle
HEAVING 10C 22 ceosickey
THEN 15L 21 manfred
THIN 15L 21 vikialuk

On 15th draw, PUSHY N2 42 --- PUSHY offensively aggressive [adj]
Other moves: GUSHY N2 40, PHUT 3L 38, TUSHY N2 38, THY 6A 37, GUSTY N2 34
PUSHY N2 42 ceosickey
PHT 6A 33 PIThompson
UH 6A 27 jeff
THUG 15L 24 rn.roselle, vikialuk
HOB 11K 16 manfred
YOB 11K 16 woofy1

On 16th draw, ZIG O1 46 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: QI A14 44, QIS O1 42, ZIG N10 42, QIS N10 40, TREZ 15L 39
ZIG O1 46 ceosickey, woofy1
QI A14 44 rn.roselle, manfred, JennyB
QIS O1 42 jeff
TREZ 15L 39 PIThompson

On 17th draw, BENJ A1 39 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: REBEC 14H 28, AB K10 24, REB 14H 24, BA 12D 21, BEMA M6 21
BENJ A1 39 PIThompson
AB K10 24 jeff
REB 14H 24 woofy1
BET N10 19 rn.roselle
TUBE 15L 18 manfred
BETA H12 18 ceosickey
BRANT K1 14 vikialuk
REX 13K 10 JennyB

On 18th draw, QAT N10 40 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUAGS 10F 37, QUAG 10F 34, ASQUAT 11B 30, QUANTS K1 30, TRANQS K1 30
QUAGS 10F 37 PIThompson
QUANTS K1 30 vikialuk, JennyB
QUANT K1 28 ceosickey
QUAYS J1 28 manfred
SQUAT I1 25 rn.roselle
QAT I3 22 woofy1, jeff

On 19th draw, SCUR O12 26 --- SCUR to scour [v]
Other moves: CURVY 6J 19, IS O10 19, COIF D12 18, CORF D12 18, IS 9E 18
TICS 15L 18 woofy1
IS 9E 18 jeff
VINS K2 14 rn.roselle
CRY J2 14 PIThompson
SOBA 11K 12 manfred
CHI 10A 8 JennyB

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