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Game sheet of woofy1 (file), Game of June 23, 2011 at 20:06

Word find
Word played
1 AEGLMNX             AXMEN H8 30 30  
2 ?HIMNQT             TH(A)IM I6 31 61  
3 BEORSTU             TUBEROSE 11A 70 131  
4 DELNPTU             PUMMEL 10F 32 163  
5 ?DEENOS             (P)ENTODES A8 131 294  
6 AENRRVZ             ZEBRA C9 52 346  
7 DEEILOT             ENTOILED 12G 71 417  
8 AIKNOSV             VODKAS N10 44 461  
9 EILPRST             TRIPLES L4 83 544  
10 AEGLNNQ             ALEE D9 25 569  
11 ACEGGHT CASH 15L 36 -6 36 8/11 CHASE 15K 42 611 12/13
12 AEGITUW WAE K3 18 -9 54 4/11 WITHE 7F 27 638 12/13
13 GIORTVY YO M3 12 -15 66 8/11 GLORY 8K 27 665 12/13
14 AAACINO             OINK 13K 24 689 12/13
15 ACGINOQ             QI M3 24 713 12/13
16 ACFINTV             FINCA N2 38 751 12/13
17 ADFIJNU             JA O1 32 783 12/13
18 DDFORRU             OOF M7 25 808 12/13
19 DINOUUW             WINDOW F2 23 831 12/14
20 ABGGNRU             BUGGAN 4A 26 857 12/15
21 ADIRTUV             TURBID A1 27 884 12/16

Total: 66/884 or -818 for 7.466%
Rank: -

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