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Game of June 23, 2011 at 20:56, 12 players
1. 555 pts musdrive
2. 521 pts mylover81
3. 511 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefluy   H3    82    82   eyefuls
 2. fhoprtu   3C    34   116   pouther
 3. cddgiot   4B    22   138   cod
 4. aaegiks   A1    38   176   kaies
 5. eglnors   7F    62   238   loungers
 6. aeilrrs   K6    66   304   realiser
 7. ?adinou   M7    70   374   sudation
 8. aeenotz   5C    44   418   zeta
 9. aflmnot   N8    31   449   toman
10. eghimno   O7    52   501   hemin
11. aaeiqsw  J10    64   565   qi
12. bcdensy  15H    57   622   bendys
13. aaeefil   L1    24   646   leafier
14. adegiot  14B    76   722   godetia
15. aagprtv   1H    27   749   vagal
16. ciortvw  15A    35   784   vow
17. ceijprt  13C    51   835   jet
18. binoruw   9A    67   902   unibrows

Remaining tiles: ciprtx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7045 Filemusdrive    3 18:45  -347  555     1.7045 musdrive    3 18:45  -347  555 
  2.6825 Filemylover81   5 16:40  -381  521            Group: intermediate
  3.6450 FileDavina      3 19:15  -391  511     1.6825 mylover81   5 16:40  -381  521 
  4.6067 Filejeff        3 24:09  -415  487     2.6450 Davina      3 19:15  -391  511 
  5.5075 Filenarisa      1  4:06  -815   87     3.6067 jeff        3 24:09  -415  487 
  6.6437 FileGypsylady   0  4:11  -826   76     4.6437 Gypsylady   0  4:11  -826   76 
  7.3852 Filegmills0     0  7:41  -828   74     5.6126 dannyboy    0  2:06  -842   60 
  8.6126 Filedannyboy    0  2:06  -842   60     6.6553 woofy1      0  2:46  -842   60 
  9.6553 Filewoofy1      0  2:46  -842   60            Group: novice
 10.  -  FileBiddy       0  4:45  -848   54     1.5075 narisa      1  4:06  -815   87 
 11.  -  Fileneishadi    0  2:05  -866   36            Group: not rated
 12.  -  FileMasie       0  1:03  -879   23     1.3852 gmills0     0  7:41  -828   74 
                                             2.  -  Biddy       0  4:45  -848   54 
                                             3.  -  neishadi    0  2:05  -866   36 
                                             4.  -  Masie       0  1:03  -879   23 

On 1st draw, EYEFUL(S) H3 82 --- EYEFUL a complete view [n]
Other moves: EYEFUL(S) H2 76, EYEFUL(S) H4 76, EYEFUL(S) H7 76, EYEFUL(S) H8 76, EYEFUL(S) H5 74
EYEFUL(S) H3 32 musdrive
FLU(T)EY H4 30 Davina
F(R)EELY H4 30 mylover81
FLEY(S) H4 28 dannyboy
FU(L)LY H4 28 Gypsylady
FLY H7 18 jeff

On 2nd draw, POUTHER 3C 34 --- POUTHER to powder [v]
Other tops: FURPHY 4C 34
Other moves: FOH G3 32, FOH I3 32, POH I7 32, FOP G3 30, FORTHY 4C 30
FOH G3 32 mylover81, musdrive
FOH I3 32 Davina
POH I7 32 dannyboy
HOP G3 30 jeff
FOR I3 26 Gypsylady

On 3rd draw, COD 4B 22 --- COD to fool [v]
Other tops: CID 4B 22, COIT 4B 22
Other moves: DHOTI G2 21, DICTED 5D 20, DID 4B 20, DIG G5 20, DOD 4B 20
COD 2B 19 mylover81, musdrive, Davina
OUTDID E2 16 jeff

On 4th draw, KAIES A1 38 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other moves: KAIE A1 35, SAKE A1 35, SIKE A1 35, SEIK J3 31, SKAG 2A 28
SAKE 5C 25 musdrive, mylover81
SAKE J3 23 jeff
FAKES 6H 22 Gypsylady, Davina
SKI(S) 9E 8 Biddy

On 5th draw, LOUNGERS 7F 62 --- LOUNGER one that lounges [n]
Other moves: OGLERS 2I 24, GOES 2D 23, GRONES I2 23, GROSER I2 23, SLOG J3 22
SONG J3 22 Davina, jeff
ROLES I3 21 musdrive
ON B1 14 mylover81

On 6th draw, REALISER K6 66 --- REALISER one that realises [n]
Other tops: REALISER 5G 66, REALISER K1 66
Other moves: POLARISER C3 63, RALLIERS F5 62, LEIRS 8K 25, LEARIER 5C 23, SIERRA 8A 23
RISER J1 20 mylover81
RERAILS L7 16 Davina
REALISER K6 16 musdrive
RALLIERS F5 12 jeff
ASTER F1 7 Biddy

On 7th draw, SUDA(T)ION M7 70 --- SUDATION excessive sweating [n]
Other moves: DINOSAU(R) M3 68, DOUANIE(R) 12E 68, DINO(S)AUR 13D 60, DOUANI(E)R 13D 60, DINOSAU(R) 11G 58
DINO J10 22 musdrive
DONA J10 22 jeff
AD B1 18 mylover81
(P)AINED 12G 14 Davina

On 8th draw, ZETA 5C 44 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEA 5C 42, ZEE 5C 42, ZANTE 6B 40, ZOEAE 6B 40, ZONAE 6B 40
NAZE J12 37 mylover81, Davina
AZOTE 2I 36 musdrive
ZOA 8D 24 jeff
ZONE 12H 23 Masie

On 9th draw, TOMAN N8 31 --- TOMAN a coin of Iran [n]
Other tops: MONAL J10 31
Other moves: FOAM N12 29, MANO J10 28, MONA J10 28, NOMA N8 28, GLAM J7 27
MONA J10 28 musdrive
MAN N10 24 jeff
OM B1 22 Davina
AM B1 22 mylover81
FLAME 12G 11 gmills0

On 10th draw, HEMIN O7 52 --- HEMIN a chloride of heme [n]
Other moves: HOMIE O4 51, HINGE O4 48, MINGE O4 42, HOGEN O5 40, GNOME O4 39
HEMIN O7 52 mylover81
HINGE O4 48 musdrive
HEM O7 39 Davina, jeff
MINOR 13G 11 gmills0

On 11th draw, QI J10 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WIFE 6F 36, SAW 6D 35, SEW 6D 35, QI 10J 31, AW 6E 29
QI J10 64 mylover81, musdrive, jeff, Davina
QI 10J 31 Biddy
KAIES 1A 10 gmills0

On 12th draw, BENDYS 15H 57 --- BENDY a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: BENDYS 14F 35, BYES 2D 32, BYS J1 29, NYES 2D 28, NYS J1 27
BYS J1 29 jeff
SEY 15M 27 mylover81, musdrive
BEYS 14H 26 Davina
ABLED F5 14 gmills0
CODES D2 8 Biddy

On 13th draw, LEAFIER L1 24 --- LEAFY abounding in leaves [adj]
Other moves: LIEFER L2 20, FEARE 6H 19, FENI I5 19, ALFA 6F 18, ALIF 6E 18
FILER L3 18 musdrive
LEAF F7 15 neishadi
FLAB H12 13 gmills0
FLIER 13G 13 Davina
FA 14G 9 jeff

On 14th draw, GODETIA 14B 76 --- GODETIA a showy annual herb [n]
Other moves: GODETIA(S) 9A 62, AGED M2 28, EGAD M2 28, GEOIDAL 1F 27, TAIGLED 1H 27
GODETIA 14B 26 musdrive
GLADE 1K 21 Davina, mylover81, neishadi, jeff
LEAD 1L 15 gmills0

On 15th draw, VAGAL 1H 27 --- VAGAL pertaining to the vagus nerve [adj]
Other tops: PARA 13C 27
Other moves: ATAP 13B 26, TAPA 13A 26, GAP 13C 25, RAPT 13E 25, TAPA 13C 25
PARA 13C 27 mylover81
VAG 13A 23 musdrive
LAVA 1L 21 Davina, jeff

On 16th draw, VOW 15A 35 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: WOF 6F 33, COW 15A 32, OW 6E 29, WIT 13C 27, WOT 13C 27
VOW 15A 35 jeff, Davina, mylover81, musdrive
CROW C12 18 narisa

On 17th draw, JET 13C 51 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: RECIT 13A 39, CEP 13C 37, JET 13A 36, CIRE 13C 35, CITE 13C 35
JET 13C 51 Davina, jeff, musdrive, narisa, mylover81
PEC 13A 34 woofy1

On 18th draw, UNIBROW(S) 9A 67 --- UNIBROW a derogatory word for eyebrows that meet [n]
Other moves: WOF 6F 33, BROWNED D8 32, BURIN 12D 31, OW 6E 29, UNBOWED D8 28
BROWNED D8 32 musdrive
BURN 12D 27 Davina, mylover81, jeff
OW B1 26 woofy1
WINED D10 18 narisa

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