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Game sheet of Masie (file), Game of June 23, 2011 at 21:40

Word find
Word played
1 ?DIORTU             OUTRID(E) H7 68 68  
2 CCDEILS             SCOLECID 7F 69 137  
3 AEENRUW RENEW 14H 18 -10 18 7/7 AW 6I 28 165 7/7
4 BDEORRU ORDER 5J 18 -82 36 6/6 BOURDER 5E 100 265 7/7
5 ?AAEINN             A(M)ANDINE M3 68 333 7/7
6 AHMNOTW             MANIHOT 11E 48 381 7/7
7 AEGOSTX             OXGATES N9 139 520 7/7
8 AEIKMRT MAKER O5 36 -18 72 4/5 MIRKEST 15I 54 574 6/7
9 DEIOSUY             DUROYS 10F 51 625 6/8
10 AEEORWZ ZERO F2 33 -19 105 6/6 ZOEAE 12A 52 677 6/8
11 BFIINSW FIB O7 29 -10 134 5/6 ZINS A12 39 716 5/8
12 AOPRTUV PART 3L 6 -42 140 6/6 VAPOUR O4 48 764 5/8
13 AEGNOVY             ENVOY 6B 39 803 6/8
14 EEFILQT             FILET A4 48 851 6/8
15 EFGIPRW             FEW 13C 38 889 6/8
16 AEEGILR             RAGE 14H 30 919 6/8
17 AEGIILN             ALIENING C2 74 993 6/8
18 BHILPQT             BAITH 2B 36 1029 6/9

Total: 140/1029 or -889 for 13.60%
Rank: 4986

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