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Game of June 24, 2011 at 01:24, 8 players
1. 566 pts jeff
2. 521 pts ksong
3. 513 pts slebbarc

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeeelv   H4    24    24   veale
 2. eegnotx   6E    32    56   oxgate
 3. ?ailnop   E5    86   142   nopalito
 4. deikoot  D12    34   176   doek
 5. eeflmrt  F10    37   213   feme
 6. ?adeinp  15D    92   305   kidnapee
 7. deefruy  14J    55   360   yfere
 8. eegilsu   L9    34   394   elegies
 9. diinrtw   9H    23   417   dwine
10. amrsttu   8A    30   447   rusma
11. abinors   N8    62   509   baronies
12. abcntuw   O7    41   550   caw
13. agirstu   K1    29   579   tragus
14. ehioort   1H   185   764   toothier
15. aalotuy   4J    28   792   agouty
16. abdiinu   2J    51   843   brand
17. ahilnuv   D1    26   869   hinau
18. ciioqrz  C13    46   915   zo
19. ciilqrt   C2    37   952   qi
20. ijlrttv  11I    28   980   jive

Remaining tiles: clrtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6075 Filejeff        3 22:48  -414  566     1.6075 jeff        3 22:48  -414  566 
  2.5995 Fileksong       2 20:42  -459  521     2.6455 cymru57     2  2:00  -915   65 
  3.5254 Fileslebbarc    3 22:49  -467  513            Group: novice
  4.5699 FileFaeythe     1 21:29  -492  488     1.5995 ksong       2 20:42  -459  521 
  5.4613 FileLucylulu    1  6:50  -811  169     2.5254 slebbarc    3 22:49  -467  513 
  6.6455 Filecymru57     2  2:00  -915   65     3.5699 Faeythe     1 21:29  -492  488 
  7.5459 FileELCEE       1  0:44  -921   59     4.5459 ELCEE       1  0:44  -921   59 
  8.4561 Filepattycake   0  2:29  -954   26            Group: not rated
                                             1.4613 Lucylulu    1  6:50  -811  169 
                                             2.4561 pattycake   0  2:29  -954   26 

On 1st draw, VEALE H4 24 --- VEALE a veil [n]
Other moves: AVALE H4 18, AVALE H8 18, LEAVE H4 18, LEAVE H8 18, LEVEE H4 18
LEAVE H4 18 jeff, ksong
LEAVE H8 18 Faeythe
LEVEE H4 18 slebbarc

On 2nd draw, OXGATE 6E 32 --- OXGATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other moves: EXEAT 6E 28, EXOGEN 5D 28, EXOGEN 5H 28, EXON I5 28, GOX I6 27
EXEAT 6E 28 slebbarc
OXEN I7 25 jeff, ksong
OX I7 22 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, NOPALI(T)O E5 86 --- NOPALITO the stem of the nopal used as food [n]
Other moves: AN(T)IPOLE 8A 80, OPINA(B)LE 8A 80, PALINO(D)E 8A 80, PO(U)LAINE 8A 80, ANVIL(T)OP 4F 74
LIPA 5C 29 Faeythe
(S)PINAL K6 28 jeff
AP(E) 5D 24 ksong
PALO(M)INO E3 18 slebbarc

On 4th draw, DOEK D12 34 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other tops: DIKE D10 34, DOOK D12 34
Other moves: KITED D10 31, TIKE D10 31, KETO D12 30, KITE D12 30, KOTO D12 30
DOOK D12 34 ksong
DIKE D10 34 jeff
KID D10 29 Faeythe
TOKED 12D 24 slebbarc

On 5th draw, FEME F10 37 --- FEME a wife [n]
Other tops: FELTER F10 37
Other moves: FEM F10 36, TREFA 8A 36, FERM F10 35, FEEL F10 33, FEER F10 33
MEEK 15A 30 ksong, jeff, Faeythe
TREK 15A 24 slebbarc

On 6th draw, KIDNAP(E)E 15D 92 --- KIDNAPEE one that is kidnaped [n]
Other tops: KIDNAPE(D) 15D 92, KIDNAPE(E) 15D 92, KIDNAPE(R) 15D 92, KI(D)NAPED 15D 92
Other moves: PAN(S)IED K3 82, (S)PAINED K6 82, DEPAIN(T) 9H 71, (S)PAINED 9H 71, (S)PAINED 14F 70
PINKED 15A 39 Faeythe
PEAKIN(G) 15A 36 ksong
PI(C)KED 15A 36 jeff
PINKE(Y) 15A 33 slebbarc

On 7th draw, YFERE 14J 55 --- YFERE in company [adv]
Other moves: FEYED 14J 54, FEYER 14J 52, FEUED 14J 48, FREED 14J 48, DEFRAY 8A 42
FREED 14J 48 ksong, jeff
YERD 14J 30 Faeythe
FREED 9G 23 slebbarc
EY(E) J13 13 pattycake

On 8th draw, ELEGIES L9 34 --- ELEGY a mournful poem for one who is dead [n]
Other moves: GELEES L10 32, GUILES L10 32, LIEGES L10 32, UGLIES L10 32, GLEES L11 30
GUILES L10 32 slebbarc
GUILES K1 29 ksong
GLUES K2 27 jeff
ELS 15M 13 pattycake

On 9th draw, DWINE 9H 23 --- DWINE to pine or waste away [v]
Other moves: WIND 5J 21, WINED 14A 21, WIRED 14A 21, WITED 14A 21, WRIED 14A 21
WIND 5J 21 ksong, jeff
WEND 11K 16 Faeythe
WO 13C 10 slebbarc

On 10th draw, RUSMA 8A 30 --- RUSMA a depilatory [n]
Other moves: ARUMS K2 29, MARTS K2 29, MATTS K2 29, MAUTS K2 29, MURAS K2 29
TRAMS K2 29 ksong
MUTTS K2 29 slebbarc
MUST K4 27 jeff
MARTS M5 20 Faeythe

On 11th draw, BARONIES N8 62 --- BARONY the territory of a baron [n]
Other moves: ABRINS K1 31, BAIRNS K1 31, BARONS K1 31, BASION K4 31, BRAINS K1 31
BRAINS K1 31 ksong, slebbarc
BARNS K2 29 jeff
BRAINS M4 21 Faeythe

On 12th draw, CAW O7 41 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: WAB O7 40, CAB O7 37, NAW O7 35, TAW O7 35, AW O8 32
CAW O7 41 jeff
WAN O7 32 slebbarc
TUBA O5 30 Faeythe
WANT 5J 19 ksong

On 13th draw, TRAGUS K1 29 --- TRAGUS a part of the external opening of the ear [n]
Other tops: AGUTIS K1 29, GRATIS K1 29, TUGRAS K1 29
Other moves: AGIST K3 27, ARGUS K2 27, AURIST K2 27, GAIRS K2 27, GAITS K2 27
GRATIS K1 29 slebbarc
GUST K4 25 ksong
GAST K4 25 jeff
GRATES J2 11 Faeythe

On 14th draw, TOOTHIER 1H 185 --- TOOTHY having or showing prominent teeth [adj]
Other moves: TOROTH 1G 39, THEIR 1K 36, THORO 1K 36, THROE 1K 36, TOOTH 1H 36
THROE 1K 36 ksong
TOOTH 1H 36 Lucylulu
HOOTER 1H 30 slebbarc
TROTH 1K 27 Faeythe
TOOTH 1K 27 jeff

On 15th draw, AGOUTY 4J 28 --- AGOUTY a burrowing rodent [n]
Other tops: OUTLAYS C2 28
Other moves: GOATY 4K 26, GOUTY 4K 26, NAY K9 24, YA K11 23, YU K11 23
YO C13 22 Faeythe
TOYS C5 11 Lucylulu
RAY O1 6 jeff

On 16th draw, BRAND 2J 51 --- BRAND to mark with a hot iron [v]
Other moves: BRAD 2J 31, BRAN 2J 29, BRIN 2J 29, BRA 2J 26, INDRI 2H 26
BRAND 2J 51 slebbarc
BRAD 2J 31 jeff
BRAN 2J 29 Faeythe
BADE 14A 14 Lucylulu
UNBRAID A5 10 ksong

On 17th draw, HINAU D1 26 --- HINAU (Maori) a New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: NAH K9 24, VIAL 3I 24, HA K11 23, HA C13 22, HALVE 11H 22
NAH K9 24 ksong
UNVAILS C2 22 Lucylulu
HA C13 22 Faeythe
HIVE 11I 20 slebbarc
HAN G13 19 jeff

On 18th draw, ZO C13 46 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: QUIZ B7 42, QI C2 37, COZIE 11H 32, CROZE 11H 32, RIZ J8 32
ZO C13 46 ELCEE, Faeythe
QUIZ B7 42 Lucylulu, ksong
QI C2 37 jeff
ZERO 11K 26 slebbarc

On 19th draw, QI C2 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LITHIC 1A 33, LICHI 1A 30, LICHT 1A 30, RICHT 1A 30, ITCH 1A 27
QI C2 37 jeff, cymru57
RICH 1A 27 Faeythe
TICH 1A 27 slebbarc
QUILT B7 16 Lucylulu
LICE 11I 12 ksong

On 20th draw, JIVE 11I 28 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other moves: VIAL 3I 24, JILT B3 23, JOE 14B 20, VIRETOT 11I 20, LIAR 3I 18
JIVE 11I 28 slebbarc, cymru57, ksong, Lucylulu
JOE 14B 20 Faeythe, jeff

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