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Game of June 24, 2011 at 04:26, 3 players
1. 546 pts rn.roselle
2. 313 pts gruau56
3. 57 pts JenMG

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elorttz   H4    48    48   zlote
 2. ?aeinwy   G6    77   125   yawnier
 3. abeinrx   F9    55   180   axe
 4. adilnov   I2    33   213   avoid
 5. einnprr  11E    36   249   peerier
 6. ?adeeiv   E3    73   322   deviate
 7. acglnos   K5    72   394   clangors
 8. efioorw   D1    41   435   frow
 9. aclnott   2F    64   499   octantal
10. aeefosy   1L    53   552   fays
11. aeiprsu   C3    36   588   paries
12. aegioru   3I    32   620   vaire
13. bdelnor   1A    33   653   rolfed
14. bmmottu   8J    33   686   untomb
15. demnttu   4L    40   726   mend
16. egisttu   M7    74   800   goutiest
17. beghnou  14H    82   882   boughten
18. hiiknqu  15F    53   935   quin

Remaining tiles: hijk

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6355 Filern.roselle  3 21:45  -389  546     1.6355 rn.roselle  3 21:45  -389  546 
  2.  -  Filegruau56     0 20:04  -622  313            Group: not rated
  3.  -  FileJenMG       0  6:59  -878   57     1.  -  gruau56     0 20:04  -622  313 
                                             2.  -  JenMG       0  6:59  -878   57 

On 1st draw, ZLOTE H4 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ROZET H4 30, ROZET H8 30, ZLOTE H8 30, ROZET H5 28, ROZET H6 28
ZERO H8 26 JenMG
ZERO H5 26 rn.roselle
ROLE H6 8 gruau56

On 2nd draw, YAWNIE(R) G6 77 --- YAWNY full of yawns [adj]
Other moves: ANYWI(S)E G7 73, ANYWI(S)E I7 73, YAWNIE(R) G8 69, YAWNIE(S)T 7A 67, ANYWI(S)E G8 65
LAWYE(R) 5H 22 gruau56
YA I3 20 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, AXE F9 55 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX F9 52, EX F9 52, XENIA H11 50, IBEX I5 41, ZEBRINA 4H 36
AXE F9 55 rn.roselle
XI 10F 25 gruau56
WEB 8G 8 JenMG

On 4th draw, AVOID I2 33 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: OZALID 4G 32, VOID I3 32, VAIN I3 30, VALID E11 30, VIAND E11 30
VALID E11 30 rn.roselle
(R)AVIN 12G 8 gruau56

On 5th draw, PEERIER 11E 36 --- PEERIE small [adj]
Other moves: ZONER 4H 28, PENNI E11 24, PENNI J5 24, PRIER E11 24, PEIN J5 23
ZONER 4H 28 rn.roselle, gruau56
VIN 3I 6 JenMG

On 6th draw, DEVIA(T)E E3 73 --- DEVIATE to turn aside from a course or norm [v]
Other tops: ADVI(S)EE E3 73
Other moves: EVIRA(T)ED K8 61, (T)AIVERED K6 61, VIZO(R)ED 4F 38, AVAI(L)ED 2I 36, AVIA(T)ED 2I 36
AD(S) J4 26 rn.roselle
EVADE 12A 24 gruau56
PAID E11 7 JenMG

On 7th draw, CLANGORS K5 72 --- CLANGOR to clang repeatedly [v]
Other moves: CONGEALS J7 67, ZOCALOS 4H 36, ZOCALO 4H 34, AGS J4 32, ONS J4 30
ZONAL 4H 28 rn.roselle
ZOS 4H 12 gruau56

On 8th draw, FROW D1 41 --- FROW a cleaving tool [n]
Other tops: WOOF D1 41
Other moves: WOOFER 10J 35, WOOFER 4A 32, FEW D2 31, WOF D2 31, WOOER 10J 31
WOOFER 10J 35 rn.roselle
FE 12D 14 gruau56

On 9th draw, OCTANTAL 2F 64 --- OCTANT an eighth of a circle [adj] --- OCTANTAL relating to an octant [adj]
Other moves: COLTAN C3 36, CANTO C3 34, COTAN C3 34, COTTA C3 34, CALO C3 30
FOCAL 1D 30 rn.roselle
LAT 7J 3 gruau56

On 10th draw, FAYS 1L 53 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other tops: FEYS 1L 53
Other moves: FEES 1L 44, YEAS 1L 44, YAFFS 1A 42, YAFF 1A 39, REEFY H11 38
FEYS 1L 53 rn.roselle
FAYS L1 28 gruau56

On 11th draw, PARIES C3 36 --- PARIES the wall of an organ [n]
Other tops: PAIRES C3 36, PAREUS C3 36, PAUSER C3 36, PERAIS C3 36
Other moves: APERS C2 34, PAIRE C3 34, PAIRS C3 34, PAISE C3 34, PARES C3 34
SNIPER 8J 27 gruau56
PEAR 3L 26 rn.roselle

On 12th draw, VAIRE 3I 32 --- VAIRE variegated with vair [adj]
Other moves: GRUFE 1A 27, UNGEAR 8J 27, AGER 3K 25, AREG 3K 24, GOAF 1A 24
GEAR 3L 23 rn.roselle
REG 3L 20 gruau56
SAGE 12K 10 JenMG

On 13th draw, ROLFED 1A 33 --- ROLF to practice a system of muscle massage [v]
Other moves: BROND B6 32, DEB 4L 32, DELO 4L 32, DERN 4L 32, DERO 4L 32
BORED 10J 28 rn.roselle
BED B7 12 gruau56

On 14th draw, UNTOMB 8J 33 --- UNTOMB to remove from a tomb [v]
Other moves: OMBU B5 32, UMBO B5 32, UMM B5 29, BOTTOM 10J 28, MOTMOT 10J 28
BOOM 10J 24 rn.roselle
FARM L1 18 gruau56

On 15th draw, MEND 4L 40 --- MEND to repair [v]
Other moves: MENT 4L 36, MENU 4L 36, MED 4L 34, DENT 4L 32, MEN 4L 32
FARE L1 14 rn.roselle
MUD N8 10 gruau56

On 16th draw, GOUTIEST M7 74 --- GOUTY affected with gout [adj]
Other moves: GEIST B6 23, GEITS B6 23, GOUTTES M7 22, GEEST J10 21, GEIST J10 21
SUITE 12A 16 rn.roselle
BITES O8 8 gruau56

On 17th draw, BOUGHTEN 14H 82 --- BOUGHTEN purchased [adj]
Other moves: BOUGH B6 39, GOSH(T) 8A 36, BHOOT 10I 35, BOOTH 10J 34, HOE B6 31
HOE B6 31 rn.roselle
REG A1 4 gruau56

On 18th draw, QUIN 15F 53 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: HUNK O12 45, QI 15G 45, KHI B6 43, KHI 15F 42, QIS 8A 36
QUIN 15F 53 rn.roselle
KHI 15F 42 gruau56

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