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Game of June 24, 2011 at 05:54, 6 players
1. 400 pts margalang
2. 398 pts hulusian
3. 260 pts gmills0

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeelor   H8    64    64   aureole
 2. deilnoq  15H    48   112   doline
 3. abemnty  11E    44   156   bemeant
 4. bhioory  10D    34   190   hoy
 5. ?ijkntt  12A    50   240   jinks
 6. afiosuw  A12    42   282   jaws
 7. dehirtw   G2    69   351   writhed
 8. afglmor   M9    34   385   fromage
 9. aaegipx  N13    33   418   xi
10. aaceprs   4F    76   494   airscape
11. aaeflsz   N4    45   539   saz
12. eeinosu   O5    31   570   eosine
13. elnoruy  14A    40   610   wurley
14. aagnouu   M3    25   635   gena
15. aegnoru  O12    35   670   genu
16. defiotv   9C    29   699   deft
17. abdeiqr   8A    31   730   bier
18. cdioqtt   N8    28   758   qi
19. aiottuv   C3    24   782   outvied
20. acdiltv   K3    24   806   vatical

Remaining tiles: dooptu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6135 Filemargalang   2 18:31  -406  400     1.6135 margalang   2 18:31  -406  400 
  2.4419 Filehulusian    1 26:41  -408  398            Group: not rated
  3.3843 Filegmills0     0 20:53  -546  260     1.4419 hulusian    1 26:41  -408  398 
  4.4641 Filejimbo       1  7:11  -692  114     2.3843 gmills0     0 20:53  -546  260 
  5.  -  FileThe_Texan   0  3:37  -783   23     3.4641 jimbo       1  7:11  -692  114 
  6.  -  Filewordnerd    0  2:18  -787   19     4.  -  The_Texan   0  3:37  -783   23 
                                             5.  -  wordnerd    0  2:18  -787   19 

On 1st draw, A(U)REOLE H8 64 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other tops: AERO(G)EL H2 64, AERO(G)EL H3 64, AERO(G)EL H4 64, AERO(G)EL H6 64, AERO(G)EL H7 64, AREOLE(S) H2 64, AREOLE(S) H3 64, AREOLE(S) H4 64, AREOLE(S) H7 64, AREOLE(S) H8 64, AREOL(A)E H2 64, AREOL(A)E H3 64, AREOL(A)E H4 64, AREOL(A)E H6 64, AREOL(A)E H8 64, A(U)REOLE H2 64, A(U)REOLE H4 64, A(U)REOLE H6 64, A(U)REOLE H7 64, EARLO(B)E H2 64, EARLO(B)E H3 64, EARLO(B)E H4 64, EARLO(B)E H6 64, EARLO(B)E H8 64, (A)REOLAE H2 64, (A)REOLAE H3 64, (A)REOLAE H6 64, (A)REOLAE H7 64, (A)REOLAE H8 64, (P)AROLEE H2 64, (P)AROLEE H3 64, (P)AROLEE H6 64, (P)AROLEE H7 64, (P)AROLEE H8 64
Other moves: AERO(G)EL H5 62, AERO(G)EL H8 62, AREOLE(S) H5 62, AREOLE(S) H6 62, AREOL(A)E H5 62
LEAR H8 8 wordnerd
(C)LEAR H7 8 hulusian

On 2nd draw, DOLINE 15H 48 --- DOLINE a swallow-hole [n]
Other moves: INDOLE 15F 45, LINED 15D 45, OILED 15D 45, ELDIN 15F 42, INDOL 15F 42
DINE 15H 39 hulusian
Q(U)ID 9G 24 jimbo

On 3rd draw, BEMEANT 11E 44 --- BEMEAN to debase [v]
Other moves: TENABLY 13C 38, MAYBE G9 36, MAYBE 14K 35, BAYMEN G6 32, BAYMEN I6 32
MATEY 11E 20 jimbo
B(U)Y 9G 14 hulusian
BREAM 10G 11 wordnerd

On 4th draw, HOY 10D 34 --- HOY a heavy barge or scow [n] --- HOY to incite [v]
Other tops: BOOH 10C 34
Other moves: BOH 10D 33, BOY 10D 33, OOH 10D 31, OH 10E 30, OY 10E 30
HOLY 13F 15 jimbo
H(U)B 9G 14 hulusian

On 5th draw, JINK(S) 12A 50 --- JINK to move quickly out of the way [v]
Other moves: K(A)NJI C9 49, K(A)NJI 12A 45, INKJ(E)T 12A 44, J(U)NK 9C 41, K(A)NJI 14K 39
J(U)NKIE 14C 26 hulusian
KITTEN 14D 14 gmills0
KNITTE(D) 14C 13 jimbo

On 6th draw, JAWS A12 42 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JOWS A12 42
Other moves: FAWNS C9 40, WAIFS B10 38, FAINS C9 34, FAUNS C9 34, WAINS C9 34
JAWS A12 42 margalang, hulusian, jimbo
FAWN L12 20 gmills0

On 7th draw, WRITHED G2 69 --- WRITHE to squirm or twist in pain [v]
Other tops: WRITHED I2 69
Other moves: WHITE B10 50, WRITE B10 44, WHITED 14A 34, WITHED 14A 34, TWIRE B10 32
WHITE B10 50 hulusian
HEW 14M 23 margalang
WENT J9 9 gmills0

On 8th draw, FROMAGE M9 34 --- FROMAGE cheese [n]
Other moves: AMIGO B10 33, FIGO B11 29, FARL 9C 27, FARO 9C 27, FORA 9C 27
GLAMOR 3B 18 gmills0
MO H1 17 margalang
FLOAT 5C 16 hulusian

On 9th draw, XI N13 33 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: APAGE 14J 30, PIXIE 4D 30, PAX N11 29, PIX N11 29, APAGE 9B 28
PAX N11 29 margalang
PIXIE 4F 22 hulusian
PIX B11 21 gmills0

On 10th draw, AIRSCAPE 4F 76 --- AIRSCAPE a view of the earth from an aircraft or a high position [n]
Other tops: AIRSPACE 4F 76
Other moves: CAPRATES 5B 74, CAPRATES K6 62, CEPS O12 49, SCRAPE O8 49, SARAPE O8 43
CEPS O12 49 margalang
SPACER 3B 20 gmills0
PACTS 5D 18 hulusian

On 11th draw, SAZ N4 45 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SEZ N4 45
Other moves: ALEFS O11 44, FAZES O10 41, FEZ 3M 40, ZEAS N1 39, ZELS 9C 39
ZAS N2 37 margalang
ZEAL M3 26 gmills0
ZAP L2 14 hulusian

On 12th draw, EOSINE O5 31 --- EOSINE a red dye [n]
Other tops: EOSINE O8 31
Other moves: SEEN O12 29, SENE O12 29, EOSIN O5 28, EOSINE B9 28, IONISE B9 28
NOSE O5 25 margalang
SIZE 6L 13 gmills0
SWINE 2F 12 hulusian

On 13th draw, WURLEY 14A 40 --- WURLEY an Aborigine hut [n]
Other moves: RENY O12 38, LEY N8 36, LOY N8 36, OYE N9 36, OY N9 33
RENY O12 38 margalang
HOLY 6G 18 gmills0
WRY 14A 18 hulusian

On 14th draw, GENA M3 25 --- GENA the cheek [n]
Other moves: GAUN N8 23, GUANA 9B 23, GUANO 9B 23, NAGA 9C 23, AGA 9D 21
HANG 6G 12 hulusian
NO O14 10 margalang
PAGAN L4 9 gmills0

On 15th draw, GENU O12 35 --- GENU the knee [n]
Other tops: GENA O12 35
Other moves: REGO O12 33, AEON O12 29, GARNER C9 28, EGO O13 27, ENG O13 26
GORE 9C 23 margalang
ENOUGH 6B 16 hulusian
GROW 2D 10 gmills0

On 16th draw, DEFT 9C 29 --- DEFT skillful [adj]
Other moves: EFT 9D 25, OFT 9D 25, FIVER 3C 24, TIED N8 23, TOED N8 23
ODE 9D 21 margalang
COVED J4 19 hulusian
WIFE 2G 12 gmills0

On 17th draw, BIER 8A 31 --- BIER a coffin stand [n]
Other tops: BEAR 8A 31
Other moves: DEAR 8A 28, QADI K3 28, QAID K3 28, QI N8 28, DIEB N8 27
BEAR 8A 31 margalang
BRAIDED C3 26 gmills0
CABRE J4 15 hulusian

On 18th draw, QI N8 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QADI K3 28, QAID K3 28
Other moves: QI L8 26, QAT K3 24, QI 11B 24, DIXI N11 21, DITTOED C3 20
QI L8 26 margalang
DICH 6D 16 hulusian
CHIT 6F 15 The_Texan
QI B7 11 gmills0

On 19th draw, OUTVIED C3 24 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: OTTAVA K1 18, VAC J2 16, ATT 7A 15, OAT 7A 15, AIA F4 14
AT F6 13 margalang
AVOW 2D 12 gmills0
COT J4 7 hulusian

On 20th draw, VATICAL K3 24 --- VATICAL pertaining to a prophet [adj]
Other moves: LAV L6 23, ATAVIC K2 22, ATAVIC K4 22, DATIVAL K3 22, VAUT 4A 22
CHILD 6F 21 gmills0
VITAL 7I 20 hulusian
AVAIL K4 16 margalang
AM 12L 8 The_Texan

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