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Game of June 24, 2011 at 06:43, 8 players
1. 543 pts margalang
2. 411 pts fatcat
3. 274 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdgruy   H8    32    32   cadgy
 2. ?eflmrv  12F    30    62   flyover
 3. aeilnss   M6    75   137   salines
 4. ejoortw   8J    60   197   jowler
 5. egiipst   6F    69   266   pigsties
 6. ?afloty   7A    74   340   flyboat
 7. dehiosu   A4    51   391   houfed
 8. abnoptz   L1    50   441   zonate
 9. aikorst   3E    64   505   skiatron
10. eenoruu   1J    45   550   rezone
11. aeinort   B9    71   621   otarine
12. aadenqv  15A    39   660   deave
13. aeginot   4C    33   693   eating
14. ehiimor   C9    32   725   home
15. cdinpux  D10    54   779   pix
16. bcdeimn   E7    36   815   obied
17. abciruw  13A    26   841   air
18. bcilmnu   H1    21   862   clag
19. bimnquu  10J    33   895   quin

Remaining tiles: bmnuuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6135 Filemargalang   2 19:54  -352  543     1.6135 margalang   2 19:54  -352  543 
  2.4114 Filefatcat      1 23:02  -484  411     2.6535 woofy1      0  2:43  -854   41 
  3.4986 Fileannelhynz   1 12:56  -621  274            Group: novice
  4.5713 FileFaeythe     0 11:28  -648  247     1.5713 Faeythe     0 11:28  -648  247 
  5.3863 Filegmills0     0  5:45  -787  108     2.5459 ELCEE       0  2:31  -807   88 
  6.5459 FileELCEE       0  2:31  -807   88            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileThe_Texan   0  5:41  -851   44     1.4114 fatcat      1 23:02  -484  411 
  8.6535 Filewoofy1      0  2:43  -854   41     2.4986 annelhynz   1 12:56  -621  274 
                                             3.3863 gmills0     0  5:45  -787  108 
                                             4.  -  The_Texan   0  5:41  -851   44 

On 1st draw, CADGY H8 32 --- CADGY cheerful [adj]
Other moves: CADGY H4 30, CARDY H8 30, CRUDY H8 30, CURDY H8 30, DARCY H8 30
CARDY H8 30 fatcat, margalang
CAGY H5 20 gmills0
YARD H8 16 The_Texan

On 2nd draw, FLY(O)VER 12F 30 --- FLYOVER a flight of aircraft over a specific location [n]
Other tops: (O)VERFLY 12B 30
Other moves: VERM(I)LY 12B 28, VER(I)FY 12C 28, F(I)RMLY 12C 26, F(O)RMYL 12D 26, ME(D)FLY 12C 26
F(I)RMLY 12C 26 margalang
FEM(O)RAL 9C 17 gmills0
FAME 9G 16 The_Texan
FLAMER 9F 15 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SALINES M6 75 --- SALINE a salt solution [n]
Other tops: SILANES M6 75
SALINES M6 25 fatcat
SALE M12 24 margalang
SALINE K7 12 gmills0
ALIENS K9 12 The_Texan

On 4th draw, JOWLER 8J 60 --- JOWLER a heavy-jawed hound [n]
Other moves: JO G9 37, OWLER 8K 36, OWLET 8K 36, J*WS 6J 30, JOWS 6J 30
JO G9 37 margalang
JETS 6J 27 gmills0
JET K11 20 fatcat
LOW 8M 18 annelhynz

On 5th draw, PIGSTIES 6F 69 --- PIGSTY a pigpen [n]
Other moves: GRIPIEST O7 62, PEES 11K 22, GEIST N2 20, PEE 11K 20, PIETIES N3 19
SPITE 13B 19 margalang
GIVES J10 15 gmills0
PEST K11 12 Faeythe, fatcat

On 6th draw, FLY(B)OAT 7A 74 --- FLYBOAT a small, fast boat [n]
Other moves: F(I)LATORY O2 64, (D)EFY N7 36, FAE(R)Y 11K 32, FLOATY 13A 32, FATLY 13B 30
LOFTY 13B 30 fatcat
FA(U)LTY 13A 30 margalang
FA(N)NY 10J 26 Faeythe
JAY J8 21 annelhynz
A(W)AY 9H 20 woofy1
FAV(E) J10 17 gmills0

On 7th draw, HOUFED A4 51 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: FISHED A7 45, HOUFS A4 45, FEHS A7 30, FISH A7 30, FOHS A7 30
FISHED A7 45 ELCEE, fatcat, margalang
FOH A7 27 annelhynz
UH 5J 22 Faeythe
FED A7 21 woofy1

On 8th draw, ZONATE L1 50 --- ZONATE arranged in zones [adj]
Other moves: ZA G9 45, ZO G9 45, BONZA 13B 37, AZON B9 36, BONZA 10K 36
ZA G9 45 Faeythe
ZO G9 45 margalang
ZONE L3 26 fatcat
JOB J8 18 annelhynz

On 9th draw, SKIATRON 3E 64 --- SKIATRON a cathode-ray tube [n]
Other moves: ROZITS 1J 45, IZARS 1K 42, TZARS 1K 42, KOORIS 2J 40, ZATI 1L 39
ZITS 1L 39 Faeythe, margalang
KNOT 10L 10 fatcat

On 10th draw, REZONE 1J 45 --- REZONE to zone again [v] --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZERO 1L 39, ZONE 1L 39, EORL B4 17, ROUEN B1 17, AEON 9H 16
REZONE 1J 45 fatcat
ZONE 1L 39 Faeythe, margalang, annelhynz

On 11th draw, OTARINE B9 71 --- OTARINE pertaining to otaries [adj]
Other moves: O(B)TAINER D6 66, REO(B)TAIN D4 66, TA(B)ORINE D5 66, (B)ARITONE D7 66, ANTERIOR O4 59
RATE 13C 13 margalang
JOR J8 12 annelhynz
JAR J8 12 Faeythe
TRAINER O7 8 fatcat

On 12th draw, DEAVE 15A 39 --- DEAVE to deafen [v]
Other moves: DEEV 15A 36, VEND 15A 30, DEVA 15A 27, VEENA 15A 27, VENAE 15A 27
VEND 15A 30 margalang
DEN A13 23 Faeythe
DEAN 15A 18 annelhynz
VEND K11 16 fatcat

On 13th draw, EATING 4C 33 --- EATING the act of consuming food [n]
Other moves: TOING 4D 31, TANGIE 4E 28, GIANT 4D 27, OATEN C9 27, ATONE 4D 25
GEAN B2 17 annelhynz
(B)OATING D7 16 fatcat
EATING 14E 15 Faeythe
TAE 13D 8 margalang

On 14th draw, HOME C9 32 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other moves: HEM C9 29, HIM C9 29, HOM C9 29, HIRE C9 28, HORE C9 28
MEER 11K 22 margalang
HOVER J10 21 fatcat
HIDER 10F 19 annelhynz

On 15th draw, PIX D10 54 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: DUX D10 51, NIX D10 48, XI D12 38, XU D12 38, PIX D11 37
XI I9 37 margalang
FIX F12 29 annelhynz, fatcat

On 16th draw, OBIED E7 36 --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: BID 13A 34, CID 13A 34, MID 13A 34, BED E9 32, BID E9 32
MEED 11K 24 margalang
VICE J12 15 fatcat
MEND K11 14 Faeythe
FEM F12 14 annelhynz

On 17th draw, AIR 13A 26 --- AIR early [adv] --- AIR to expose to the air (the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth) [v]
Other moves: WAE 11K 24, CABA 9G 23, WEARY C3 22, BRAG H1 21, CRAG H1 21
CRAG H1 21 fatcat, margalang
JAW J8 21 annelhynz

On 18th draw, CLAG H1 21 --- CLAG to clog [v]
Other tops: BLAG H1 21
Other moves: MEINY C3 20, JIB J8 18, MELIC K11 18, MENU N7 18, UMBEL C1 18
CLAG H1 21 margalang
BLAG H1 21 annelhynz
MICE C1 16 fatcat

On 19th draw, QUIN 10J 33 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: MAQUI 4K 21, MEINY C3 20, JIB J8 18, MENU N7 18, BI G9 17
QUIN 10J 33 margalang
BUN 14E 11 fatcat

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