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Game of June 24, 2011 at 08:15, 5 players
1. 372 pts fatcat
2. 364 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 278 pts Cruiser

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deilow   H2    78    78   dowlier
 2. delnors   G7    65   143   rondels
 3. aeeemno   2H    32   175   demeane
 4. eeilrrv  13G    74   249   sliverer
 5. bceeirt   F2    76   325   terebic
 6. abfintv   1L    50   375   baft
 7. aadegov   3K    35   410   adage
 8. ?eosttu   O8    83   493   outjest
 9. adjnosv  15L    54   547   vans
10. acknoru   4A    30   577   kronur
11. agiiosy   A4    36   613   kayos
12. dfgiijo   3C    38   651   jo
13. adfnoop  12K    29   680   fap
14. agiptuz   N6    38   718   zip
15. acdiort  H11    33   751   dolci
16. aiirtwy   5E    44   795   reality
17. aglnoqt   M7    49   844   qat
18. ehimoux  11B    40   884   exhumed
19. gghinou   D7    84   968   houghing

Remaining tiles: iilnw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4167 Filefatcat      0 23:18  -596  372     1.5510 JennyB      1 10:51  -784  184 
  2.4352 FileGrace_Tjie  1 22:12  -604  364            Group: not rated
  3.4437 FileCruiser     0 16:12  -690  278     1.4167 fatcat      0 23:18  -596  372 
  4.5510 FileJennyB      1 10:51  -784  184     2.4352 Grace_Tjie  1 22:12  -604  364 
  5.  -  Filealhuqq1._   0  3:26  -906   62     3.4437 Cruiser     0 16:12  -690  278 
                                             4.  -  alhuqq1._   0  3:26  -906   62 

On 1st draw, DOWLIE(R) H2 78 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other moves: DOWLIE(R) H4 74, OLDWI(F)E H2 74, DOWLIE(R) H3 72, DOWLIE(R) H7 72, DOWLIE(R) H8 72
WILDE(R) H4 26 Grace_Tjie
WILDE(R) H8 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, RONDELS G7 65 --- RONDEL a rondeau of fourteen lines [n]
Other moves: DISENROL 6G 63, DONDERS 2H 22, DOWLNES 4F 22, DOWNERS 4F 22, WELDORS 4H 22
DOLLS 5E 12 fatcat
LORDS 5H 12 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, DEMEANE 2H 32 --- DEMEANE treatment [n]
Other moves: MEANE I3 31, MEAN I3 25, MOAN I3 25, MEANE F8 24, NAME I1 24
WOMEN 4H 20 fatcat
OMEN 3H 9 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, SLIVERER 13G 74 --- SLIVERER one that slivers [n]
Other tops: SILVERER 13G 74
Other moves: DRIVELER 10G 72, RELIEVER 11A 72, RELIEVER 11C 72, RELIEVER 11F 72, RELIEVER K1 72
ARRIVE L2 18 fatcat
LIVERS 13B 18 Grace_Tjie
LIVER 11D 16 Cruiser

On 5th draw, TEREBIC F2 76 --- TEREBIC pertaining to an acid derived from oil of turpentine [adj]
Other moves: COTERIE 3G 41, BEER 1L 38, BEET 1L 38, BERE 1L 38, BETE 1L 38
CART L1 18 fatcat
NICER M2 14 Grace_Tjie
BIER N10 12 Cruiser

On 6th draw, BAFT 1L 50 --- BAFT a coarse fabric [n]
Other moves: FIAT 1L 46, FAINT 1K 39, BANI 1L 38, BANT 1L 38, BINT 1L 38
FAINT L1 24 Grace_Tjie, fatcat
LAB H13 15 Cruiser

On 7th draw, ADAGE 3K 35 --- ADAGE a traditional saying expressing a common observation [n]
Other moves: AGED 3K 33, EGAD 3K 33, D*G* 3L 31, GADE 3L 31, GAED 3L 30
WAVED 4H 24 fatcat
LAV H13 18 Grace_Tjie
DOVER L9 18 Cruiser

On 8th draw, OUT(J)EST O8 83 --- OUTJEST to excel in jesting [v]
Other tops: OUTE(A)TS O7 83, OUT(J)ETS O7 83, OUT(L)ETS O7 83, OUT(S)ETS O7 83, TE(N)UTOS O7 83, TOU(P)ETS O7 83, TO(Q)UETS O7 83, (C)UTTOES O7 83, (D)UETTOS O7 83, (G)OUTTES O7 83, (S)ETOUTS O7 83
Other moves: OUTSET(S) O7 82, SETOUT(S) O7 82, TOUTE(R)S O7 80, TE(N)UTOS E1 79, (F)OUETTES 11D 78
OUTSET O10 33 fatcat
OUST(S) O11 27 Cruiser
E(A)ST I8 8 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, VANS 15L 54 --- VAN to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) [v]
Other moves: NOVAS 15K 48, AVOS 15L 45, DANS 15L 42, DONAS 15K 42, DONS 15L 42
AS 15N 27 Grace_Tjie
JADE 5C 24 Cruiser, fatcat

On 10th draw, KRONUR 4A 30 --- KRONA a monetary unit of Sweden [n]
Other tops: ALKO H12 30, KRONUR L8 30
Other moves: KRONA N6 29, UNDOCK 10E 25, ALCO H12 24, CANKER 11C 24, CANKER K9 24
CAKE 11D 20 Grace_Tjie
DARK 10G 19 fatcat
RACE K10 12 Cruiser

On 11th draw, KAYOS A4 36 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other moves: GORSY B2 34, KAGOS A4 30, GOOSY C3 26, SOAK A1 24, AY 3B 22
SOAK A1 24 Grace_Tjie
IVY J12 17 fatcat
GIST 10L 7 Cruiser

On 12th draw, JO 3C 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: FJORD B1 35, JIG N6 30, JOG N6 30, JIRD B2 27, DOF 12K 26
JO 3C 38 Grace_Tjie
JOG C3 22 Cruiser
JOE K11 20 JennyB
JOIN D1 19 fatcat

On 13th draw, FAP 12K 29 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other tops: FOP 12K 29
Other moves: DOF 12K 26, FAD 12K 26, UFO E4 26, DAP 12K 23, DOP 12K 23
FOOL 12D 14 Cruiser, fatcat
DOP I8 13 JennyB
NAP I8 11 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, ZIP N6 38 --- ZIP to fasten with a metal fastener with teeth [v]
Other tops: ZAP N6 38
Other moves: LUZ H13 36, UPGAZE 11B 36, ZAG N6 36, ZIG N6 36, DITZ 10G 34
GAZE 11D 28 Grace_Tjie, Cruiser, JennyB
ZIT 10M 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, DOLCI H11 33 --- DOLCE a soft-toned organ stop [n]
Other moves: TRICLAD 12C 28, DOLIA H11 27, ARTIC B6 26, CORDIAL 12A 26, COTIDAL 12A 26
TRACED 11C 18 fatcat, JennyB
DART I8 12 Grace_Tjie
CORD 10D 9 Cruiser

On 16th draw, REALITY 5E 44 --- REALITY something that is real [n]
Other moves: WYTE 5C 43, TYRE 5C 34, WIFEY K10 28, WIRY B7 25, WAYED 11D 24
YAWED 11D 24 Cruiser
WAITED 11C 20 fatcat
JOY C3 13 Grace_Tjie
WAIT 15F 7 JennyB

On 17th draw, QAT M7 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 7M 21, GANT M7 18, GAOL M7 18, GLOATED 11B 18, LAT 14M 18
QAT M7 49 JennyB
QI 7M 21 Grace_Tjie
GLOATED 11B 18 Cruiser
QI 15G 11 fatcat

On 18th draw, EXHUMED 11B 40 --- EXHUME to dig out from the earth [v]
Other moves: HEX I1 38, OXIME B6 36, EX I2 34, HEX B8 34, HOX B8 34
HEX I1 38 JennyB
HEXED 11D 32 Cruiser, fatcat
OX B6 27 Grace_Tjie, alhuqq1._

On 19th draw, HOUGHING D7 84 --- HOUGH to hamstring [v]
Other moves: HOXING C9 42, HUI 12B 36, HO 10B 35, HOUGH D11 32, ION 12C 27
HO 10B 35 alhuqq1._
HIGH D8 15 fatcat
HOG D11 14 Grace_Tjie
JOIN C3 11 JennyB

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