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Game of June 24, 2011 at 09:49, 9 players
1. 642 pts kellybelly
2. 570 pts yab
3. 360 pts leonora

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adirwy   H7    32    32   midway
 2. aabdfkn  12D    26    58   kandy
 3. iiorstu  13E    28    86   roist
 4. aefilmo  14D    28   114   fem
 5. abdeiru  15E    91   205   daubier
 6. eilmnrt  14J    40   245   merlin
 7. acehlqt  O11    42   287   chant
 8. agooptu  13K    21   308   poa
 9. aeeiosz  10F    39   347   zowie
10. aanopst  12L    29   376   opah
11. ?fggntu   8D    64   440   gunfight
12. eilnnty   D3    20   460   tyeing
13. aceenrs   5D    90   550   encrease
14. aeijoos   L1    51   601   jiaos
15. enqrsuw   2H    72   673   requins
16. adeeotx   1D    48   721   exode
17. bgiortu   1L    37   758   jour
18. abelovw   3B    29   787   votable
19. hiilttw   F5    28   815   chintz
20. egilltw   B1    20   835   wive

Remaining tiles: glltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7143 Filekellybelly 10 15:13  -193  642     1.7143 kellybelly 10 15:13  -193  642 
  2.6701 Fileyab         5 26:17  -265  570            Group: intermediate
  3.3753 Fileleonora     1 25:13  -475  360     1.6701 yab         5 26:17  -265  570 
  4.5513 FileJennyB      1  6:57  -692  143     2.6037 miaanne     1  1:28  -815   20 
  5.5434 FileBez         0  8:12  -700  135            Group: novice
  6.4779 Filelyndyloo    0  4:27  -738   97     1.5513 JennyB      1  6:57  -692  143 
  7.4443 Filemarigold    0  1:04  -765   70     2.5434 Bez         0  8:12  -700  135 
  8.6037 Filemiaanne     1  1:28  -815   20     3.5459 ELCEE       0  1:56  -820   15 
  9.5459 FileELCEE       0  1:56  -820   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.3753 leonora     1 25:13  -475  360 
                                             2.4779 lyndyloo    0  4:27  -738   97 
                                             3.4443 marigold    0  1:04  -765   70 

On 1st draw, (M)IDWAY H7 32 --- MIDWAY an avenue at a fair or carnival for concessions and amusements [n]
Other tops: AYW(O)RD H3 32, DAW(B)RY H7 32, DRAW(L)Y H7 32, W(E)IRDY H4 32, W(E)IRDY H7 32, W(E)YARD H4 32, (B)AWDRY H7 32, (S)WARDY H3 32, (S)WARDY H7 32, (T)AWDRY H7 32
Other moves: AIRW(A)Y H7 30, D(E)AWY H8 30, D(O)WRY H8 30, R(O)WDY H8 30, WAD(D)Y H4 30
W(E)IRDY H4 32 yab, kellybelly
W(E)ARY H8 28 leonora
DAIRY H8 26 JennyB
DAIRY H4 22 Bez

On 2nd draw, KANDY 12D 26 --- KANDY an Indian weight [n]
Other moves: KAF G11 25, NAKFA 11D 24, NAKFA 11G 24, NAKFA G11 24, NAKFA I11 24
KAF G11 25 kellybelly
KAB G11 23 yab
FAB G11 21 JennyB, Bez
FAWN 10F 18 leonora

On 3rd draw, ROIST 13E 28 --- ROIST to revel [v]
Other moves: SUITOR 13H 27, TUIS 13E 26, ISIT 13G 23, ISO 13G 22, IS 13G 20
SUITOR 13H 27 yab
IS 13G 20 kellybelly
ROT 13C 14 JennyB
TRIOS I4 10 Bez
WRIST 10H 10 leonora

On 4th draw, FEM 14D 28 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: FLEAM 14A 25, ME 14F 25, EM 14E 24, FILM 14B 23, FLAM 14B 23
FEM 14D 28 kellybelly, yab, JennyB
WIFE 10H 18 leonora
FLAMED 9C 17 Bez

On 5th draw, DAUBIER 15E 91 --- DAUBY smeary [adj]
Other moves: BARED 15A 38, BREAD 15A 38, DAUBER 15E 38, DAUBE 15E 35, DEBAR 15E 35
BARED 15A 38 kellybelly, yab
BADE 15A 30 JennyB
AIRED 15F 24 Bez
WEB 10H 14 leonora

On 6th draw, MERLIN 14J 40 --- MERLIN a European falcon [n]
Other moves: MEINT 14J 38, MERIL 14J 38, MERIT 14J 38, REMINT 14J 26, MEIN 14J 24
MERLIN 14J 40 kellybelly
MERIT 14J 38 yab
MELT 14J 24 Bez
MENT 14J 24 JennyB
ANTLER 11H 12 leonora

On 7th draw, CHANT O11 42 --- CHANT to recite in a singing manner [v]
Other moves: AHENT O11 36, THANE O11 36, HANT O12 33, HENT O12 33, HAET 13K 28
CHANT O11 42 kellybelly, yab, leonora
QAT G6 17 Bez

On 8th draw, POA 13K 21 --- POA a type of plant [n]
Other moves: POTAGER K9 20, PUGH 12L 20, GAPO G6 19, POA G8 19, POO G8 19
POA 13K 21 kellybelly
TOUGH 12K 18 yab
POOR L11 12 leonora

On 9th draw, ZOWIE 10F 39 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: WIZES 10H 37, SWIZ 10G 36, WIZ 10H 35, AZOIC 11K 32, SEIZOR L9 30
WIZES 10H 37 leonora, kellybelly
WIZ 10H 35 yab

On 10th draw, OPAH 12L 29 --- OPAH a marine fish [n]
Other moves: PANS 12J 27, PATS 12J 27, NAOS 12J 23, NATS 12J 23, OATH 12L 23
PANTOS I3 16 yab
TOPER K11 14 kellybelly
POOR L11 12 leonora

On 11th draw, GUNFIG(H)T 8D 64 --- GUNFIGHT to fight with guns [v]
Other moves: FUG 11J 24, F(A)G 11J 22, F(E)G 11J 22, F(I)G 11J 22, F(O)G 11J 22
F(I)G 11J 22 kellybelly, yab
FU(M)(I)NG 7F 9 lyndyloo
FU(M) 7F 6 leonora

On 12th draw, TYEING D3 20 --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other tops: LYTING D3 20, TYNING D3 20
Other moves: TYG I6 19, ENTITY K4 18, EYING D4 18, LENITY K4 18, LYING D4 18
TYEING D3 20 kellybelly
NINETY K4 18 yab
TENTY K5 16 lyndyloo
YEN F6 14 leonora

On 13th draw, ENCREASE 5D 90 --- ENCREASE to become larger [v]
Other moves: CAREENS L2 84, ENRACES L2 84, RECANES L2 84, CENTARES 3A 72, REASCENT K1 70
CANERS L3 32 kellybelly
RACES L4 30 lyndyloo
NEARS C2 23 yab
RACES 5A 14 leonora

On 14th draw, JIAOS L1 51 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAOS 4I 37, JIAO 4I 35, JOES 4I 35, JOES L2 33, JIAO C1 31
JIAOS L1 51 kellybelly, yab
JESS J3 13 leonora

On 15th draw, REQUINS 2H 72 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUINES 2J 70, QUIRES 2J 70, SQUIER 2I 70, SQUIRE 2I 70, QUINE 2J 68
QUIRES 2J 70 kellybelly
SQUIRE 2I 70 marigold
J*WS 1L 42 lyndyloo, leonora
QUIN 2J 33 yab

On 16th draw, EXODE 1D 48 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other tops: TAXED 1E 48
Other moves: AXED 1F 45, EXED 1F 45, EXEAT 1E 44, DEX 3G 40, JEED 1L 40
TAXED 1E 48 kellybelly, yab
EX 1N 29 leonora

On 17th draw, JOUR 1L 37 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: BITTOUR 3B 23, GIB C2 23, GUB C2 23, RIB C2 21, RUB C2 21
JOUR 1L 37 kellybelly
RIB 11J 18 yab
BORT 3A 12 leonora

On 18th draw, VOTABLE 3B 29 --- VOTABLE capable of being voted on [adj]
Other moves: WAB C2 27, WEB C2 27, AWE 4G 23, AWL 4G 23, OWE 4G 23
WAB C2 27 kellybelly, yab
WE H4 9 leonora

On 19th draw, CHINTZ F5 28 --- CHINTZ a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: HIT 6I 19, WIT 6I 19, HARED E11 18, WARED E11 18, CHIN F5 17
WARED E11 18 kellybelly
CH F5 15 yab
WIN 7B 7 leonora

On 20th draw, WIVE B1 20 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIT 6I 19, VIEW B3 18, WARED E11 18, GAE 3K 17, GIVE B1 16
WIVE B1 20 kellybelly, miaanne
WARED E11 18 yab
QI J2 11 leonora

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