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Game of June 24, 2011 at 12:07, 12 players
1. 470 pts kellybelly
2. 379 pts JennyB
3. 378 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addimno   H6    76    76   diamond
 2. ?ceorsz  11D   122   198   cozeners
 3. ?acnttw   D8    32   230   wiccan
 4. ellnoru   6A    63   293   unrolled
 5. adegirr   A4    33   326   gaudier
 6. efinrsv  14A    35   361   versin
 7. aabiowy  A12    51   412   wavy
 8. beenotu   K5    70   482   tubenose
 9. aefhisu  L12    38   520   hauf
10. aeiikot  15L    33   553   fake
11. diijnst  C12    37   590   jird
12. fghorsu   M9    46   636   frosh
13. aeglptt   L4    29   665   tapet
14. beiloot  15E    25   690   oobit
15. aegipuy   J4    35   725   puy
16. aegortt   N3    65   790   garotte
17. aeiinsv   O1    35   825   avine
18. egilmqs   O8    29   854   ems
19. eiillqx   G4    36   890   ilex

Remaining tiles: egiilq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7155 Filekellybelly  3 12:22  -420  470     1.7155 kellybelly  3 12:22  -420  470 
  2.5563 FileJennyB      1 19:41  -511  379            Group: intermediate
  3.6081 Filejeff        3 16:35  -512  378     1.6081 jeff        3 16:35  -512  378 
  4.4018 Filemanfred     1 22:08  -555  335     2.6018 ksong       0 10:31  -738  152 
  5.4681 Filesiuyee      1 15:38  -604  286            Group: novice
  6.3198 Filestrykyster  0 23:34  -654  236     1.5563 JennyB      1 19:41  -511  379 
  7.6018 Fileksong       0 10:31  -738  152     2.5064 narisa      0  2:28  -842   48 
  8.  -  Filedeanna41    1 11:03  -784  106            Group: not rated
  9.5064 Filenarisa      0  2:28  -842   48     1.4018 manfred     1 22:08  -555  335 
 10.  -  FileRASHIKA     0  4:49  -844   46     2.4681 siuyee      1 15:38  -604  286 
 11.4561 Filepattycake   0  3:02  -852   38     3.3198 strykyster  0 23:34  -654  236 
 12.3217 FileZEHAVARON   0  3:26  -875   15     4.  -  deanna41    1 11:03  -784  106 
                                             5.  -  RASHIKA     0  4:49  -844   46 
                                             6.4561 pattycake   0  3:02  -852   38 
                                             7.3217 ZEHAVARON   0  3:26  -875   15 

On 1st draw, DIAMOND H6 76 --- DIAMOND to adorn with diamonds (precious gems) [v]
Other tops: DIAMOND H4 76
Other moves: DIAMOND H2 74, DIAMOND H3 74, DIAMOND H7 74, DIAMOND H8 74, DIAMOND H5 72
DIAMOND H4 26 siuyee
MANDI H8 18 manfred
DAMN H7 14 strykyster
DAM H7 12 JennyB

On 2nd draw, COZ(E)NERS 11D 122 --- COZENER one that cozens [n]
Other tops: COZEN(E)RS 11D 122
Other moves: SC(H)ERZO 13H 102, COZ(I)ERS 13B 98, C(R)OZERS 13B 98, CROZE(R)S 13B 96, CROZIE(R)S 7D 79
CR(A)ZES 13C 46 JennyB
ZERO(E)S 13C 40 siuyee
DOZERS 6H 36 strykyster
ZOOS 10F 33 manfred

On 3rd draw, W(I)CCAN D8 32 --- WICCAN one who practices witchcraft [n]
Other moves: W(I)CCA D8 30, CWTC(H) D8 28, WAND(S) 12E 26, WATC(H) D8 26, WAND 12E 25
WA(R)D 12E 23 kellybelly
CAW D11 16 manfred
CANT D11 12 siuyee
DIAMOND(S) H6 11 strykyster
Z(O) F11 10 JennyB

On 4th draw, UNROLLED 6A 63 --- UNROLL to open something that is rolled up [v]
Other moves: ENOW 8A 21, LUZERN F9 19, LEON(E) G7 18, LLANO 12B 18, ENROLL G3 16
ZONER F11 16 kellybelly
UNROLLS K5 14 siuyee
LONE E5 13 JennyB
DEN 6H 6 strykyster
WO 8D 5 manfred

On 5th draw, GAUDIER A4 33 --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other moves: DRAWER 8A 30, EARWIG 8A 30, ARGUED A3 27, DURGIER A5 27, GRUED A4 27
GUIDER A5 24 JennyB
GREW 8A 24 kellybelly
RIDGERS K5 18 siuyee
GAL E4 8 manfred
SAGE K11 5 strykyster

On 6th draw, VERSIN 14A 35 --- VERSIN short for versed sine [n]
Other tops: FRISEE I7 35
Other moves: FINNERS 13B 34, VISNE 14B 33, INFERS 13C 32, FIERE I7 31, FRISE I7 31
FIVE C12 29 kellybelly
VISE 14B 27 jeff
FENS 14A 27 siuyee
SIN 13H 16 strykyster
FES G5 10 manfred

On 7th draw, WAVY A12 51 --- WAVY having waves [adj] --- WAVY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: AWAY 15F 32, YABA 15F 32, YAW 15F 32, YOW 15F 32, YOB 15F 29
WAVY A12 51 jeff, kellybelly
IVY A13 27 siuyee
BOW 10G 16 strykyster
BOY 10G 16 manfred

On 8th draw, TUBENOSE K5 70 --- TUBENOSE a bird having tubular nostrils [n]
Other moves: BOUNTREE J6 68, BEEN 5D 24, BEET 5D 24, BEENTO D1 22, TUBE 15E 22
TUBE 15E 22 kellybelly
OBE 15F 17 jeff
BLUE E5 17 JennyB
NIB 7G 12 siuyee
GONE 4A 10 strykyster
DOE 7A 10 manfred

On 9th draw, HAUF L12 38 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: FASH L12 38, FISH L12 38
Other moves: FAHS 15E 37, FASH 15E 37, FEHS 15E 37, SHEAF 13K 33, FAHS L12 32
FAHS 15E 37 kellybelly
FASH 15E 37 jeff, JennyB
SHEAF 13K 33 manfred
SAFE 13K 25 siuyee
SEAL E3 8 deanna41

On 10th draw, FAKE 15L 33 --- FAKE to contrive and present as genuine [v]
Other tops: FAIK 15L 33, FIKE 15L 33
Other moves: TROAK C5 30, ATOKE 15F 29, REAK C6 29, TAKE 15E 28, TAKI 15E 28
FAKE 15L 33 kellybelly, jeff, manfred, JennyB, siuyee, deanna41
KILT E4 16 strykyster

On 11th draw, JIRD C12 37 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: DJINNI B2 36, DJINN B2 31, DJINS J1 31, JINK N12 30, JINS J2 29
JINK N12 30 siuyee
DJIN L3 28 kellybelly
EDITS 8K 24 strykyster, jeff
SAND 13K 21 manfred
STINK N11 18 deanna41

On 12th draw, FROSH M9 46 --- FROSH a freshman [n]
Other tops: FRUSH M9 46
Other moves: GURSH M9 38, FOHS 15E 37, GOSH M10 32, GUSH M10 32, FOGS 15E 31
FOGS 15E 31 JennyB
FURS 15E 28 kellybelly
FORK N12 22 siuyee
HOURS C3 18 strykyster
EH G6 18 jeff
HOS L4 16 ksong
FORGE O11 10 deanna41
GOR 4A 4 manfred

On 13th draw, TAPET L4 29 --- TAPET a piece of tapestry [n]
Other tops: TEPAL L4 29
Other moves: GAPE J6 28, PETAL L4 27, P(E)AGE G10 26, GAP J6 25, LEPTA G5 25
GAPE L4 24 kellybelly
PLAGE L1 24 JennyB
TAPE 15E 22 jeff, ksong, pattycake
PATE N6 17 manfred
TALL E3 8 strykyster

On 14th draw, OOBIT 15E 25 --- OOBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other tops: OBOE M4 25, OBOL M4 25
Other moves: LOBO M3 24, BITO J4 23, OBELI 15F 23, OBOLE 15F 23, OBOLI 15F 23
LOB M3 17 kellybelly, jeff
BOOT M2 17 ksong
GLOBE 4A 16 JennyB
TOLE 15E 16 pattycake
BELL E3 12 manfred
BOOTIE O10 9 deanna41
GOB 4A 6 strykyster

On 15th draw, PUY J4 35 --- PUY a small volcanic cone [n]
Other moves: GEY J4 34, GUY J4 34, UEY J4 33, YAUP J3 31, YEP J4 30
YEP J4 30 kellybelly
YAP M3 23 jeff
GAY M3 22 manfred, JennyB
AGE 5C 17 ksong
GAPE 4A 14 strykyster

On 16th draw, GAROTTE N3 65 --- GAROTTE to execute by strangling [v]
Other moves: GEAR 5D 21, GEAT 5D 21, ARK N13 20, NATTER B6 19, TOGAE N6 19
GRAZE F8 17 jeff
ARD 12F 16 kellybelly
GRATE N5 13 JennyB
TAG 14H 12 ksong
GELT E4 10 strykyster
GOAL E3 10 manfred
TALE E4 8 deanna41

On 17th draw, AVINE O1 35 --- AVINE pertaining to birds [adj]
Other tops: AVISE O1 35
Other moves: SAINE O6 31, ANISE O8 30, ISNAE O8 30, VAIN O1 30, VEIN O1 30
VAIN O1 30 JennyB
SAIN O6 28 kellybelly
SIEN O6 28 jeff
OARS 10K 17 ksong
SEA 13H 16 manfred
GAINS 4A 12 strykyster
WIN 8D 6 deanna41

On 18th draw, EMS O8 29 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: EGIS O8 28, ISM O8 27, QIS 14H 27, SEMIE I7 27, EM O8 26
EMS O8 29 jeff, kellybelly
QIS 14H 27 JennyB, manfred
QI 14H 24 narisa
GEM G5 16 ksong
SMILE E3 14 deanna41
EL E5 4 strykyster

On 19th draw, ILEX G4 36 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: LEX G5 35, EX G6 34, XI 7G 34, LEX 14H 30, EX 14I 27
LEX G5 35 jeff, ksong, kellybelly
QI 14H 24 manfred, narisa, JennyB
LEX F6 10 strykyster

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