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Game of June 24, 2011 at 12:53, 9 players
1. 462 pts ksong
2. 458 pts Bez
3. 449 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceloop   H4    24    24   place
 2. dgnoosy   9E    26    50   goody
 3. aeeinnt   E5    86   136   antigene
 4. ?abiknr  12D    86   222   beraking
 5. aadiruw  13G    33   255   wad
 6. aemoprs   4H    80   335   pamperos
 7. ?eiinrx   K4   114   449   premixing
 8. aafmorv   N2    38   487   moorva
 9. acdostt   8J    48   535   dicast
10. aegntuv  J10    38   573   ganev
11. einootu   H1    42   615   outplaced
12. eilostu  15D    84   699   outlies
13. denrtuw   1B    64   763   undertow
14. bhillny   F3    34   797   inby
15. eeghiot   O1    32   829   hoise
16. aeefirs   M7    39   868   faeries
17. aejlqtu   D3    32   900   taj
18. efghilz  14B    41   941   fiz
19. eghlloq  13A    38   979   helo

Remaining tiles: glqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6013 Fileksong       2 21:30  -517  462     1.6013 ksong       2 21:30  -517  462 
  2.5433 FileBez         1 21:37  -521  458     2.6134 margalang   0  1:52  -944   35 
  3.5650 Fileshanice     0 22:52  -530  449            Group: novice
  4.5064 Filenarisa      1 14:38  -615  364     1.5433 Bez         1 21:37  -521  458 
  5.  -  Filedabbler     0 11:50  -718  261     2.5650 shanice     0 22:52  -530  449 
  6.3115 Filestrykyster  0 21:44  -814  165     3.5064 narisa      1 14:38  -615  364 
  7.4170 Filetonikay     0  8:22  -835  144            Group: not rated
  8.6134 Filemargalang   0  1:52  -944   35     1.  -  dabbler     0 11:50  -718  261 
  9.  -  FileRASHIKA     0  3:07  -948   31     2.3115 strykyster  0 21:44  -814  165 
                                             3.4170 tonikay     0  8:22  -835  144 
                                             4.  -  RASHIKA     0  3:07  -948   31 

On 1st draw, PLACE H4 24 --- PLACE to set in a particular position [v]
Other tops: CAPLE H4 24, CLOOP H4 24, CLOOP H8 24, COPAL H4 24
Other moves: CAPLE H8 20, COPAL H8 20, PAOLO H4 20, PLACE H8 20, CAPLE H5 18
PLACE H4 24 ksong, Bez
PLACE H8 20 shanice
COPE H7 16 strykyster

On 2nd draw, GOODY 9E 26 --- GOODY a desirable thing [n] --- GOODY affectedly virtuous [adj]
Other moves: DONSY 9E 24, GOOSY 9E 24, PODGY 4H 24, SPONGY 4G 24, GONYS 9D 23
GOODY 9E 26 ksong
SPONGY 4G 24 shanice
DONG 9H 18 dabbler
GOONS 9D 17 Bez
LONGS 5H 12 strykyster

On 3rd draw, ANTIGENE E5 86 --- ANTIGENE a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies [n]
Other moves: ANTIGEN E5 32, ENTIA 8A 21, TENIA 8A 21, TINEA 8A 21, PANTINE 4H 18
LENIENT 5H 14 strykyster
PAINT 4H 14 ksong, shanice
LINNET 5H 12 Bez

On 4th draw, BERAKIN(G) 12D 86 --- BERAKE to rake all over [v]
Other moves: BREAKIN(G) 12C 78, INBREAK(S) 12A 78, NI(N)EBARK 12B 78, (N)INEBARK 12B 78, BEAR(S)KIN 8G 77
BRI(S)K 13B 29 shanice
BRAKE 12A 28 Bez
PARKIN(G) 4H 24 ksong

On 5th draw, WAD 13G 33 --- WAD to form into a wad (a small mass of soft material) [v]
Other tops: KAWA H12 33
Other moves: DREW 10C 29, AREW 10C 28, DEW 10D 28, WARED 10B 28, WIRED 10B 28
DREW 10C 29 ksong, shanice
RAD 13G 21 Bez
WARD F2 19 narisa
DRAWN 6A 11 dabbler
PAW 4H 8 strykyster

On 6th draw, PAMPEROS 4H 80 --- PAMPERO a cold, dry wind [n]
MOPES 13A 32 narisa
POMES 13A 32 shanice
POMES 14D 28 ksong
PEARS 8G 16 Bez
LAMER 5H 14 strykyster

On 7th draw, PRE(M)IXIN(G) K4 114 --- PREMIX to mix before use [v]
Other tops: PRE(F)IXIN(G) K4 114
Other moves: EXPIRIN(G) K2 82, OXER(S) F9 61, IN(D)EX 10B 54, OXER F9 54, RE(M)EX 10B 54
REX 10D 51 Bez, ksong, shanice
OX F9 50 dabbler
SIXER O4 36 narisa
S(A)X O4 9 strykyster

On 8th draw, MOORVA N2 38 --- MOORVA a bowstring hemp [n]
Other moves: SAMOVAR O4 36, VAROOM N1 34, KAVA H12 33, FORAM D1 32, VROOM N2 32
KAVA H12 33 dabbler
REF 10D 27 shanice
MAM J4 25 ksong
FROM M3 18 Bez
FORA M2 14 strykyster

On 9th draw, DICAST 8J 48 --- DICAST in ancient Athens, a broadly chosen judge [n]
Other moves: COTTID 8A 33, DACOIT 8A 32, CODAS 13A 30, CATS 14F 29, COATIS 8A 29
DICAST 8J 48 narisa
COATIS 8A 29 Bez
DAS 13C 22 ksong
NODS 11K 5 strykyster

On 10th draw, GANEV J10 38 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other moves: NAEVI 8A 36, KAVA H12 33, UVAE 14E 28, VAG 11G 28, VAGUE D1 28
KAVA H12 33 Bez
VANS O1 27 ksong
VET 14F 27 shanice
KANT H12 24 strykyster
GENS O1 21 narisa

On 11th draw, OUTPLACED H1 42 --- OUTPLACE to find new employment for a redundant worker [v]
Other moves: KAIE H12 24, KAIN H12 24, KANE H12 24, KANT H12 24, KAON H12 24
TENS O1 18 narisa
TUNS O1 18 Bez
NET 14F 18 shanice
MUTED J4 17 ksong

On 12th draw, OUTLIES 15D 84 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTLIES 14B 81, OUTLIES D2 75, SOLUTE 15J 31, SOUTIE 15J 31, SUTILE 15J 31
LOTUS 15F 25 ksong
TILES 15F 25 tonikay
KALE H12 24 Bez
TILES 13A 24 dabbler
TIES 13B 22 narisa
LETS 15G 22 shanice
BUTE D12 7 strykyster

On 13th draw, UNDERTOW 1B 64 --- UNDERTOW the seaward pull of receding waves breaking on a shore [n]
Other moves: UNMEW J2 35, DEWS O1 33, UNDREW 10A 33, ENDEW 10B 32, MEW J4 31
MEW J4 31 shanice
WEDS O1 31 narisa, Bez
TWEED 10B 22 tonikay
WED 14B 17 ksong
UNDERTOW 1B 14 dabbler
TENT 3E 5 strykyster

On 14th draw, INBY F3 34 --- INBY inward [adv]
Other moves: BY F5 32, LINEY 10B 31, BLEY 10C 30, HEY 10D 30, ILLY F3 30
HEY 10D 30 ksong, shanice, narisa
HILLY 14A 29 Bez
LILY 13A 21 dabbler
HI O1 19 tonikay
NIB C1 10 strykyster

On 15th draw, HOISE O1 32 --- HOISE to hoist [v]
Other moves: GHEE 2A 31, HOGAN 11G 30, HOD J6 29, OOH F8 29, THEE 2A 29
HOD J6 29 ksong
HAE 7M 21 tonikay
HE O1 19 dabbler
OHS O2 15 shanice
EIGHT 7A 11 Bez
HE 10D 5 narisa
ANTI 11J 4 strykyster

On 16th draw, FAERIES M7 39 --- FAERIE a fairy [n]
Other moves: SOFAR F8 33, REEFS 10C 31, SEAMER J1 31, FARES 13A 30, FERES 13A 30
FARES 13A 30 shanice
FEES 13B 28 narisa
REEF 10C 28 dabbler
FARES M7 22 ksong
NEARS C1 10 Bez
ARE M8 4 strykyster

On 17th draw, TAJ D3 32 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: EQUALI 3A 30, JA 11G 29, JUTE 7C 29, QAT D3 29, TAJ 14B 29
QUA 13B 28 shanice, Bez
JAM J2 28 narisa
QI 3E 11 tonikay
LABEL 5D 7 strykyster

On 18th draw, FIZ 14B 41 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other tops: FEZ 14B 41
Other moves: FIZ N12 37, FOH F8 35, L*Z 14B 35, ZITE 7C 33, ZEE 6J 32
ZEE 6J 32 dabbler, Bez
OH F9 26 ksong
ZIT 3B 24 tonikay, narisa
LET 7C 4 strykyster

On 19th draw, HELO 13A 38 --- HELO a helicopter [n]
Other moves: HO 13C 35, EGO 13B 34, LEHR M1 31, HOGAN 11G 30, HOD J6 29
HO 13C 35 margalang
OH F9 26 Bez, ksong
QI C13 22 tonikay, narisa, shanice
HOLE L1 11 dabbler
GET 3B 8 strykyster

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