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Game of June 24, 2011 at 15:14, 12 players
1. 487 pts mylover81
2. 485 pts una
3. 484 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?noquuy   H4    52    52   queyn
 2. addhilo   7G    21    73   hyaloid
 3. adeeegt   J5    64   137   delegate
 4. ehilnps   N2    93   230   plenish
 5. aceinnv   O8    60   290   incave
 6. aaoprrs  14J    40   330   parras
 7. ?cefgii   O1    50   380   coif
 8. eeilmry  15G    39   419   limey
 9. efimort  12C    78   497   foretime
10. abdnsux   K5    39   536   axon
11. egknrsu   L1    35   571   kreng
12. einootw  14A    76   647   twoonie
13. aabeosu   9E    41   688   abusage
14. abdeist  A10    36   724   debits
15. diooruw   1H    30   754   drook
16. aeortuz   8A    74   828   touze
17. ailrttw   D4    34   862   waltz
18. gijortv   E1    35   897   jigot

Remaining tiles: ruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6819 Filemylover81   3 15:53  -410  487     1.6819 mylover81   3 15:53  -410  487 
  2.6055 Fileuna         1 18:42  -412  485     2.6055 una         1 18:42  -412  485 
  3.6095 Filejeff        3 24:49  -413  484     3.6095 jeff        3 24:49  -413  484 
  4.5870 Filedabbler     4 19:54  -470  427     4.6468 Davina      1 12:06  -480  417 
  5.6468 FileDavina      1 12:06  -480  417     5.6536 woofy1      0  1:10  -870   27 
  6.5580 FileJennyB      2 22:39  -483  414            Group: novice
  7.5071 Filenarisa      0 19:52  -504  393     1.5870 dabbler     4 19:54  -470  427 
  8.4525 FileAndy1990    1 16:48  -555  342     2.5580 JennyB      2 22:39  -483  414 
  9.4836 FileMatinatsa   0  7:31  -785  112     3.5071 narisa      0 19:52  -504  393 
 10.6536 Filewoofy1      0  1:10  -870   27            Group: not rated
 11.4775 Filesiuyee      0  1:21  -875   22     1.4525 Andy1990    1 16:48  -555  342 
 12.  -  Filesharshar    0  0:59  -885   12     2.4836 Matinatsa   0  7:31  -785  112 
                                             3.4775 siuyee      0  1:21  -875   22 
                                             4.  -  sharshar    0  0:59  -885   12 

On 1st draw, QU(E)YN H4 52 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUON(K) H4 46, QUO(I)N H4 46, QU(I)NO H4 46, QU(E)YN H8 34, QU(E)YN H5 32
QUO(I)N H4 46 Davina, una
QU(A)Y H5 30 mylover81, narisa
QU(A)Y H8 30 JennyB, jeff, Matinatsa

On 2nd draw, HYALOID 7G 21 --- HYALOID a membrane of the eye [n]
Other tops: AHI I2 21, HAIL G6 21
Other moves: DAL(E)DH 6E 20, HI I3 20, HYOIDAL 7G 20, HAO G6 19, HAO I5 19
HAIL G6 21 mylover81, dabbler
HI I3 20 una, Davina, jeff, JennyB, Matinatsa
YAD 7H 8 narisa

On 3rd draw, DELEGATE J5 64 --- DELEGATE to appoint as one's representative [v]
Other moves: DATE 8L 29, DEET 8L 29, ETAGE 8K 29, TAED 8L 24, TEAD 8L 24
DATE 8L 29 mylover81, una, dabbler
HEDGE G7 14 Davina
GATED M3 14 narisa, JennyB, jeff
GLADE J6 13 Matinatsa
QAT 4H 12 Andy1990

On 4th draw, PLENISH N2 93 --- PLENISH to fill up [v]
Other moves: PLENISH 13H 87, HIPLINES L6 82, HIPLINES L3 78, PLENISH 13E 75, HELPS 13I 39
SHIP N7 30 jeff
SHIP 13J 29 una, narisa, mylover81, Davina, JennyB
SHINE 13J 27 Matinatsa
HELPS 12I 20 Andy1990
HYALOIDS 7G 15 dabbler

On 5th draw, INCAVE O8 60 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other moves: ENIAC O8 45, AVINE O8 42, ENCINA O8 42, VENIN 13I 35, ACNE O8 33
INCAVE O8 60 dabbler
AVE O8 33 mylover81, Davina
VAIN O1 33 una
CAIN O1 30 JennyB
ACE O8 30 jeff
VIA O1 24 Andy1990
HE 8N 15 narisa

On 6th draw, PARRAS 14J 40 --- PARRA (Australian slang) a tourist or non-resident on a beach [n]
Other moves: PARROTS 11E 36, PSORA 13I 31, POAS O1 30, PARRAS 9C 29, ASPRO 13I 27
PARRAS 9C 29 dabbler
PARAS 14K 26 Davina
RAPS 9E 26 una
RAPS 14L 24 narisa, mylover81, jeff
PROS 9E 24 JennyB
PAS 14M 22 Matinatsa
PASTOR 11G 16 Andy1990

On 7th draw, C(O)IF O1 50 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: (D)EIF O1 45, (N)EIF O1 45, (R)EIF O1 45, (S)EIF O1 45, FECI(T) 15G 32
FICE(S) 15G 32 Davina
F(O)GIE 15G 30 una
F(A)CE 15G 28 jeff
(L)IFE 15G 22 mylover81
FI(R)E 15G 22 JennyB
DICING 5J 20 narisa
FIRE L12 16 Andy1990
FE(A)R L11 12 sharshar
PI J14 4 dabbler

On 8th draw, LIMEY 15G 39 --- LIMEY a British sailor [n]
Other moves: YLEM 15H 35, RILEY 15G 33, LYME 15G 31, ELMIER 15F 30, EYRIE 15G 30
MERRY L11 28 mylover81, Andy1990
EYER 15H 27 jeff
MILE 15G 22 narisa
MELTY 11G 20 Davina
HEM G7 13 una
MEN 8F 10 dabbler
ME 15I 8 JennyB

On 9th draw, FORETIME 12C 78 --- FORETIME the past [n]
Other moves: FORMIATE 10E 65, FOMITE K6 40, TOFORE K6 34, ETOURDI 5E 32, FIRMER M9 30
FORMER M9 30 Davina
FIR I3 25 una
HOMER G7 15 JennyB
HERMIT G7 14 narisa
FORTE 14C 12 dabbler
FIRM L6 10 Andy1990
REMIT 11F 7 jeff

On 10th draw, AXON K5 39 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: SAX 13B 39
Other moves: AX 13C 37, DUANS B10 34, DAUBE 13K 33, BAS K10 32, BUDAS 11D 31
SAX 13B 39 mylover81, JennyB, jeff, dabbler, Davina, una, Andy1990
FAX C12 26 narisa

On 11th draw, KRENG L1 35 --- KRENG part of the remains of a whale [n]
Other tops: KRENGS 9C 35
Other moves: KERFS C9 34, KNURRS L10 34, GUNKS 9D 32, KERNS L1 32, KNURS L1 32
KERNS L1 32 Davina
GUNKS 9D 32 narisa
NEKS 9E 30 una
SKEN 13A 28 mylover81
KEGS 9E 28 jeff, dabbler
FUNK C12 22 Andy1990
ERK E11 14 JennyB

On 12th draw, TWOONIE 14A 76 --- TWOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: TWINK 1H 36, ENOW 11C 30, NEW 13B 27, TEW 13B 27, TWINE 11A 27
TWINK 1H 36 Davina, mylover81, dabbler
NEW 13B 27 jeff
TWINE 11A 27 JennyB
WIFE C10 20 Andy1990
FEW C12 18 una
HEW G7 15 narisa

On 13th draw, ABUSAGE 9E 41 --- ABUSAGE wrong use of words [n]
Other moves: USAGE 9G 37, SAGE 9H 35, ABASK 1H 33, BAS K10 32, BES K10 32
ABETS A11 30 Davina
ABATE A11 30 JennyB, una
BATE A12 27 mylover81
BATS A12 27 narisa, jeff
BEAUTS A10 27 dabbler
BOATS A11 24 Andy1990

On 14th draw, DEBITS A10 36 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other tops: BATIKS 1H 36
Other moves: BIDETS 11B 34, BATIK 1H 33, BIDETS A10 33, ABIDE 8A 32, BAITED 11A 32
DEBITS A10 36 jeff
ABETS A11 30 Davina
BATS A12 27 una, narisa
BATE A12 27 mylover81
DEBTS A11 27 dabbler
BEAST 8A 26 JennyB
BEATS A11 24 Andy1990

On 15th draw, DROOK 1H 30 --- DROOK to drench [v]
Other tops: DROUK 1H 30
Other moves: WOO 13K 27, DOW 11D 26, WUD 11D 26, ODOR 11C 24, OUTROW 11H 24
WOO 13K 27 jeff
WO 15D 20 una
FROW C12 20 narisa
OW 15C 20 mylover81
WORD 8B 12 Andy1990
WORK 1I 11 dabbler

On 16th draw, TOUZE 8A 74 --- TOUZE to haul [v]
Other tops: TOAZE 8A 74
Other moves: TEAZE 13K 51, TOAZE 13K 51, TOUZE 13K 51, AZOTE 8A 47, AZURE 8A 47
ZO 11D 37 JennyB
ZE(E) 6F 36 mylover81
ZOA 2F 35 jeff
RAZOR M10 28 una
RAZOR E8 28 Andy1990, narisa
ZERO 2E 18 dabbler

On 17th draw, WALTZ D4 34 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: LAW 11D 23, TAW 11D 23, WAR 11D 23, WAT 11D 23, FLOW C12 20
WALTZ D4 34 dabbler
TAW 11D 23 mylover81
FROW C12 20 narisa, jeff
FLOW C12 20 Andy1990
WAT 11F 15 una
TWIT 11J 14 JennyB

On 18th draw, JIGOT E1 35 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other tops: JOR 11D 35, JOT 11D 35
Other moves: JIGOT C1 33, JOG E3 33, JO 11D 31, JO(E) 6F 30, ROJI I1 30
JOT 11D 35 mylover81, jeff, JennyB
JOLT 6B 27 dabbler
JOT C3 27 una, woofy1, Andy1990
JAG 5C 22 narisa, siuyee

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