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Game sheet of siuyee (file), Game of June 24, 2011 at 15:58

Word find
Word played
1 AEMRTTW WARM H7 18 -8 18 7/7 WATTER H4 26 26 7/7
2 AEGLQVW WET 6F 14 -18 32 10/10 QAT 6F 32 58 8/10
3 ?EFGIRU FAIR(Y) 5G 19 -67 51 6/8 REFIGU(R)E 8A 86 144 6/10
4 AIRSTUY GUSTY E8 18 -12 69 6/8 YURTAS 3C 30 174 6/10
5 ?CEOTUV (S)COUT 10H 18 -45 87 7/8 OUTC(U)RVE A3 63 237 5/10
6 EINNOSZ SIZE 10H 44 -42 131 4/8 UNIONIZES D3 86 323 5/10
7 ABIMOST             MAIST B10 36 359 6/10
8 DEEOTUY STUDY 13B 18 -17 149 7/8 GOETY E8 35 394 8/10
9 DDEEILO             DIED A12 33 427 8/10
10 AAELMPW PALM 5G 12 -17 161 4/6 MAW C13 29 456 8/11
11 AEFHIIO WHOA 15C 14 -16 175 6/7 AH B5 30 486 8/11
12 DEEHIPR HAIRED 5G 25 -8 200 1/7 WEIRED 15C 33 519 8/12
13 ABDHIJN JAB 5G 21 -19 221 4/8 HADJI 14G 40 559 8/12
14 ABGLNNO WAGON 4H 18 -17 239 5/8 OBANG 15K 35 594 6/12
15 EKNOOPS SPOKEN 10H 25 -5 264 2/7 SOKEN 10H 30 624 5/12
16 EFILLNR FALLEN 5G 23 -11 287 5/7 RIFE 11I 34 658 4/12
17 BCEEOOP BONE L8 9 -23 296 7/7 BOEP 12L 32 690 4/12
18 AEGLOPU             UPLEAP O7 30 720 5/12
19 GINORVX OX 13M 31   327 2/7       751 5/12
20 GILNNOR NAIL 5G 6 -16 333 6/7 EXON N12 22 773 5/12
21 CGIILLN WILLING 4H 22   355 4/8       795 5/12

Total: 355/795 or -440 for 44.65%
Rank: 5556

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