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Game of June 24, 2011 at 16:48, 9 players
1. 659 pts musdrive
2. 628 pts PIThompson
3. 579 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efnrtty   H4    32    32   fretty
 2. adeeino   5E    32    64   aneroid
 3. adegnoo   4A    25    89   goonda
 4. eeglmrx   J2    32   121   remix
 5. aeehips   8A    98   219   heapiest
 6. aeijlow   3I    46   265   jewie
 7. aennors   9D    74   339   annoyers
 8. ?aglnqu   B8    88   427   equaling
 9. biklost  13A    78   505   kilobits
10. aehiltv   4J    34   539   meth
11. ?aelprv   1D   100   639   overlap
12. aacdost   8K    35   674   octad
13. cdoruyz   C3    60   734   coryza
14. bgiiost   N2    32   766   iso
15. adinouv  A13    32   798   koa
16. abeltuu   M8    72   870   tubulate
17. fimnruv  15L    39   909   ferm
18. deiinuv  14I    31   940   invite
19. degiiuw   A1    36   976   wigged

Remaining tiles: iu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7031 Filemusdrive    4 15:08  -317  659     1.7031 musdrive    4 15:08  -317  659 
  2.7443 FilePIThompson  3 21:41  -348  628     2.7443 PIThompson  3 21:41  -348  628 
  3.6463 FileDavina      4 16:32  -397  579            Group: intermediate
  4.6095 Filejeff        2 19:05  -436  540     1.6463 Davina      4 16:32  -397  579 
  5.6829 Filemylover81   2 17:45  -450  526     2.6095 jeff        2 19:05  -436  540 
  6.4944 Filesiuyee      0 23:24  -560  416     3.6829 mylover81   2 17:45  -450  526 
  7.3941 FileJudyS       0 23:26  -576  400     4.6064 miaanne     0 12:44  -697  279 
  8.5086 Filenarisa      0 17:16  -661  315            Group: novice
  9.6064 Filemiaanne     0 12:44  -697  279     1.5086 narisa      0 17:16  -661  315 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4944 siuyee      0 23:24  -560  416 
                                             2.3941 JudyS       0 23:26  -576  400 

On 1st draw, FRETTY H4 32 --- FRETTY fretful [adj]
Other tops: FRETTY H7 32
Other moves: FERNY H4 30, FERNY H8 30, FYTTE H4 30, FRETTY H3 26, FRETTY H8 26
FRETTY H7 32 musdrive
FRETTY H4 32 PIThompson, Davina
FERNY H8 30 miaanne
FERNY H4 30 mylover81
ENTRY H8 24 siuyee, jeff
TENTY H8 24 JudyS

On 2nd draw, ANEROID 5E 32 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: DAINE G6 22, DIENE G6 22, DEAN G6 21, DEEN G6 21, DIENE G3 21
DAINE G6 22 PIThompson
DEEN G6 21 mylover81
DEAN G6 21 musdrive
FINED 4H 18 jeff, siuyee, Davina
FIEND 4H 18 JudyS
NEED I3 16 miaanne

On 3rd draw, GOONDA 4A 25 --- GOONDA a hired thug [n]
Other moves: GOONDA 4J 24, DONGA 6J 23, ODEON 6F 23, DOONA 6J 22, AGOOD 4K 21
DONGA 6J 23 PIThompson
DONG 6J 20 musdrive
ANODE 4A 16 Davina
AGED 4K 15 JudyS
ANODE G8 15 miaanne
GONE 4C 14 siuyee, jeff
DONG K5 6 narisa

On 4th draw, REMIX J2 32 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v] --- REMIX to mix again [v]
Other moves: MIXER J4 30, MIX J4 28, LANX F3 27, MERGE 6B 26, XYLEM 9G 26
REMIX J2 32 Davina, musdrive, jeff
MIXER J4 30 narisa, siuyee, mylover81
LEX 4J 25 PIThompson
MERGE G9 22 miaanne
GOX C3 22 JudyS

On 5th draw, HEAPIEST 8A 98 --- HEAPY resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another) [adj]
HEAPS 1G 47 musdrive
SHIP 1G 44 JudyS
HEAPS L1 37 siuyee
PHI 3B 32 PIThompson, jeff
HEAPS 3I 28 mylover81
MASHIE 4J 27 Davina
PASH L3 27 narisa

On 6th draw, JEWIE 3I 46 --- JEWIE jewfish (Australian slang) [n]
Other tops: JEWEL 3I 46
Other moves: JOLE 7C 44, JIAO 3B 41, JOL 7C 41, JA 3C 38, JO 3C 38
JEWEL 3I 46 PIThompson, mylover81
JOLE 7C 44 miaanne, musdrive, Davina
JO 3C 38 jeff
JEEL B6 27 narisa
JAW C7 25 JudyS, siuyee

On 7th draw, ANNOYERS 9D 74 --- ANNOYER one that annoys [n]
Other moves: ARSENO N1 32, NOSEAN N1 32, MANNER 4J 31, MANES 4J 27, MANSE 4J 27
NOSER N1 26 Davina, narisa
ARSON N1 26 musdrive
MANE 4J 25 miaanne
ROSE N1 24 jeff, PIThompson
NOSE N1 24 siuyee
RANGES A1 21 mylover81
ROSE C3 8 JudyS

On 8th draw, EQUAL(I)NG B8 88 --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: (E)QUAL 8K 70, EQUAL(I)NG M3 69, QUIN(S) L1 54, QUAGG(A) A1 48, QUAGG(Y) A1 48
QUIN(S) L1 54 musdrive, Davina
QUAGG(Y) A1 48 PIThompson
QUAG A1 42 jeff, narisa
QUE(E)N B6 35 JudyS
QUAN(T) F2 33 mylover81
EQUAL(I)NG M3 19 miaanne
LEAGU(E) B7 10 siuyee

On 9th draw, K(I)LOBITS 13A 78 --- KILOBIT a unit of computer information [n]
Other moves: INKBLOTS 14A 66, STOOK B2 38, BISK N1 36, BOSK N1 36, SKIO 3B 36
BOSK N1 36 jeff, musdrive
BISK N1 36 mylover81, PIThompson, narisa
KO 3C 26 Davina
KOI 3B 26 miaanne
SKITS K9 18 siuyee
LOST 12B 8 JudyS

On 10th draw, METH 4J 34 --- METH a stimulant drug [n]
Other tops: MATH 4J 34
Other moves: HALE 12D 32, HATE 12D 32, KEA A13 32, THIVEL 7J 31, ALIGHT A1 30
HATE 12D 32 musdrive, Davina, miaanne, PIThompson
VISTA H11 27 JudyS
THIG A1 24 narisa
VEIL L1 22 siuyee
HA 3C 22 jeff, mylover81

On 11th draw, (O)VERLAP 1D 100 --- OVERLAP to extend over and cover a part of [v]
Other moves: (O)VERLAP N4 78, (O)VERLAP 14H 77, PALAVER(S) 11A 74, VESP(E)RAL K7 74, V(E)SPERAL K7 74
PAVER(S) 1J 59 PIThompson
REPAV(E) 1H 59 musdrive
VE(S)PA 1G 44 JudyS
AG(A)VE 15A 36 miaanne
RAP 1H 32 mylover81
PALE 12D 28 Davina
VA(S) N1 25 narisa
PROVE D11 22 siuyee
SAP H13 15 jeff

On 12th draw, OCTAD 8K 35 --- OCTAD a group of eight [n]
Other moves: DSO N2 34, SOCA N3 34, SODA N3 33, KOA A13 32, OCTAS 8K 32
KOA A13 32 musdrive
COSTA H11 24 Davina
CASTS H11 24 JudyS
COSTS H11 24 jeff
ADS N1 24 PIThompson
JEWIES 3I 16 narisa
COAT D12 14 siuyee
RAT 2J 14 miaanne
(O)VERLAPS 1D 12 mylover81

On 13th draw, CORYZA C3 60 --- CORYZA a head cold [n]
Other moves: DZO 3B 53, DOOZY B2 52, ZO 12D 48, ZO 3C 46, COZY D12 44
DZO 3B 53 mylover81, PIThompson
ZO 12D 48 jeff, Davina, musdrive
COZY D12 44 siuyee
OOZY C3 32 narisa
CAD N7 6 JudyS

On 14th draw, ISO N2 32 --- ISO film replay facilities [n]
Other moves: BOGS 12D 31, SOB N3 31, GOBS 12D 30, SOG N3 30, SOT N3 29
BOGS 12D 31 musdrive, PIThompson
BOS N1 26 mylover81
BOT 12D 24 jeff
GIS N1 24 narisa
GISTS H11 21 Davina
BIBS E11 16 JudyS
BINGO E7 16 siuyee

On 15th draw, KOA A13 32 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other moves: VISON H11 27, IGAD 15A 24, NODI 14D 24, VANG A1 24, YOND 6C 24
VANG A1 24 PIThompson
AVOID D11 22 Davina
VIAND N6 21 jeff
DIN O4 20 siuyee
SOV H13 18 musdrive
IVY 6A 17 mylover81
DIVA F12 16 JudyS

On 16th draw, TUBULATE M8 72 --- TUBULATE to form into a tube [v]
Other moves: BALE 12D 28, BALU 12D 28, BATE 12D 28, BLAGUE A1 27, TABU 12D 26
BALE 12D 28 PIThompson, musdrive
BATE 12D 28 mylover81, jeff
BASTE H11 24 Davina
TABLE 14H 15 siuyee
BUST H11 7 JudyS

On 17th draw, FERM 15L 39 --- FERM a farm [n]
Other moves: FENI 15L 33, FERN 15L 33, RIF 14D 33, VEIN 15L 33, MUFTI 14J 32
FERM 15L 39 Davina, musdrive, mylover81, jeff
RIF 14D 33 PIThompson
VEIN 15L 33 siuyee
FIVER 15J 15 JudyS

On 18th draw, INVITE 14I 31 --- INVITE to request the presence of [v]
Other moves: VISED H11 30, DIVIDE O4 27, DUNITE 14I 27, INDITE 14I 27, VISIE H11 27
VISED H11 30 Davina, JudyS, jeff
NIDE 14D 24 musdrive
VITE 14K 23 mylover81
VOID D12 20 PIThompson
DONE D12 12 siuyee

On 19th draw, WIGGED A1 36 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: WIDGIE A1 33, WIDE 14D 30, WIDE 15G 29, WED 14D 27, WEID 15F 27
WIGGED A1 36 PIThompson, Davina, musdrive
WIDE 15G 29 jeff, mylover81
WINED E7 18 siuyee
WEB E11 16 JudyS

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