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Game of June 25, 2011 at 01:17, 4 players
1. 380 pts TwoFold
2. 334 pts Lucylulu
3. 151 pts JudyS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegsuvy   H8    30    30   savey
 2. ?eijnuw   H8    39    69   saveying
 3. ?fgiint   8A    95   164   tiffings
 4. aaceltz  12C    94   258   catalyze
 5. acgikos   K8    43   301   kagos
 6. deootww   8K    39   340   kotow
 7. eijlost   A1    98   438   joltiest
 8. abdlmou   B1    29   467   oba
 9. acenort   M2    74   541   contrate
10. adeiorx   C1    61   602   raxed
11. himnpuw  15A   110   712   whumping
12. adeiinp   2J    30   742   pance
13. bdorrsu   1H    29   771   drub
14. dehilmn  13C    37   808   hied
15. eimooru   B6    27   835   moire
16. adeegru  14G    80   915   unagreed
17. elloqrs  14B    23   938   so
18. eeiqrty  15L    32   970   trey
19. eiilnuv   K1    20   990   bavin
20. efillqu  F10    34  1024   quad

Remaining tiles: efiill

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6255 FileTwoFold     1 15:06  -644  380     1.6255 TwoFold     1 15:06  -644  380 
  2.4644 FileLucylulu    1 19:13  -690  334            Group: not rated
  3.3974 FileJudyS       0 12:36  -873  151     1.4644 Lucylulu    1 19:13  -690  334 
  4.4847 Filesiuyee      0  0:46  -994   30     2.3974 JudyS       0 12:36  -873  151 
                                             3.4847 siuyee      0  0:46  -994   30 

On 1st draw, SAVEY H8 30 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: GYVES H4 28, VAGUES H4 28, GYVES H8 26, VAGUE H4 26, VAGUS H4 26

On 2nd draw, SAVEYIN(G) H8 39 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: J(O)W I7 34, INJU(R)Y 12C 30, JEWIE 11D 30, JEWIE 11G 30, JEWIE(S) 11D 30
JIVE 10F 30 siuyee, Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, TI(F)FINGS 8A 95 --- TIFFING sipping [n]
Other tops: STI(F)FING 8H 95
Other moves: FI(L)ETING 11E 94, G(R)IFTIN(G) 15A 92, (S)NIFTING 14G 88, FI(T)TINGS 8A 86, INFIG(H)TS 8A 86
GIFTIN(G) 13G 32 TwoFold
FAI(N)TING 9G 17 Lucylulu

On 4th draw, CATALYZE 12C 94 --- CATALYZE to act as a catalyst [v]
Other moves: ZANTE 14F 36, ZANTE F6 36, AZAN 14E 33, AZAN F5 33, NAZE 14H 33
ZIT 13G 23 TwoFold, Lucylulu

On 5th draw, KAGOS K8 43 --- KAGO a Japanese basketwork passenger litter [n]
Other tops: CASK K10 43
Other moves: ASKOI K11 41, KAIS K9 39, KOAS K9 39, KOIS K9 39, OAKS K9 39
CASK K10 43 TwoFold
COGS K9 37 Lucylulu

On 6th draw, KOTOW 8K 39 --- KOTOW to grovel [v]
Other moves: WOW L7 22, WOW L9 22, WOW 13D 21, DOW L7 20, DZO I11 20
WOW L7 22 TwoFold
WIDOW B7 14 Lucylulu

On 7th draw, JOLTIEST A1 98 --- JOLTY marked by a jolting motion [adj]
Other moves: JOLTIEST M1 82, JOWLIEST O6 69, JOLTIEST M5 67, JOLTIEST A5 66, JET 11D 35
JINS 14F 27 TwoFold
JEST J11 22 Lucylulu

On 8th draw, OBA B1 29 --- OBA a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria [n]
Other tops: *B* B1 29
Other moves: BAM 11D 26, BUM 11D 26, AB B1 25, ADO B1 25, AM B1 25
BAM 11D 26 TwoFold
COLD C12 14 Lucylulu

On 9th draw, CONTRATE M2 74 --- CONTRATE of wheels [adj]
Other tops: CORONATE N7 74
ACCENT C10 20 TwoFold
CAN 9J 7 JudyS

On 10th draw, RAXED C1 61 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: RAX C1 55, REX C1 55, OX B5 52, AXOID C2 51, OXIDE C2 51
OX B5 52 TwoFold
COX 2M 24 Lucylulu
EXIT 5J 22 JudyS

On 11th draw, WHUMPIN(G) 15A 110 --- WHUMP to thump [v]
Other moves: WHUMPING G1 71, WINCH 2J 42, MUNCH 2J 36, PINCH 2J 36, PUNCH 2J 36
HIM 11D 29 TwoFold
WITH 5K 20 JudyS

On 12th draw, PANCE 2J 30 --- PANCE a pansy flower [n]
Other tops: PANED 14F 30, PINED 14F 30
Other moves: PANNED 14F 29, PINDAN 14F 29, PINNED 14F 29, PANINI 14F 28, PENNIA 14F 28
PAD 11D 23 TwoFold
PINED 4K 20 Lucylulu
PINT 5J 12 JudyS

On 13th draw, DRUB 1H 29 --- DRUB to beat severely [v]
Other moves: BONDS 14F 28, BROD 1H 28, BUNDS 14F 28, BONUS 14F 27, BOND 14F 25
DRUB 1H 29 Lucylulu
SUB O2 18 TwoFold
ROUTS 5J 10 JudyS

On 14th draw, HIED 13C 37 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: HEID 13C 37
Other moves: HEIL 13C 34, HM 13C 32, HEND 14F 31, HIND 14F 31, ELHI 13A 30
HIN 14F 29 TwoFold
HE 1N 20 Lucylulu
HINTED 5J 20 JudyS

On 15th draw, MOIRE B6 27 --- MOIRE a fabric having a wavy pattern [n]
Other moves: RUM 11D 25, MOI B6 23, OO 14B 23, MORION 4H 22, MUREIN 4H 22
MOO D4 21 TwoFold
MOOTER 5J 16 JudyS
ME 1N 16 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, UNAGREED 14G 80 --- AGREE to have the same opinion [adj] --- UNAGREED not agreed [adj]
Other moves: UNDERAGE 14G 76, UNGEARED 14G 76, RAGEE 11D 28, RUGAE 11D 28, AGEE 11E 23
GRATED 5J 16 JudyS
GREET 5I 12 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, SO 14B 23 --- SO the fifth tone of the scale [n]
Other tops: EROS 15L 23, REOS 15L 23, SLOE 15L 23
Other moves: SER 11B 22, SOH B13 21, OE 14A 19, OLEOS 3J 19, OS 14A 19
SELL O2 15 TwoFold

On 18th draw, TREY 15L 32 --- TREY the three in cards, dice, or dominoes [n]
Other moves: EYER 13L 29, TYEE 13L 29, TYER 13L 29, EYE 13L 27, RYE 13L 27
YETI 5K 14 JudyS
TRY 6L 14 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, BAVIN K1 20 --- BAVIN a bundle of brushwood [n]
Other tops: DIVINE 5C 20
Other moves: LEV D4 19, DEVIL 5C 18, INVITE 5I 18, INVITE E8 18, UNLIVE E5 18
VEER M12 14 Lucylulu

On 20th draw, QUAD F10 34 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: LIFEFUL D4 33, FIE 13M 28, FIL 13M 28, QUEER M11 28, FEU D4 25
QUEER M11 28 Lucylulu
QUILL E6 14 JudyS

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