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Game of June 25, 2011 at 02:05, 4 players
1. 400 pts TwoFold
2. 333 pts JudyS
3. 313 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deioprs   H4    76    76   periods
 2. ?aeegln   5E    82   158   generale
 3. adilort  10A    63   221   dilators
 4. ?agimpw  A10    42   263   dawing
 5. abceiit   9H    65   328   diabetic
 6. ehmssty   L8    90   418   methyses
 7. adeeips   O3    92   510   dispeace
 8. defklno  14J    40   550   kneed
 9. eglnotw   7C    65   615   toweling
10. aeefhnr   8A    52   667   neafe
11. biortuv  15G    35   702   virous
12. abehnrr   4A    35   737   herbar
13. fnoorvy   3B    40   777   yoof
14. aalnruz   2A    34   811   za
15. lmnoruv   L1    26   837   mvule
16. aijnoox   1H    42   879   axiom
17. ijnoqrt   3I    40   919   jotun
18. cinqrtu  D10    36   955   acquit

Remaining tiles: nru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6261 FileTwoFold     0 14:07  -555  400     1.6261 TwoFold     0 14:07  -555  400 
  2.3945 FileJudyS       1 20:42  -622  333            Group: novice
  3.4193 Filetonikay     0 20:17  -642  313     1.5433 Bez         1 11:03  -724  231 
  4.5433 FileBez         1 11:03  -724  231            Group: not rated
                                             1.3945 JudyS       1 20:42  -622  333 
                                             2.4193 tonikay     0 20:17  -642  313 

On 1st draw, PERIODS H4 76 --- PERIOD a portion of time [n] --- PERIOD to put an end to [v]
Other moves: PERIODS H7 74, PERIODS H2 72, PERIODS H3 72, PERIODS H6 72, PERIODS H8 72
POISED H4 24 TwoFold
PRODS H4 22 tonikay
SPIED H8 20 JudyS

On 2nd draw, GENE(R)ALE 5E 82 --- GENERALE general principle [n]
Other moves: GLEE(M)AN G7 74, GLEANE(D) G7 73, GLEANE(R) G7 73, ANGELE(D) I1 68, GLEANE(D) I1 67
AGLEE G6 24 TwoFold
PEALE(D) 4H 14 JudyS
GLAN(D)S 10C 8 tonikay

On 3rd draw, DILATORS 10A 63 --- DILATOR one that dilates [n]
Other moves: TOROIDAL 8G 61, IDOLATOR 8B 60, IDOLATOR 8F 60, TOROIDAL 8E 60, DIPOLAR 4F 34
DART 6J 20 TwoFold
TAILED L1 16 JudyS
TOIL G8 13 tonikay

On 4th draw, DAWI(N)G A10 42 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other tops: MAWI(N)G 4J 42, M(E)DIGAP A8 42, PAWI(N)G 4J 42
Other moves: WIMP(E)D A5 39, PAP(A)W 4H 38, P(A)PAW 4H 38, WIMP 4L 38, WIMP 6J 38
WIMP(E)D A5 39 TwoFold
WADI(N)G A8 30 JudyS
MAP 9D 17 tonikay

On 5th draw, DIABETIC 9H 65 --- DIABETIC one who has diabetes [n]
Other moves: ABIETIC L2 28, REBIT 6H 28, ABET 9A 27, CEIBA 4A 27, BATE 6J 26
BATE 4J 22 TwoFold

On 6th draw, METHYSES L8 90 --- METHYSIS drunkenness [n]
ETCH O7 27 TwoFold
HES 8L 23 tonikay

On 7th draw, DISPEACE O3 92 --- DISPEACE lack of peace [n]
Other moves: DISPACE O4 42, ESCAPED O7 39, SCAPED O8 36, PEBAS K7 34, ESCAPE O7 33
SCAPED O8 36 JudyS
SPACED O6 33 TwoFold
PECS O7 24 tonikay

On 8th draw, KNEED 14J 40 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: POKED 4H 39, FLANKED D8 38, FOREL 6F 38, KEENO 14J 38, KEF 4J 38
OF 6E 29 TwoFold
FENDS 15H 27 JudyS
KID N8 25 tonikay

On 9th draw, TOWELING 7C 65 --- TOWELING material used for towels [n]
Other moves: REWON 6H 34, WONT 6J 32, OWLING N6 31, WET 10J 31, WOE 6J 31
STOW 15L 26 TwoFold
TWO 15H 24 JudyS
GLOWED 3J 22 Bez
WOKE J12 11 tonikay

On 10th draw, NEAFE 8A 52 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: REEF 8A 44, HEIFER N7 40, BEEF K9 38, FEARE 8A 37, HEARE 8A 37
HATE 10J 34 TwoFold
ASHEN 15K 34 Bez
HAEN 8A 29 tonikay
WRATH E7 22 JudyS

On 11th draw, VIROUS 15G 35 --- VIROUS poisonous [adj]
Other moves: VROUS 15H 32, BITOU N2 31, BRIOS 15H 29, BITO 10J 28, ORBIT N6 27
BIT 10J 25 TwoFold
STOB 15L 23 tonikay
TRIO 15G 18 Bez
OB 15N 15 JudyS

On 12th draw, HERBAR 4A 35 --- HERBAR a herb-garden [n]
Other moves: HATE 10J 34, BAH 4J 32, HAT 10J 31, HET 10J 31, BAH 11D 29
HATE 10J 34 TwoFold
HAE 4J 23 tonikay
BEAR 4C 17 Bez
BREAD 3K 16 JudyS

On 13th draw, YOOF 3B 40 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other moves: IRONY B10 33, ONERY B2 32, ROOF 3B 31, FOYNE L1 30, FY B13 29
YO 3B 19 TwoFold
FORE F2 15 Bez
OVER B2 14 JudyS
AR D10 2 tonikay

On 14th draw, ZA 2A 34 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: AZAN J9 33, RANZEL L1 32, AZURE L1 30, NAZI 4L 30, TARZAN E10 30
ZA 2A 34 Bez
AZURN D10 28 JudyS
LAZE L2 26 TwoFold
A(R) I4 5 tonikay

On 15th draw, MVULE L1 26 --- MVULE an African tree [n]
Other moves: MOT 10J 25, OM K11 25, UM K11 25, LIMN N8 24, LIMO N8 24
MOVER L2 20 Bez
MOVE L2 18 TwoFold
OM 15N 15 JudyS
MOD 3M 12 tonikay

On 16th draw, AXIOM 1H 42 --- AXIOM a self-evident truth [n]
Other moves: AXON 11C 39, MAXI 1L 39, MINX 1L 39, MOJO 1L 39, MOXA 1L 39
NOX 11D 35 tonikay
XI 6B 28 Bez
JAM 1J 12 JudyS

On 17th draw, JOTUN 3I 40 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other moves: QI 6B 34, JIN 2F 28, JOHN 11J 28, JOR 2F 28, JOT 2F 28
QI 6B 34 Bez
JIN 2F 28 tonikay
TORT E10 8 JudyS

On 18th draw, ACQUIT D10 36 --- ACQUIT to free or clear from a charge of fault or crime [v]
Other moves: QI 6B 34, QI N4 24, ANURIC D10 22, URCHIN 11I 22, NICHT 11I 20
ACQUIT D10 36 JudyS
QI 2G 13 tonikay
CUP 6M 9 Bez

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