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Game of June 25, 2011 at 03:35, 4 players
1. 384 pts Faeythe
2. 301 pts annelhynz
3. 261 pts TwoFold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?imoprs   H4    76    76   promise
 2. ?alooor  11F    21    97   oorial
 3. aehknsy  10J    49   146   kanehs
 4. aeenrtu   5B    66   212   renature
 5. agilnoo   F8    65   277   oogonial
 6. acdefjl   O5    51   328   fjelds
 7. aaegitt  15C    80   408   tailgate
 8. cdeenps  13E    65   473   dispence
 9. abfirwx  12L    54   527   faix
10. adeotty  M12    38   565   ado
11. eginoov   B2    78   643   ingroove
12. aabdimw   4D    36   679   abamp
13. cehlnty   C9    35   714   lynchet
14. deiituy  10B    29   743   dye
15. eeiirtw  12A    26   769   wice
16. birrstu   J2    24   793   burst
17. iirtuyz  14L    41   834   zori
18. irtuvwy  A12    30   864   wiry
19. eiqttuu   3I    48   912   quiet

Remaining tiles: tuuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5705 FileFaeythe     1 21:47  -528  384     1.6257 TwoFold     2 15:14  -651  261 
  2.5011 Fileannelhynz   1 14:28  -611  301            Group: novice
  3.6257 FileTwoFold     2 15:14  -651  261     1.5705 Faeythe     1 21:47  -528  384 
  4.  -  FileThe_Texan   0  1:42  -908    4     2.5011 annelhynz   1 14:28  -611  301 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  The_Texan   0  1:42  -908    4 

On 1st draw, PROMIS(E) H4 76 --- PROMISE to make a declaration of assurance [v]
Other tops: IMPOR(T)S H2 76, IMPOR(T)S H3 76, IMPOS(E)R H2 76, IMPOS(E)R H3 76, IMPRO(V)S H2 76, IMPRO(V)S H3 76, ORP(H)ISM H2 76, ORP(H)ISM H6 76, PORISM(S) H4 76, PORISM(S) H7 76, PORI(S)MS H4 76, PORI(S)MS H7 76, ROMPIS(H) H2 76, S(E)MIPRO H2 76, S(E)MIPRO H8 76, (T)ROPISM H6 76
Other moves: IMPOR(T)S H4 72, IMPOR(T)S H6 72, IMPOR(T)S H8 72, IMPOS(E)R H4 72, IMPOS(E)R H6 72

On 2nd draw, OOR(I)AL 11F 21 --- OORIAL a Himalayan sheep [n]
Other tops: OORAL(I) 11F 21, RO(B)ALO 11H 21, RO(T)OLO 11H 21, (B)AROLO 11F 21, (G)OORAL 11E 21, (J)AROOL 11F 21
Other moves: AL(G)OR 11D 19, AR(G)OL 11G 19, LA(B)OR 11D 19, LOOR 11E 19, LOOR(D) 11E 19
SALOO(N) 9H 6 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, KANEHS 10J 49 --- KANEH a Hebrew measure of length [n]
Other moves: KANEH 10J 48, KANEHS 12C 48, ASHKEY L10 46, HANKY 10J 46, SNEAKY 12H 46
HAKE 10J 34 Faeythe

On 4th draw, RENATURE 5B 66 --- RENATURE to restore natural qualities [v]
Other tops: RENATURE 5H 66
Other moves: NUMERATE 7F 63, URETHANE N6 63, TERRANE 5E 28, AUNTERS O4 24, AUSTERE O8 24
HEART N10 16 Faeythe

On 5th draw, OOGONIAL F8 65 --- OOGONIAL pertaining to an oogonium [adj] --- OOGONIUM a female sexual organ in certain algae and fungi [adj]
Other moves: LAGOONS O4 27, LOGIONS O4 27, LOOSING O7 27, OLINGOS O4 27, SAGOIN O10 27
AGO G7 17 Faeythe
GAS O8 12 annelhynz

On 6th draw, FJELDS O5 51 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JADE 4A 49, FJELD 12K 42, FJELD J1 42, JADES O6 39, CAFE A5 38
JADES O6 39 annelhynz
HADJ N10 15 Faeythe

On 7th draw, TAILGATE 15C 80 --- TAILGATE to drive dangerously close behind another vehicle [v]
Other moves: GELATI 15D 27, AIGLET 15C 24, GALEA 15D 24, GILET 15D 24, GATE 4A 22
LIGATE 15F 21 Faeythe
LATE 15F 12 annelhynz

On 8th draw, DISPENCE 13E 65 --- DISPENCE to distribute [v]
Other moves: SPENCE 14I 44, SPENCE A1 44, PENCES 14J 42, SCENED A4 41, PENCE 14J 40
PENDS 14J 38 Faeythe
SPEED 14I 26 annelhynz

On 9th draw, FAIX 12L 54 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: WAIF 12L 38, FAX 12L 36, FIX 12L 36, WAX 12L 36, BARF 12L 34
WAX 12L 36 TwoFold, annelhynz
REX L12 20 Faeythe

On 10th draw, ADO M12 38 --- ADO bustling excitement [n]
Other moves: AD M12 36, DISPENCED 13E 36, DEARY B2 34, TODAY 4A 34, TOYED 4A 34
ADO M12 38 TwoFold
YAD 14L 23 Faeythe
DRY B4 15 annelhynz

On 11th draw, INGROOVE B2 78 --- INGROOVE to fit into a groove [v]
Other moves: OVERGO B2 28, OVENING D2 26, OVERING B2 26, VOUGE G3 26, SOOGIE 9H 25
VIN 14B 16 annelhynz
NOG 14L 14 Faeythe
GIN 14B 12 TwoFold

On 12th draw, ABAMP 4D 36 --- ABAMP short for ABAMPERE, a unit of electric current [n]
Other moves: ADAW 9J 34, WABAIN 12A 33, AMIA A1 31, BADMAN 12A 31, WOMB 14L 31
MAW 9K 28 Faeythe
DAM 14B 18 TwoFold

On 13th draw, LYNCHET C9 35 --- LYNCHET a boundary [n]
Other moves: CHE A1 31, CHYLE N1 31, COTYLE 6A 31, LYNCH C9 31, TECHY C9 31
HEY 14B 25 annelhynz
YEH 14B 25 Faeythe
ITCHY 2B 21 TwoFold

On 14th draw, DYE 10B 29 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: DEY 9K 26, DYE 6D 26, TEDY J3 26, TIDY J3 26, DYE J5 25
YETI N2 19 Faeythe
TIDY A9 15 TwoFold
YET 14B 14 annelhynz
TEE 7M 4 The_Texan

On 15th draw, WICE 12A 26 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other moves: WED 9M 25, EWE 14H 24, IWI 14H 24, WORE 14L 23, WORT 14L 23
WED 9M 25 Faeythe
WE N14 20 TwoFold
WRATE F2 18 annelhynz

On 16th draw, BURST J2 24 --- BURST to break open suddenly or violently [v]
Other tops: BRUST J2 24, BUIST J2 24
Other moves: BITSER I1 23, BITS J2 21, BRIS J2 21, BRUS J2 21, BUD 9M 21
WRIT A12 21 TwoFold
BRAT F2 12 annelhynz

On 17th draw, ZORI 14L 41 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: TREZ 14A 37, REZ 14B 35, RITZY 4J 34, ZITI N2 31, WIRY A12 30
FEZ L12 26 TwoFold, Faeythe
YET 14B 14 annelhynz

On 18th draw, WIRY A12 30 --- WIRY resembling wire [adj]
Other moves: WUD 9M 25, WEY 14B 23, WRIT A12 21, TOWSY 9E 19, TREY 14A 19
WET 14B 14 annelhynz
YE M9 9 Faeythe
BRIT 2J 6 TwoFold

On 19th draw, QUIET 3I 48 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other tops: QUITE 3I 48
Other moves: QUATE F2 36, UBIQUE 2I 34, QUAT F2 33, QUITE N1 33, TUQUE N1 33
QUITE 3I 48 Faeythe, TwoFold
QUIET 3I 48 annelhynz

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