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Game of June 25, 2011 at 05:56, 6 players
1. 446 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 311 pts jimbo
3. 258 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deelstt   H6    70    70   settled
 2. agilmou   I3    25    95   glioma
 3. eghinov   4E    82   177   hoveling
 4. acdeeln   J7    70   247   enlaced
 5. ?aeghuw  12A    88   335   waughted
 6. aailmno   L2    62   397   magnolia
 7. aaeeint   M8    71   468   taeniae
 8. eekpswy   D4    66   534   spewy
 9. ?ioqtvy  L12    47   581   qat
10. diinsuu  15H    34   615   nidus
11. eeinpru   F6    67   682   preunite
12. aiirtyz  10B    37   719   zayin
13. acfkoor  A12    42   761   wakf
14. bbeiotx   2J    50   811   bembix
15. cdjoort   1G    43   854   joco
16. fooortu   1N    35   889   to
17. fiorrrs   2F    25   914   for
18. dorrsuv  N10    29   943   dos
19. irrrtuv   8A    30   973   tivy

Remaining tiles: rrrru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4352 FileGrace_Tjie  0 15:12  -527  446     1.5216 nderera     0 11:56  -715  258 
  2.4638 Filejimbo       0 15:01  -662  311     2.5005 annelhynz   1  5:02  -785  188 
  3.5216 Filenderera     0 11:56  -715  258            Group: not rated
  4.5005 Fileannelhynz   1  5:02  -785  188     1.4352 Grace_Tjie  0 15:12  -527  446 
  5.4788 Filelyndyloo    0  3:01  -886   87     2.4638 jimbo       0 15:01  -662  311 
  6.4195 FileAJ0711      0  6:16  -886   87     3.4788 lyndyloo    0  3:01  -886   87 
                                             4.4195 AJ0711      0  6:16  -886   87 

On 1st draw, SETTLED H6 70 --- SETTLE to place in a desired state or order [v]
Other moves: SETTLED H2 68, SETTLED H3 68, SETTLED H4 68, SETTLED H7 68, SETTLED H8 68

On 2nd draw, GLIOMA I3 25 --- GLIOMA a type of tumour [n]
Other tops: GLIOMA G3 25
Other moves: MOAI I7 24, GLAUM G3 22, GLOAM G3 22, ALGUM G3 21, LOUMA G4 21

On 3rd draw, HOVELING 4E 82 --- HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v]
Other moves: HOVELING 10D 75, HOVING J6 48, HOVEN J6 46, HOING J6 43, HOVE J6 43
GLOVE 4H 22 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, ENLACED J7 70 --- ENLACE to entwine or entangle [v]
Other moves: ELANCED J8 69, ENLACED J8 69, INCEDE J4 37, CEDE J6 33, LANCED 5A 31
CANED 5B 29 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, WAUGH(T)ED 12A 88 --- WAUGHT to drink deeply [v]
Other moves: HAW(S)E D1 58, HAW(S) D1 56, HEW(S) D1 56, (S)AUGH D4 54, HAG(S) D1 52
WAGE(D) 5B 27 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, MAGNOLIA L2 62 --- MAGNOLIA a flowering shrub or tree [n]
Other moves: ANIMAL 13B 38, LAWMAN A10 33, ANIMA 13B 31, ALAMO 5B 30, AMIA 13B 30
MAN 5D 22 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, TAENIAE M8 71 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: TAENIAE M9 69, TAENIA(T)E F6 61, ENTIA 13A 29, ATWAIN A10 27, ATWEEN A10 27
TWAIN A11 24 Grace_Tjie
AWAIT A11 24 jimbo

On 8th draw, SPEWY D4 66 --- SPEWY boggy [adj]
Other tops: SWEEPY D4 66
Other moves: KEYS D1 64, KYES D1 64, KEPS D1 62, PESKY D2 60, SEEPY D4 60
WEEK A12 33 Grace_Tjie, jimbo

On 9th draw, Q(A)T L12 47 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EQ(U)ITY 12J 42, Q(U)IPO 5A 40, Q(U)IT J2 36, VOMIT 2J 36, VOMIT(O) 2J 36
QU(A)Y C11 30 Grace_Tjie
QUIT C11 26 jimbo
YOU C10 6 nderera

On 10th draw, NIDUS 15H 34 --- NIDUS a nest or breeding place [n]
Other moves: HID E4 25, LIAISED 10H 24, SHIN E3 24, SIDE 11E 24, SPIN 5C 24
WIND A12 24 Grace_Tjie, nderera, jimbo

On 11th draw, PREUNI(T)E F6 67 --- PREUNITE to unite beforehand [v]
Other moves: HIREE E4 36, PHENE E3 35, INHERE E2 33, NIPPER 5A 32, PURPIE 5A 32
WIPE A12 27 annelhynz
PINY 8A 27 Grace_Tjie
PREY 8A 27 nderera
WINE A12 21 jimbo

On 12th draw, ZAYIN 10B 37 --- ZAYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: MAZY 2L 36, AZURY C10 34, YUTZ C11 32, ZIT M1 32, WARY A12 30
WARY A12 30 nderera
WART A12 21 jimbo
AIRY 8A 21 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, WAKF A12 42 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: CAKY 8A 39, COKY 8A 39, WACK A12 39, WOCK A12 39, AWORK A11 36
WACK A12 39 Grace_Tjie
WORK A12 33 annelhynz, nderera
MOOR 2L 12 jimbo

On 14th draw, BEMBIX 2J 50 --- BEMBIX a noisy sand-wasp [n]
Other moves: BOXY 8A 48, BEMIXT 2J 46, BOX M1 46, BEMIX 2J 44, TEX M1 42
BOXY 8A 48 lyndyloo, Grace_Tjie, jimbo
XI N14 38 nderera
EXO G12 35 annelhynz
BOX 6K 12 AJ0711

On 15th draw, JOCO 1G 43 --- JOCO cheerful [adj]
Other moves: DOJO 1G 40, DO 1N 39, OO 1N 35, TO 1N 35, CIDE 11E 33
DO 1N 39 nderera, Grace_Tjie
OXO O1 30 jimbo
OX O1 27 annelhynz, lyndyloo
JOE 6B 26 AJ0711

On 16th draw, TO 1N 35 --- TO in the direction of [prep]
Other tops: OO 1N 35
Other moves: FURY 8A 30, OOFY 8A 30, OXO O1 30, OX O1 27, FOR 2F 25
FURY 8A 30 jimbo
OX O1 27 annelhynz, Grace_Tjie, nderera
FROW 7A 11 AJ0711

On 17th draw, FOR 2F 25 --- FOR directed or sent to [prep]
Other moves: ROSHI E1 24, REFS G11 23, KIFS 14A 22, RAIS 3K 22, REF G11 22
FOR 2F 25 annelhynz
SERF 10L 21 AJ0711
KIF 14A 20 nderera
FIZ B8 15 jimbo
SO 2F 13 Grace_Tjie
PREUNI(T)ES F6 12 lyndyloo

On 18th draw, DOS N10 29 --- DO the first tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: DUOS 14F 28, DSO 14F 25, DUO 14F 25, SIDE 11E 25, DORY 8A 24
ROSY 8A 21 jimbo, Grace_Tjie
DOORS 6K 8 AJ0711

On 19th draw, TIVY 8A 30 --- TIVY with great speed [adv]
Other moves: RAIT 3K 22, HI E4 18, PI 5D 18, AIT 3L 17, AITU 13A 17
VIE 6B 14 annelhynz
KIT 14A 14 nderera
RIVE 6A 9 AJ0711
FUR 15A 6 jimbo

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