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Game of June 25, 2011 at 15:40, 8 players
1. 611 pts PIThompson
2. 512 pts margalang
3. 446 pts siuyee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acnortx   H3    46    46   oxcart
 2. aehnpsz   G1    56   102   haze
 3. adenopu   F2    45   147   pad
 4. ?aeiklv   5H    82   229   cavelike
 5. adeehin   L1    84   313   headline
 6. eeiprsy   8C    66   379   yperites
 7. ?aosttu   O1   113   492   stakeout
 8. bcginor   E5    40   532   coreign
 9. aaeltuu   1G    36   568   health
10. afnootw   M3    38   606   waif
11. aggimnt   M8    24   630   mating
12. degnouv   C3    28   658   voguey
13. deijnos  12A    53   711   jedis
14. bilmors   I8    66   777   embroils
15. ilnootw  A12    42   819   jowl
16. bdeorry  B10    41   860   brede
17. finortu  15D    39   899   founts
18. eiinoru   9I    23   922   moirai
19. eennquy  C10    33   955   yede

Remaining tiles: nnqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7414 FilePIThompson  5 20:57  -344  611     1.7414 PIThompson  5 20:57  -344  611 
  2.6148 Filemargalang   2 18:33  -443  512            Group: intermediate
  3.4911 Filesiuyee      0 22:02  -509  446     1.6148 margalang   2 18:33  -443  512 
  4.3874 Filepickrose    0 20:48  -550  405     2.6628 ceosickey   2 12:37  -641  314 
  5.6628 Fileceosickey   2 12:37  -641  314            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Fileloopi       1  7:03  -845  110     1.4911 siuyee      0 22:02  -509  446 
  7.  -  Filealipali     0  1:31  -930   25     2.3874 pickrose    0 20:48  -550  405 
  8.  -  Fileonica       0  2:46  -934   21     3.  -  loopi       1  7:03  -845  110 
                                             4.  -  alipali     0  1:31  -930   25 
                                             5.  -  onica       0  2:46  -934   21 

On 1st draw, OXCART H3 46 --- OXCART an ox-drawn cart [n]
Other moves: CAXON H4 34, OXCART H4 32, OXCART H7 32, OXCART H8 32, CAXON H8 30
COAX H7 26 PIThompson
COAX H8 26 pickrose
TAX H7 20 siuyee, margalang

On 2nd draw, HAZE G1 56 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: NAZE G1 53, ZA G3 51, SAZ G1 43, SEZ G1 43, SCHANZE 5G 42
HAZE G1 56 PIThompson, margalang
SHAPE 9H 30 siuyee
CHAPS 5H 24 pickrose

On 3rd draw, PAD F2 45 --- PAD to line or stuff with soft material [v]
Other moves: DAPHNE 1D 42, UNHOPED 1E 39, ENDOZOA 3C 36, EUPHON 1D 36, PHONED 1F 36
PAD F2 45 PIThompson
PHONED 1F 36 siuyee
HOPED 1G 33 margalang, pickrose

On 4th draw, CAV(E)LIKE 5H 82 --- CAVELIKE resembling a cave (an underground chamber) [adj]
Other tops: CAVELIK(E) 5H 82
Other moves: VALK(Y)RIE 7C 69, LAVA(L)IKE 6E 68, LAVA(L)IKE 6G 68, (L)AVALIKE 6E 68, (L)AVALIKE 6G 68
HALVE 1G 33 margalang
HIKE 1G 33 siuyee
(S)KIVE 9H 31 PIThompson
HAVE(N) 1G 30 pickrose

On 5th draw, HEADLINE L1 84 --- HEADLINE to provide with a title [v]
Other moves: HAINED 1G 36, HAINED O1 33, DEINDEX 4B 32, HANKED N2 32, HANKIE N2 30
HIDE 1G 24 margalang
HEED 1G 24 pickrose
EHED O5 24 PIThompson
HAD 1G 21 siuyee

On 6th draw, YPERITES 8C 66 --- YPERITE a poisonous gas [n]
Other moves: PERSEITY 8B 64, PERKY N2 44, PESKY N2 44, PISKY N2 44, SPIKY N2 44
PERKY N2 44 PIThompson
HYPE 1L 36 pickrose
PREYS 9D 30 siuyee
HIPS 1L 27 margalang
SPRY 9L 25 alipali

On 7th draw, STA(K)EOUT O1 113 --- STAKEOUT a surveillance of an area especially by the police [n]
Other tops: OUT(F)EAST O1 113
Other moves: TA(K)EOUTS E5 78, OUTSKAT(E) N1 76, OUT(S)TAYS C2 74, SEAT(R)OUT O4 74, T(A)TOUAYS C2 74
STOT(S) 9H 38 PIThompson
HOST 1G 21 margalang
HAST 1L 21 siuyee
(W)HATS 1K 21 pickrose

On 8th draw, COREIGN E5 40 --- COREIGN a joint reign [n]
Other moves: BORAZON 3C 38, GYRONIC C7 32, CODEX 4D 30, INDEX 4D 26, ORB M1 25
HONG 1G 24 ceosickey, margalang
BOR 7C 24 PIThompson
GOBY C5 13 pickrose

On 9th draw, HEALTH 1G 36 --- HEALTH the physical condition of an organism [n]
Other moves: HAET 1G 21, HALE 1G 21, HALT 1G 21, HATE 1G 21, HAUL 1G 21
HEALTH 1G 36 ceosickey
HALT 1G 21 margalang
HEAL 1G 21 siuyee
LAURA 7B 18 PIThompson
YET C8 7 pickrose

On 10th draw, WAIF M3 38 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: FOOTWAY C2 34, TWAIN M2 33, FORA 7C 29, WAIN M3 29, WAIT M3 29
FORA 7C 29 PIThompson
FATWA 3K 22 ceosickey
NOW 6D 14 margalang
AFT D11 14 siuyee
SWOON J8 10 pickrose

On 11th draw, MATING M8 24 --- MATING the period during which a seasonal-breeding animal can mate [n]
Other moves: TAMING M8 22, GIGMAN N7 21, AGING D11 20, MAGGING 10B 20, ARM 7G 19
MATING M8 24 PIThompson
MIG 9I 18 margalang
MATING N7 17 ceosickey
MINTY C4 11 pickrose
MINT M8 11 siuyee

On 12th draw, VOGUEY C3 28 --- VOGUEY modish [adj]
Other moves: DOVING 11J 22, UNGYVED C5 21, DERN F6 20, DERO F6 20, DOUN L11 20
VEND 12K 16 PIThompson
ENVY C5 14 ceosickey
DOING 11K 14 siuyee
GONE 12K 10 margalang
GUY C6 8 pickrose

On 13th draw, JEDIS 12A 53 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JOINS 12A 51, JONES 12A 51, DJINS 12A 41, DJINS 14I 39, JEON 4A 38
JONES 12A 51 ceosickey
JOINS 12A 51 siuyee
JEON 4A 38 PIThompson
JOINED 12J 32 margalang, pickrose

On 14th draw, EMBROILS I8 66 --- EMBROIL to involve in conflict [v]
Other moves: JIBS A12 39, J*SM A12 39, JOBS A12 39, SMIR 9H 34, JOLS A12 33
JOBS A12 39 margalang, PIThompson, pickrose, ceosickey
JIBS A12 39 siuyee

On 15th draw, JOWL A12 42 --- JOWL the fleshy part under the lower jaw [n] --- JOWL to bump [v]
Other moves: JILT A12 33, JOIN A12 33, JOLT A12 33, LOWSIT 15F 27, OLIO 13A 27
JOWL A12 42 PIThompson
JOIN A12 33 margalang
JOLT A12 33 ceosickey
WILTS 15E 24 pickrose
TOWNS 15E 24 siuyee, loopi
ROW 11I 12 onica

On 16th draw, BREDE B10 41 --- BREDE a braid [n] --- BREDE to braid, to plait [v]
Other moves: YEBO J10 40, ROSERY 15G 39, BRERE B10 38, YERD J10 38, BORDES 15D 36
YERD J10 38 PIThompson
BORDERS 15C 33 margalang
BORDS 15E 24 siuyee
WORRY 14A 22 pickrose, loopi
SORRY 15I 9 onica

On 17th draw, FOUNTS 15D 39 --- FOUNT a fountain [n]
Other tops: FORTIS 15D 39, FRONTS 15D 39, FRUITS 15D 39, FUTONS 15D 39
Other moves: FORINTS 15C 33, FUSION 15G 30, UNFITS 15D 30, UNSOFT 15G 30, FOUNT N11 26
FRONTS 15D 39 margalang, PIThompson
FOUNTS 15D 39 ceosickey
FRUITS 15D 39 loopi
FIRST 15F 24 pickrose
RIFTS 15E 24 siuyee

On 18th draw, MOIRAI 9I 23 --- MOIRA fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion [n]
Other tops: IRONE N8 23
Other moves: DEN C12 22, MOIRA 9I 22, IRON N8 20, AIN I1 18, EUOI L12 17
NOIR N11 15 PIThompson
NOIL 14F 14 ceosickey
URINE 11K 10 siuyee
IRON 4A 10 loopi
ONE N13 9 margalang
RUN 11I 6 pickrose

On 19th draw, YEDE C10 33 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DEY C12 31, NYE 14E 31, REQUIN 11I 30, BY 10I 29, SOY J8 29
QUIN 11K 26 margalang
EQUINE 13F 25 PIThompson, ceosickey
QUIN 13G 23 siuyee
QUEEN G11 15 loopi, pickrose

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