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Game of June 25, 2011 at 21:46, 9 players
1. 512 pts musdrive
2. 503 pts jeff
3. 433 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egknquw   H5    22    22   knew
 2. ?aehrtt   G7    78   100   hatters
 3. dioortu   5D    24   124   drookit
 4. einprty  12A    90   214   printery
 5. ?abilop   4I    78   292   parboil
 6. aegstuv   O2    86   378   vulgates
 7. aeegios   1K    60   438   siege
 8. aeeilmo  A10    30   468   empale
 9. adegiru   B4    67   535   gaudier
10. bddeior  11F    83   618   rebodied
11. aeehlno   A5    43   661   noah
12. aaejntu   N6    58   719   jane
13. accilno   K7    62   781   iconical
14. efinsyz  13J    42   823   nazify
15. emoqswx  O12    57   880   myxo
16. iloqsst   2J    36   916   qis
17. aflortw  N13    41   957   faw
18. eflrstu   C9    38   995   fruits

Remaining tiles: elouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7036 Filemusdrive    4 17:22  -483  512     1.7036 musdrive    4 17:22  -483  512 
  2.6149 Filejeff        3 19:31  -492  503            Group: intermediate
  3.5793 Fileshanice     1 20:51  -562  433     1.6149 jeff        3 19:31  -492  503 
  4.6440 Filesunshine12  1  6:54  -800  195     2.6440 sunshine12  1  6:54  -800  195 
  5.6553 Filebobadamdan  1  3:58  -850  145     3.6553 bobadamdan  1  3:58  -850  145 
  6.5430 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:18  -922   73            Group: novice
  7.4066 Filemanfred     0  6:13  -949   46     1.5793 shanice     1 20:51  -562  433 
  8.  -  Filedbainesq    0  3:13  -963   32     2.5430 GLOBEMAN    0  3:18  -922   73 
  9.  -  Filesherrymoon  0  2:17  -973   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.4066 manfred     0  6:13  -949   46 
                                             2.  -  dbainesq    0  3:13  -963   32 
                                             3.  -  sherrymoon  0  2:17  -973   22 

On 1st draw, KNEW H5 22 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other tops: KNEW H6 22, KNEW H7 22, KNEW H8 22
Other moves: EWK H6 20, EWK H7 20, EWK H8 20, GUNK H5 18, GUNK H6 18
KNEW H8 22 musdrive
NEW H8 12 manfred
WEN H6 12 sherrymoon
NEW H7 12 jeff

On 2nd draw, HATTER(S) G7 78 --- HATTER a hatmaker [n] --- HATTER to trouble [v]
Other moves: HATER(E)NT 6B 70, HAT(E)RENT 6B 70, RATHE(S)T G7 70, RAT(C)HET G7 70, THREAT(E)N 6A 70
HATTER(S) G7 28 musdrive, jeff
HEART(S) I7 27 shanice
NAH 6H 14 manfred
WHAT 8H 10 sherrymoon

On 3rd draw, DROOKIT 5D 24 --- DROOKIT drenched [adj]
Other tops: DROUKIT 5D 24
Other moves: ODOUR I3 23, DUIT F8 22, DOOR I4 21, DOUR I4 21, DOUT I4 21
DOOR I4 21 jeff
OUTRIDE 11A 16 musdrive
DOOR 12D 10 manfred
IO I5 10 shanice

On 4th draw, PRINTERY 12A 90 --- PRINTERY a place where printing is done [n]
Other moves: PRINTERY 12F 78, PRINTERY E4 76, YPERITE 11E 48, INEPTER 11E 36, PIETY 4C 35
YEP I7 34 shanice, musdrive
PITY 4I 24 jeff
ER 6E 10 manfred

On 5th draw, PA(R)BOIL 4I 78 --- PARBOIL to cook partially by boiling for a short time [v]
Other moves: BIPOLA(R) 4I 76, PA(N)BROIL B8 72, PARBOIL(S) E3 61, PA(N)BROIL E1 61, BAR(H)OP B10 30
YIP(E) H12 25 musdrive
HEP 7G 11 shanice

On 6th draw, VULGATES O2 86 --- VULGATE the common speech of a people [n]
Other moves: AVERTS B9 34, VERTUS B10 34, VULGATE O2 33, VARES B10 32, VARUS B10 32
PAVE A12 27 musdrive, jeff

On 7th draw, SIEGE 1K 60 --- SIEGE to attempt to capture or gain [v]
Other moves: AGEE 1L 57, OGEE 1L 57, SAGE 1L 57, EASE 1L 54, AGE 1M 51
YOGA H12 25 musdrive
PAGE A12 21 jeff
PIGS A12 21 shanice

On 8th draw, EMPALE A10 30 --- EMPALE to pierce with something pointed [v]
Other tops: IMPALE A10 30, LIPOMA A10 30
Other moves: LEAM 3J 28, LOAM 3J 28, MAILE I7 28, MORALE B10 28, MAIL I7 27
IMPALE A10 30 musdrive
ME I7 24 shanice
PALM A12 24 jeff

On 9th draw, GAUDIER B4 67 --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other moves: DURRIE B10 41, DURRA B10 37, AUREI B10 28, DERIG N6 28, GUARDER B6 28
GUARDED D1 24 jeff
GRATED E9 16 musdrive
READ B7 16 shanice
EAGER 15A 7 dbainesq

On 10th draw, REBODIED 11F 83 --- REBODY to renew the body of [v]
Other moves: BIDED N6 36, BIDER N6 33, DEBRIDE 11F 32, BIDE N6 30, BIDED 8A 30
BIDED 8A 30 jeff
BIRD 8A 27 musdrive
BIDER 8A 27 shanice
(S)ODDIER 13G 25 dbainesq

On 11th draw, NOAH A5 43 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: ENHALO 12J 38, ENHALO A1 38, NAH A6 38, NOH A6 38, HELIO C9 36
NAH A6 38 shanice
AH A7 33 jeff
HEAL 12L 29 musdrive

On 12th draw, JANE N6 58 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JUTE N6 58
Other moves: JET N6 55, JUN N6 55, JUT N6 55, JA N6 52, TAJINE C9 34
JANE N6 58 jeff
JET N6 55 shanice
JET 10I 28 musdrive
JA 10I 25 sunshine12

On 13th draw, ICONICAL K7 62 --- ICON a symbol or image [adj] --- ICONICAL pertaining to an icon [adj]
Other moves: COELIAC L9 28, OCEANIC L9 28, CALID M7 27, TALION 10G 27, CELIAC L10 26
CALID M7 27 musdrive
NA I7 16 jeff
CONE L8 9 sunshine12
ACE L9 5 shanice

On 14th draw, NAZIFY 13J 42 --- NAZIFY to cause to be like a nazi [v]
Other moves: FEY M7 40, LENIFY 14A 40, ZINE 2J 39, ZINS 2J 39, FLEYS 14J 38
FAZES 13J 34 sunshine12, musdrive
ZEDS D3 28 jeff
ZO M3 22 shanice

On 15th draw, MYXO O12 57 --- MYXO myxomatosis, a disease introduced to control rabbits [n]
Other moves: EX 6E 52, SEX C7 47, WEX I7 44, WYES O12 42, EX C8 40
EX 6E 52 jeff, sunshine12, bobadamdan, shanice
YEX O13 39 GLOBEMAN, musdrive

On 16th draw, QIS 2J 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 2J 33, QI C3 25, QI 11C 24, QIS C11 24, SOLOIST F2 23
QIS 2J 36 musdrive, sunshine12, jeff
QI 11C 24 bobadamdan
QAT 7M 22 shanice

On 17th draw, FAW N13 41 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other tops: FAX 14M 41
Other moves: WOF M7 40, FRAIL C9 36, FAT N13 32, TAX 14M 32, WORLD M7 31
FAX 14M 41 jeff, musdrive
FAW N13 41 shanice, bobadamdan
WOF F4 17 sunshine12

On 18th draw, FRUITS C9 38 --- FRUIT to bear fruit (usually edible reproductive bodies of a seed plant) [v]
Other tops: FREITS C9 38
Other moves: FREIT C9 36, FRUIT C9 36, BYTES H11 31, SELF C7 29, SERF C7 29
EF 6E 28 musdrive, shanice, jeff, bobadamdan
FLIRT C10 22 sunshine12

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