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Game of June 26, 2011 at 02:56, 7 players
1. 444 pts nderera
2. 388 pts AJ0711
3. 323 pts JudyS

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeops   H3    74    74   episode
 2. abdhorr   3B    84   158   abhorred
 3. cillost   5E    32   190   solicit
 4. deeflor   8A    92   282   refolded
 5. ?aabefs   C6    90   372   beffanas
 6. aeirryz  B10    66   438   zea
 7. adgiint   9F    73   511   ideating
 8. aegnruw   4B    36   547   wean
 9. aceittv   K8    76   623   viticeta
10. eijmoor  15H    69   692   romaji
11. ailoqry   2B    33   725   yo
12. aaiortu   6A    20   745   rubati
13. aghinps  N10    52   797   hangis
14. eiklnow   O8    52   849   knowe
15. eilnouy   1C    36   885   lunyie
16. eglmnux  A12    38   923   mung
17. eopruvx  D12    52   975   roux
18. eeilptv  E10    30  1005   veep

Remaining tiles: ilqt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5186 Filenderera     1 24:09  -561  444     1.5186 nderera     1 24:09  -561  444 
  2.4166 FileAJ0711      0 24:36  -617  388     2.5395 Bez         0  2:59  -969   36 
  3.3936 FileJudyS       0 22:55  -682  323            Group: not rated
  4.4645 Filejohnny55    0 15:11  -694  311     1.4166 AJ0711      0 24:36  -617  388 
  5.4836 Filelyndyloo    0  9:47  -830  175     2.3936 JudyS       0 22:55  -682  323 
  6.5395 FileBez         0  2:59  -969   36     3.4645 johnny55    0 15:11  -694  311 
  7.  -  Fileravi        0  3:41  -982   23     4.4836 lyndyloo    0  9:47  -830  175 
                                             5.  -  ravi        0  3:41  -982   23 

On 1st draw, EP(I)SODE H3 74 --- EPISODE an incident in the course of a continuous experience [n]
Other tops: DEPOSE(D) H2 74, DEPOSE(R) H2 74, DEPOSE(S) H2 74, DEPO(N)ES H2 74, DEPO(S)ES H2 74, DE(L)OPES H8 74, E(X)POSED H2 74, PODE(X)ES H4 74, POES(I)ED H4 74, SEEDPO(D) H8 74, SEE(D)POD H8 74, SPEEDO(S) H3 74, SPO(N)DEE H3 74, (D)EPOSED H2 74, (R)EPOSED H2 74, (S)PEEDOS H3 74
Other moves: DEPOSE(D) H4 72, DEPOSE(R) H4 72, DEPOSE(S) H4 72, DEPO(N)ES H4 72, DEPO(S)ES H4 72
POSED H4 22 johnny55
DEPOSE H4 22 nderera
(R)EPOSED H6 22 AJ0711
SPEED H8 20 lyndyloo
POSE(R) H4 18 JudyS

On 2nd draw, ABHORRED 3B 84 --- ABHOR to loathe [v]
Other tops: HARBORED 3B 84
Other moves: ABHORRED 9B 70, HARBORED 9B 68, BAH G7 34, BAH I7 34, BOH G7 34
HARBORED 3B 34 johnny55
HARBOR G7 31 nderera
ABHORS 6C 13 lyndyloo
BRASH 6E 12 JudyS

On 3rd draw, SOL(I)CIT 5E 32 --- SOLICIT to ask for earnestly [v]
Other tops: COL(I)TIS 5E 32
Other moves: LOCI 2B 29, TOCS 2B 29, SALIC B2 26, TOC 2B 25, LOST 2B 23
COST 10F 22 johnny55, nderera
CHILLS D2 22 AJ0711, JudyS
COLTS 10D 19 lyndyloo
LOST E2 8 ravi

On 4th draw, REFOLDED 8A 92 --- REFOLD to fold again [v]
Other moves: REFOLDED 8C 64, FREED 4A 46, FLEER 4A 43, FLEE 4A 38, FLOE 4A 38
FOLDER 6J 35 AJ0711
LOAFED B1 28 johnny55
LOAFER B1 22 lyndyloo
DELF 4J 21 nderera
FLOOR 7F 10 ravi
FREE 9F 9 JudyS

On 5th draw, BEFFA(N)AS C6 90 --- BEFFANA an Epiphany gift [n]
Other moves: BEFA(N)AS 10B 77, FA(N)BASE 10C 77, FA(N)BASE I9 75, FLEABA(G)S E7 74, BEFFA(N)AS C5 70
AFFAB(L)E C7 38 JudyS
FEA(T)S L1 31 lyndyloo
FAS(T) 6J 29 AJ0711
SAFE 10H 25 johnny55
BASE B2 12 nderera

On 6th draw, ZEA B10 66 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA B10 63, ZA 2B 48, ZEA G7 47, ZEE G7 47, LAZE G5 46
ZA B10 63 nderera
RAZER 12B 28 johnny55
RAZE 12B 26 lyndyloo
RAZE B2 26 JudyS
YEAR B1 14 AJ0711
YO E2 5 ravi

On 7th draw, IDEATING 9F 73 --- IDEATE to form an idea [v]
Other moves: GAID 4B 33, GAIN 4B 30, TAIN 4B 27, AID 4C 26, INIA 4A 26
DE(N)TING 11A 16 johnny55, lyndyloo
DIG 4J 15 JudyS
E(N)DING 11B 14 nderera
STING 13C 8 AJ0711

On 8th draw, WEAN 4B 36 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other tops: WEAR 4B 36
Other moves: WAE 4B 31, GAEN 4B 30, GEAN 4B 30, GEAR 4B 30, WAS 6F 29
WINGER K8 20 lyndyloo
WANNER L7 20 johnny55
WRING K7 18 AJ0711
AWN 2I 17 nderera
WAGGER M7 15 JudyS

On 9th draw, VITICETA K8 76 --- VITICETUM a plantation of vines, pl VITICETUMS or VITICETA [n]
Other moves: CAVE A12 44, CIVE A12 44, ACTIVE 2I 37, CATE A12 35, CITE A12 35
VICE K8 18 johnny55, JudyS
VAW B2 18 nderera
CAW B2 16 AJ0711
VENT L7 8 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, ROMAJI 15H 69 --- ROMAJI a system of transliterating Japanese into the Latin alphabet [n]
Other moves: MOJO A12 56, JORAM 15H 51, JO 2B 49, JEDI G7 37, RIOJA 15G 36
JO 2B 49 nderera
MOOR A12 35 JudyS
MAJOR 15J 22 AJ0711
JAM 15J 15 johnny55

On 11th draw, YO 2B 33 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other tops: QI 14M 33
Other moves: LAIRY L1 30, LORY D12 30, ROILY L1 30, YOS 6F 29, AY 2A 28
QI 14M 33 nderera
CLARY 12K 28 AJ0711
CORY 12K 18 johnny55

On 12th draw, RUBATI 6A 20 --- RUBATO a fluctuation of speed within a musical phrase [n]
Other tops: AUTOCAR 12G 20, RABATO 6A 20, RUBATO 6A 20
Other moves: ATOCIA 12H 18, TATOU 10I 18, TURACO 12G 18, URTICA 12G 18, BITO 6C 16
COURT 12K 16 johnny55, AJ0711
AIR 4J 10 nderera
TE(N)OR 11A 8 JudyS

On 13th draw, HANGIS N10 52 --- HANGI (Maori) an open air cooking pit also UMU [n]
Other tops: PHANGS N10 52
Other moves: APHIS N11 36, HANGS L1 35, HINGS L1 35, PHT 14I 35, SHIP D12 35
CHAPS 12K 26 johnny55
SPACING 12H 26 AJ0711
HIPS 4J 25 nderera
PE(N)IS 11A 12 JudyS

On 14th draw, KNOWE O8 52 --- KNOWE a rounded hillock [n]
Other moves: WELKIN O6 46, WINKLE O5 44, KNEW O8 43, KNOW O8 43, WOKEN O7 43
WICK 12I 26 AJ0711
KILN 4J 24 nderera
WINK J4 13 JudyS
WEEL 13I 11 johnny55

On 15th draw, LUNYIE 1C 36 --- LUNYIE the loin [n]
Other moves: POLEYN 4H 32, DECOY I3 30, LINEY L1 30, LINY D12 30, LUNYIE L2 30
LOY 7G 16 AJ0711
LEY 4J 16 nderera
LICE 12I 12 johnny55
YAW 11M 9 JudyS

On 16th draw, MUNG A12 38 --- MUNG to process data (computing) [v]
Other tops: MENG A12 38
Other moves: MENU A12 35, MULE A12 35, EXUL 2I 30, MUX 4J 30, GEL D10 29
MULE A12 35 JudyS
MIX J4 28 AJ0711
EX 4K 20 nderera

On 17th draw, ROUX D12 52 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: COX I5 39, PER D10 38, EXPO 2I 32, POX 7G 32, ROUP D12 32
EXO 2I 29 nderera
ZAX 10B 19 JudyS
XI M14 18 Bez
SEX 13C 10 AJ0711

On 18th draw, VEEP E10 30 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: LEPT E11 26, LEV E11 25, EVET E10 24, LEEP E10 24, LEVITE 4J 24
POLE 7G 19 JudyS
PILE 4J 18 AJ0711
PELT 4J 18 Bez
LIVE 4J 18 nderera

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