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Game of June 26, 2011 at 08:16, 5 players
1. 250 pts marylou
2. 177 pts Stranger
3. 116 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iillou   H8    64    64   bouilli
 2. egooprv  11D    24    88   poovier
 3. adegnrr   I3    70   158   gnarred
 4. aeopstt  15B   101   259   aptotes
 5. ?aagilu  13G    72   331   alguacil
 6. alnotuw  12A    31   362   unlaw
 7. aeksstz  N10    68   430   zeals
 8. beintwy  10E    36   466   by
 9. deijnoo  14B    48   514   join
10. aademrv   O8    48   562   maaed
11. eeinors   3E    60   622   eringoes
12. fgirstu   2J    39   661   grifts
13. beefitu   H1    29   690   benet
14. cdeintx   5D    68   758   excitant
15. aefhorw   4L    46   804   howf
16. dehrtuy   6D    42   846   duh
17. aeimnor   A6    27   873   moineau
18. deikrtv   4A    38   911   dirk

Remaining tiles: ceqtvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemarylou     0 18:22  -661  250     1.  -  marylou     0 18:22  -661  250 
  2.  -  FileStranger    0  6:49  -734  177     2.  -  Stranger    0  6:49  -734  177 
  3.4657 FileLucylulu    0  8:44  -795  116     3.4657 Lucylulu    0  8:44  -795  116 
  4.  -  Filemegg71      0 10:38  -801  110     4.  -  megg71      0 10:38  -801  110 
  5.4347 Filedragons11   0  3:09  -873   38     5.4347 dragons11   0  3:09  -873   38 

On 1st draw, (B)OUILLI H8 64 --- BOUILLI boiled meat [n]
Other tops: (B)OUILLI H2 64, (B)OUILLI H3 64, (B)OUILLI H6 64, (B)OUILLI H7 64
Other moves: (B)OUILLI H4 62, (B)OUILLI H5 62, ILLU(P)I H3 12, ILLU(P)I H4 12, ILLU(P)I H7 12
(P)ILL H6 6 marylou

On 2nd draw, POOVIER 11D 24 --- POOVY effeminate [adj]
Other tops: OVERGO I6 24
Other moves: GROVEL 13C 22, PLOVER 12G 22, PROO I9 22, GLOVER 12G 20, GOOPIER 11D 20
PROVE 9F 15 marylou

On 3rd draw, GNARRED I3 70 --- GNAR to snarl [v]
Other moves: GRANDER I3 68, DREARING 14C 66, REGARD 12A 31, ERRAND 12A 29, GRADE 12B 27
DANGER J6 14 marylou

On 4th draw, APTOTES 15B 101 --- APTOTE an indeclinable noun [n]
Other tops: TEAPOTS 15B 101
Other moves: APOSTATE 5D 90, PALETOTS 13F 74, POTATOES F6 68, PROSTATE 6H 64, POTTAGES 3D 62
POSTAL 13C 18 marylou

On 5th draw, ALGUA(C)IL 13G 72 --- ALGUACIL a Spanish arresting officer [n]
Other tops: ALGUA(Z)IL 13G 72
Other moves: UNIA(L)GAL 4H 70, ALGUA(C)IL 13A 68, ALGUA(Z)IL 13A 68, UNIALGA(L) 4H 68, U(N)IALGAL 13A 68
AGIL(E) 5I 10 marylou

On 6th draw, UNLAW 12A 31 --- UNLAW to annul [v]
Other moves: LAWN 12C 29, LOWN 12C 29, TOWN 12C 29, LOWAN 12A 28, OW 10E 28

On 7th draw, ZEALS N10 68 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ASSEZ O11 54, STEAKS O8 54, ZESTS O11 54, ZESTS 10B 51, SAZ O13 45

On 8th draw, BY 10E 36 --- BY a pass in certain card games [n]
Other moves: YITE 13B 34, NY 10E 32, TYIN 13A 30, WIN(C)EY L10 30, BAWTY 5H 26
BEING 3E 9 marylou, megg71

On 9th draw, JOIN 14B 48 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other moves: DOJO O7 47, JEON O8 46, JOE 14B 44, JO 14B 40, JOE J2 31
JIG 3G 19 megg71
JA B14 18 Stranger
(B)END 8H 4 marylou

On 10th draw, MAAED O8 48 --- MAA to bleat like a goat [v]
Other moves: DRAMA O8 45, ARAME O8 42, MAARE O8 40, DREAM O7 39, DAMAR O7 37
DEAR O8 28 Stranger
GRAVED 3I 22 Lucylulu
RAZE 10L 13 megg71
DREAM 5F 8 marylou

On 11th draw, ERINGOES 3E 60 --- ERINGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: REENS J5 21, ENGORES 3G 18, ERINUS A8 18, JOINS 14B 18, NEGROES 3G 18
NOSIER 4I 12 marylou
NOD 9G 5 megg71
I(C)E L12 4 Lucylulu

On 12th draw, GRIFTS 2J 39 --- GRIFT to swindle [v]
Other moves: GRIFT 2J 37, GUITARS 5E 32, GRIST 2J 31, GRITS 2J 31, FR*GS 4A 28
FIN H1 18 Lucylulu
FUN H1 18 Stranger
GRIST 4A 18 marylou
GIN H1 12 megg71

On 13th draw, BENET H1 29 --- BENET to net [v]
Other moves: BEFIT 4A 28, BEEF 4D 27, FEEB 1I 27, FENI H1 27, FINE H1 27
BRIEF F2 24 marylou
FEET 1I 19 Stranger
BEEF E2 18 Lucylulu
BRIEF 6H 12 megg71

On 14th draw, EXCITANT 5D 68 --- EXCITANT a stimulant [n]
Other moves: NICTATED 5E 44, DICTATE 5E 40, XI 1L 40, EX 1K 38, INDEX 4A 37
INDEX 4A 37 marylou
EXTEND E3 28 Lucylulu
TEXT N2 11 megg71

On 15th draw, HOWF 4L 46 --- HOWF a place frequently visited [n] --- HOWF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOWF 4A 44, WAREHOU A6 39, FROW 4A 38, HOWE 4L 34, WHARF 2A 33
FROW 4A 38 Stranger
FISH L1 28 marylou

On 16th draw, DUH 6D 42 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other moves: HERY 4A 38, UH 6E 37, YEH 1J 37, HYED 4A 36, HEEDY D4 32
DREY 4A 30 Stranger
HERD D4 16 marylou
(B)ERTH 8H 11 megg71

On 17th draw, MOINEAU A6 27 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other tops: ENAMOUR A7 27, MAINOUR A7 27
Other moves: ANIME 2B 26, MAIN 4A 26, MAIR 4A 26, MARINE 2A 26, MEAN 4A 26
ROAM 4A 26 Stranger
NORM 4A 26 Lucylulu
REMAIN B7 10 marylou
I(C)ON L12 8 dragons11
SOFA O2 7 megg71

On 18th draw, DIRK 4A 38 --- DIRK to stab with a small knife [v]
Other tops: DREK 4A 38
Other moves: EIK 1J 35, KEIR 4A 34, KIER 4A 34, REIK 4A 34, TREK 4A 34
VIER 4A 30 dragons11
IRKED B3 21 marylou
IRKED 8A 11 megg71

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