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Game sheet of annelhynz (file), Game of June 26, 2011 at 13:48

Word find
Word played
1 AEIMOTY             MOIETY H7 30 30  
2 ELOPRRS             PYRROLES 12G 76 106  
3 ?AAEKNU             UNA(W)AKE 13A 77 183  
4 AEFILPR FURL A12 33 -6 33 4/8 FLAREUP A8 39 222 8/8
5 EINRSUV             UNIVERSE M8 74 296 9/10
6 AACHMNO             MANCHE 15H 51 347 10/10
7 BEGNTUY             BYTE 14E 47 394 10/10
8 ACDEILR             RADICLE B2 87 481 10/10
9 ?DEORUV             (L)OUVRED N4 77 558 10/10
10 EEEISTU             SITE 15A 54 612 10/10
11 ADFGIJO JOR J10 26 -31 59 4/10 JURA 8L 57 669 10/10
12 AINOOTU             IOTA A1 23 692 10/10
13 ADFOSTU             MANCHETS 15H 45 737 10/10
14 AGILQTU QI 9G 21 -23 80 5/10 QUAI O1 44 781 10/10
15 DFILNOZ FIZ 9G 29 -26 109 4/10   C2 55 836 10/10
16 EGHINOW HOW G8 23 -27 132 5/10 EHING D4 50 886 10/10
17 BDENOOW WIND 9G 13 -35 145 10/10 WOODEN E1 48 934 10/10
18 AEGIOTW WAGE 1E 24 -10 169 6/9 OWE F1 34 968 10/10
19 ABDNOTX AX 10A 25 -11 194 4/10 OX G8 36 1004 10/10
20 ABDILNT BAR J10 11 -16 205 9/10 WOALD 1E 27 1031 10/11

Total: 205/1031 or -826 for 19.88%
Rank: 5382

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