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Game of June 26, 2011 at 14:36, 13 players
1. 522 pts reyna
2. 451 pts tonikay
3. 440 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abgilrs   H4    22    22   brasil
 2. ?aaenor   5D    78   100   aurorean
 3. ?aeejuv   4A    48   148   juve
 4. ?aetttv   8G    61   209   titivate
 5. eefklsy   O4    90   299   fykes
 6. aghilos   M3    84   383   goliaths
 7. acfhmot   B2    40   423   mouch
 8. deelmnt   E5    70   493   unmelted
 9. cnoprsu   N4    38   531   roc
10. einotwy  D11    41   572   winey
11. abdeenp   A1    45   617   benj
12. giiortu  15D    30   647   yogurt
13. aeeilot   C8    28   675   oleate
14. deiirsu   C1    27   702   derv
15. adiiips   1C    36   738   diapsid
16. efgnnqu   J2    36   774   quean
17. adiiopw   B8    35   809   paw
18. aiiooxz   A7    48   857   za
19. fgiinor  A10    30   887   origin
20. dfiioux  10I    29   916   oxids

Remaining tiles: fiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6143 Filereyna       3 22:38  -394  522     1.6143 reyna       3 22:38  -394  522 
  2.4192 Filetonikay     1 25:08  -465  451     2.6531 SuperH      1  4:05  -777  139 
  3.5178 Filenaomiari    1 20:12  -476  440     3.6353 rn.roselle  0  3:34  -854   62 
  4.4400 FileGrace_Tjie  0 18:45  -483  433            Group: novice
  5.5098 Fileannelhynz   1 23:18  -504  412     1.5178 naomiari    1 20:12  -476  440 
  6.5427 FileMarriot     0 20:08  -565  351     2.5098 annelhynz   1 23:18  -504  412 
  7.3296 FileZEHAVARON   0 15:44  -750  166     3.5427 Marriot     0 20:08  -565  351 
  8.6531 FileSuperH      1  4:05  -777  139            Group: not rated
  9.4675 Filejimbo       0  2:15  -805  111     1.4192 tonikay     1 25:08  -465  451 
 10.3869 Filepickrose    0  9:25  -822   94     2.4400 Grace_Tjie  0 18:45  -483  433 
 11.6353 Filern.roselle  0  3:34  -854   62     3.3296 ZEHAVARON   0 15:44  -750  166 
 12.4912 Filesiuyee      0  4:13  -856   60     4.4675 jimbo       0  2:15  -805  111 
 13.  -  Filerakhee78    0  0:57  -912    4     5.3869 pickrose    0  9:25  -822   94 
                                             6.4912 siuyee      0  4:13  -856   60 
                                             7.  -  rakhee78    0  0:57  -912    4 

On 1st draw, BRASIL H4 22 --- BRASIL a dyewood [n]
Other tops: BLAGS H4 22, BRAGS H4 22, BRAILS H4 22, BRIGS H4 22
Other moves: BAILS H4 20, BASIL H4 20, BIRLS H4 20, BRAIL H4 20, GARBS H4 20
BRAGS H4 22 naomiari, SuperH
BLAGS H4 22 reyna
BAILS H4 20 Grace_Tjie, tonikay
GLAIRS H4 18 annelhynz
BAILS H8 16 Marriot

On 2nd draw, A(U)ROREAN 5D 78 --- AURORA the rising light of the morning [adj] --- AUROREAN relating to the dawn [adj]
Other moves: BARONA(G)E 4H 70, ANAEROB(E) 4B 68, ANA(E)ROBE 4B 68, (H)ABANERO 4F 68, A(M)ARONE G7 66
AERO(S) 10D 14 SuperH
RONE(S) 10D 14 Marriot
(S)NORE 10H 14 tonikay
BARN(S) 4H 12 naomiari
ONE I2 8 reyna

On 3rd draw, JUVE 4A 48 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other moves: J(A)VA 4A 46, J(I)VE 4A 46, J(U)VE 4A 46, JAV(A) 4A 44, JUV(E) 4A 44
J(A)VA 4A 46 SuperH
JAV(A) 4A 44 tonikay
J(I)VE 4J 36 naomiari
J(O) 4D 34 reyna
JU(S) 10F 33 Marriot
JAVA D4 28 Grace_Tjie
JA D4 18 annelhynz

On 4th draw, TIT(I)VATE 8G 61 --- TITIVATE to dress smartly [v]
Other tops: T(I)TIVATE 8E 61
Other moves: JAVE(L) A4 42, JEAT(S) A4 33, JETT(Y) A4 33, VE(S)TA 10F 25, VA(U)TE 6B 24
JEAT(S) A4 33 Marriot
JETT(Y) A4 33 reyna
VET 6B 17 annelhynz
(S)AVE J4 14 naomiari
(B)RAVE F4 9 Grace_Tjie
VA(U)LT 9E 8 tonikay

On 5th draw, FYKES O4 90 --- FYKE a bag-shaped fishnet [n] --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: SLEEKY O8 87, KEEFS O4 84, KYLES O4 84, SKEEF O8 81, SKELF O8 81
SLEEK O8 75 Marriot
KEELS O4 75 reyna, jimbo
FLEES O4 69 Grace_Tjie
SKY O8 63 naomiari
SEEK O8 57 tonikay, SuperH
FRY F4 17 annelhynz

On 6th draw, GOLIATHS M3 84 --- GOLIATH a person considered to be a giant [n]
Other moves: SHOJI A1 45, JAILS A4 36, JIAOS A4 36, LAUGHS B2 36, LOUGHS B2 36
JAILS A4 36 Grace_Tjie, naomiari, jimbo, reyna
HOGS 6J 31 annelhynz
HAGS 4J 23 tonikay
HAS 10F 23 Marriot

On 7th draw, MOUCH B2 40 --- MOUCH to mooch [v]
Other moves: CHAM L1 39, FOUTH B2 38, FOAM L1 37, COUTH B2 36, MATH 6G 36
MOUCH B2 40 reyna
HO 6J 28 annelhynz
HICK 6L 19 naomiari
OHM N10 14 Grace_Tjie
HAJ A2 13 Marriot
H(I)T J7 5 tonikay

On 8th draw, (U)NMELTED E5 70 --- MELT to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat [adj] --- UNMELTED not melted [adj]
Other moves: EMEND A6 29, ALME 6H 26, ELMEN A6 26, DEEV C1 24, MAND 6G 24
ME 6J 22 annelhynz
ELM A6 20 Grace_Tjie, reyna
MOUCHED B2 15 Marriot
SED 7H 10 tonikay

On 9th draw, ROC N4 38 --- ROC a legendary bird of prey [n]
Other moves: CORPUS A6 37, CROUPS A6 37, COUPE 8A 36, PONCE 8A 36, PUNCE 8A 36
SCOPE 8A 36 Grace_Tjie
CROPS A6 34 reyna
POURS D11 26 annelhynz
SOP 10H 20 tonikay
TOPS 10E 17 Marriot
SPUN 10H 17 naomiari

On 10th draw, WINEY D11 41 --- WINEY having the qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: NOWTY D11 38, TOWNY D11 38, WANY 6G 38, YOWIE 8A 36, TOWERY F1 35
TOWNY D11 38 tonikay
WEY D11 29 annelhynz
YE 6J 28 reyna
TWINE 8A 27 Grace_Tjie
WAY J4 17 naomiari
TONE 8B 5 Marriot

On 11th draw, BENJ A1 45 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: BEANED C9 41, PEANED C9 41, ABED C11 33, BANED C10 33, BEDYE 15A 33
BAP C12 28 tonikay
DEEP F11 24 annelhynz
BE C12 18 Grace_Tjie
PAY 15B 8 Marriot
BYE 15C 8 naomiari

On 12th draw, YOGURT 15D 30 --- YOGURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: GIRO C12 26, OUTRIG A6 26, GORI C10 24, GORY 15A 24, ORGY 15A 24
GORY 15A 24 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
TIRO C12 23 reyna
TORY 15A 21 tonikay
TROY 15A 21 Marriot, ZEHAVARON
GO 6J 16 annelhynz
TORN K2 4 rakhee78

On 13th draw, OLEATE C8 28 --- OLEATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ELATE C9 26, TELAE C10 26, TELIA C10 26, ALEE C11 24, ALIT C11 24
ELATE C9 26 reyna
VOLTA K8 16 pickrose
TEAL C9 15 tonikay
VOTE K8 14 Grace_Tjie
TEA F11 13 annelhynz
EAT C6 9 naomiari
LEAT I12 5 Marriot

On 14th draw, DERV C1 27 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: ERODE 8A 24, IDES F10 24, EDS F10 23, IDE F10 23, IDS F10 23
SIDER A6 23 naomiari
DIES J12 18 Marriot
DE 6J 16 annelhynz
VIDE K8 16 pickrose
DUO 8A 12 tonikay
USED L10 12 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, DIAPSID 1C 36 --- DIAPSID a reptile with two pairs of temporal openings in the skull [n] --- DIAPSID of a reptile, having two pairs of temporal openings [adj]
Other moves: APODE 8A 30, SPODE 8A 30, SAPID A6 29, DAP B8 27, AIDS F9 26
SPODE 8A 30 annelhynz
AIDS F9 26 tonikay
DIPS J12 24 naomiari
AIDS J12 20 Marriot
ASP A6 20 reyna
PAD B13 17 Grace_Tjie
DIPS 1C 8 pickrose

On 16th draw, QUEAN J2 36 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: NEF B8 31, EF B9 28, ENUF A6 26, FANG 6G 26, SUQ 7H 26
EF B9 28 reyna
QUAG J3 18 naomiari
EF 2I 16 annelhynz
EGO 8A 12 Grace_Tjie
Q(I) J7 10 tonikay, siuyee
GUT I13 6 pickrose, Marriot

On 17th draw, PAW B8 35 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: DAW B8 33, WAP B8 31, APODE 8A 30, AW B9 28, DAP B8 27
PAW B8 35 reyna, annelhynz
AW D7 23 naomiari
WOO 8A 18 Grace_Tjie, pickrose
WAPS 10J 17 siuyee
WASP 10K 15 Marriot
POO 8A 15 tonikay

On 18th draw, ZA A7 48 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: AZO 14I 34, ZOOS 10J 33, IXIA 14I 29, IXIAS 10I 28, AX 14I 27
ZA A7 48 tonikay
ZOOS 10J 33 naomiari, siuyee
AX 14I 27 annelhynz
ZA L7 22 rn.roselle
AX A10 15 Grace_Tjie
ZOOT I12 14 Marriot
OX A6 14 reyna
TAX 10E 12 pickrose

On 19th draw, ORIGIN A10 30 --- ORIGIN a coming into being [n]
Other moves: ORIGIN N10 22, FIG K1 21, FIG B13 20, FOG B13 20, IRING N10 20
FIG B13 20 reyna
FOG B13 20 rn.roselle
FIN K1 19 annelhynz
GIF B13 18 Grace_Tjie
FIGS 10J 16 naomiari
FUG 3I 11 tonikay
GOT I13 6 pickrose

On 20th draw, OXIDS 10I 29 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: OXID L10 26, XI 2E 26, IF B13 25, FIXIT I11 23, DIXIT I11 21
OXID L10 26 Grace_Tjie
XI 2E 26 reyna, tonikay, naomiari
XI K1 20 rn.roselle
SIX 10M 12 pickrose
IF 14A 10 annelhynz

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