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Game sheet of Marriot (file), Game of June 26, 2011 at 15:24

Word find
Word played
1 EFLMOTW WOLF H8 20 -4 20 3/9 FLOTE H4 24 24 2/9
2 EEHIRSU SHERE 9H 21 -19 41 3/9 HURLIES 5E 40 64 3/9
3 ?ACLPRS SCARP 9H 21 -71 62 6/10 PARCL(O)SE 8A 92 156 4/10
4 ?DELORU (S)OD I8 15 -71 77 4/10 POULDER(S) A8 86 242 3/10
5 DEMNORT ROM 14A 10 -64 87 10/10 ENTODERM 13A 74 316 6/11
6 EEGILST GLEES I9 22 -52 109 5/11 ELEGIST 14H 74 390 5/11
7 AAGIINO AGO 15G 32 -6 141 8/10 AINGA 15E 38 428 4/12
8 AEIINTY             AYIN 12C 31 459 8/12
9 AAEGIVW             VAW 11E 35 494 8/13
10 ADENTUW             UNWASTED K1 62 556 9/13
11 ABDIOPR             ABORD 10E 39 595 11/13
12 AEIOPQY             OPAQUE 1G 54 649 11/13
13 AEEINRS             ANSERINE 2E 85 734 12/15
14 IIMNOYZ             MAZY 4J 40 774 13/15
15 IINOOUX             NOX 4D 34 808 13/15
16 EEHKOTU             THEEK 1A 45 853 13/15
17 BFIJOOT             FOOT 15L 46 899 13/17
18 BCGIIIJ             BIG 3M 26 925 13/17
19 CIIIJUV             JIG O1 33 958 13/17

Total: 141/958 or -817 for 14.71%
Rank: 4335

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