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Game of June 26, 2011 at 17:38, 13 players
1. 578 pts PIThompson
2. 479 pts jeff
3. 457 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeiistv   H4    78    78   visitee
 2. ?ailtvx   9A    79   157   laxative
 3. ?afnosu   5E    90   247   fusional
 4. cdeimnn  10B    47   294   mined
 5. aeiqrty   D8    48   342   qanat
 6. egimrsw  13B    93   435   misgrew
 7. bdelnoz   K3    70   505   blazoned
 8. aadenrt   L4    30   535   alane
 9. abdiorr   A4    36   571   bridal
10. cdelnop  12G    34   605   ponced
11. aegorty   M6    39   644   gyte
12. ehoorsw   N1    44   688   howres
13. gjnopty   1L    66   754   john
14. aehlruy   6C    36   790   yeah
15. aeiiort  H12    21   811   owre
16. aagiltu   C1    20   831   guilty
17. eflorrt   1C    33   864   golfer
18. acikprt   N8    90   954   tripack

Remaining tiles: aioouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7383 FilePIThompson  8 20:14  -376  578     1.7383 PIThompson  8 20:14  -376  578 
  2.6149 Filejeff        2 19:14  -475  479            Group: intermediate
  3.4934 Filenderera     2 22:15  -497  457     1.6149 jeff        2 19:14  -475  479 
  4.6552 Filewoofy1      3 14:38  -531  423     2.6552 woofy1      3 14:38  -531  423 
  5.5284 FileTheBFG      3 13:47  -589  365     3.6497 Davina      1  4:12  -777  177 
  6.5686 Filescrablehed  1 15:53  -677  277     4.6147 dannyboy    0  2:08  -905   49 
  7.5171 Filenarisa      0 11:21  -707  247            Group: novice
  8.4080 Filemaddie      0 13:24  -755  199     1.5284 TheBFG      3 13:47  -589  365 
  9.6497 FileDavina      1  4:12  -777  177     2.5686 scrablehed  1 15:53  -677  277 
 10.5244 FileOasthouse1  0  3:22  -866   88     3.5171 narisa      0 11:21  -707  247 
 11.4763 Filesherrymoon  0  1:53  -904   50     4.5244 Oasthouse1  0  3:22  -866   88 
 12.6147 Filedannyboy    0  2:08  -905   49            Group: not rated
 13.  -  Filetimon       0  3:21  -936   18     1.4934 nderera     2 22:15  -497  457 
                                             2.4080 maddie      0 13:24  -755  199 
                                             3.4763 sherrymoon  0  1:53  -904   50 
                                             4.  -  timon       0  3:21  -936   18 

On 1st draw, VISITEE H4 78 --- VISITEE the person to whom a visit is made [n]
Other moves: VISITEE H2 72, VISITEE H3 72, VISITEE H6 72, VISITEE H7 72, VISITEE H8 72
VISITEE H4 28 jeff, nderera
VISIT H4 24 sherrymoon, scrablehed
IVIES H4 18 PIThompson
VISIT H6 16 maddie

On 2nd draw, L(A)XATIVE 9A 79 --- LAXATIVE a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels [n]
Other tops: LAX(A)TIVE 9A 79
Other moves: LAX(A)TIVE 10A 71, L(A)XATIVE 10A 69, LIXIV(I)A 5E 64, L(I)XIVIA 5E 64, LAXIT(Y) G5 48
TAX(A) I7 42 PIThompson
TAX I7 41 jeff
LAX G5 39 scrablehed
XI G7 36 nderera
SAX 6H 26 sherrymoon
EXIT 9H 19 maddie

On 3rd draw, FUSIONA(L) 5E 90 --- FUSION the act of melting together [adj] --- FUSIONAL relating to fusion [adj]
Other moves: FUS(I)ONAL A2 83, AF(F)USION 5C 70, A(F)FUSION 5C 70, A(F)FUSION F4 70, FUSIONA(L) F6 70
FAS(H) I7 42 jeff
FLA(C)ONS A8 30 nderera
OF 10E 28 PIThompson
FLAUN(T) A8 27 maddie

On 4th draw, MINED 10B 47 --- MINE to dig into for valuable materials [v]
Other moves: MINE 10B 34, CNEMIS 6C 33, MID 10B 33, DIME 10B 32, MEDIC 4K 32
MINED 10B 47 PIThompson
DIME 10B 32 maddie
CLINE A8 24 nderera
MILD A7 21 jeff
CUM F4 13 TheBFG

On 5th draw, QANAT D8 48 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: TRANQ J2 36, YEAR 6J 31, YEA 6J 30, SEY 6H 29, AY 8A 28
QANAT D8 48 PIThompson
QI 4D 27 TheBFG, woofy1, nderera
YEAR 4K 21 jeff
QUAY F4 18 scrablehed

On 6th draw, MISGREW 13B 93 --- MISGROW to grow abnormally [v]
Other moves: SAWER 11C 42, AGEISM 11D 41, FEMITER E5 39, AGERS 11D 35, SAGER 11C 34
SAWER 11C 42 PIThompson, woofy1
GRIME 4A 25 nderera
SWINE J2 12 maddie

On 7th draw, BLAZONED K3 70 --- BLAZON to proclaim [v]
Other moves: BENZOL A4 60, DONZEL A4 54, DONZEL 14G 44, BONZE 4A 43, DONZEL 12G 43
ZED 4K 39 woofy1
ZED 14A 37 jeff, PIThompson
ZOL A7 36 maddie
ZEL A7 36 nderera
ZO 14A 30 TheBFG

On 8th draw, A(L)ANE L4 30 --- ALANE alone [adj]
Other tops: ADRENAL A3 30
Other moves: (L)ANATED L5 29, AWED H12 27, DARNEL A4 27, DENTAL A4 27, ENDART 8J 27
ADRENAL A3 30 PIThompson
(L)ADER L5 25 woofy1
WED H13 21 maddie
WAD H13 21 nderera
(L)ANE L5 20 TheBFG
BRAND 3K 16 scrablehed, jeff
DEAL A6 15 narisa

On 9th draw, BRIDAL A4 36 --- BRIDAL a wedding [n]
Other moves: BORDAR 12G 30, BARRIO 4A 29, BITER E7 29, BARRIO 12G 28, BARDO 4A 27
WAB H13 24 woofy1
WAD H13 21 scrablehed
BRAIL A5 21 jeff
BOARD 12G 19 PIThompson
BIRL A6 18 narisa
BITE E7 17 nderera
ORAL A6 12 maddie

On 10th draw, PONCED 12G 34 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: COPED J7 29, EPOS 6E 29, PED M6 29, POD M6 29, PONCED M8 29
PONCED 12G 34 PIThompson
PED M6 29 jeff, woofy1
OWED H12 27 Oasthouse1, narisa
W*P H13 24 maddie
COD 14A 23 TheBFG
WED H13 21 nderera
MOP B13 14 timon

On 11th draw, GYTE M6 39 --- GYTE a child [n]
Other moves: GOEY M6 33, GOETY M6 31, ANERGY 8J 30, ENERGY 8J 30, GYROSE 6D 28
GETA M6 27 woofy1
YO 14B 26 jeff, PIThompson
GET M6 25 TheBFG
GEAR 14G 19 scrablehed
ORGY 13L 19 narisa
REG 14G 15 nderera
NEAT 8K 4 timon

On 12th draw, HOWRES N1 44 --- HOWRE an hour [n]
Other tops: WHORES N1 44
Other moves: HOWES N2 42, SHOWER N9 42, WOOERS N1 38, HEROS N2 36, HOERS N2 36
WHORES N1 44 TheBFG, woofy1, PIThompson, nderera
WOOERS N1 38 jeff
SH I9 30 narisa
WHO B2 22 scrablehed

On 13th draw, JOHN 1L 66 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JO M2 37, JOY 4D 36, TYPOS 6D 36, OY O1 35, GYP 6D 33
JOHN 1L 66 Davina
JO M2 37 woofy1, nderera, TheBFG, Oasthouse1, jeff
OY O1 35 scrablehed
JOY B2 33 PIThompson
THY 1M 27 narisa

On 14th draw, YEAH 6C 36 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: YAH 6D 35, YEH 6D 35, HURLEY N9 33, BARLEY 4A 32, BURLEY 4A 32
YEAH 6C 36 jeff, PIThompson
YAH 6D 35 woofy1
AH 6E 31 scrablehed
HAYER 13K 30 Davina
OWLY H12 30 narisa
AY 14A 24 Oasthouse1
MAY B13 16 nderera

On 15th draw, OWRE H12 21 --- OWRE rock containing a valuable metal [n]
Other tops: OWER H12 21
Other moves: EAT 14F 20, QAT 8D 19, TERCIO J9 19, AE M3 18, AI M3 18
OWER H12 21 scrablehed, jeff, woofy1
QAT 8D 19 nderera
TEAR 14G 17 Davina
ROT 14A 16 TheBFG
AIT 14A 16 PIThompson
TRAY C3 14 narisa

On 16th draw, GUILTY C1 20 --- GUILTY worthy of blame for an offence [adj]
Other moves: QAT 8D 19, QUA 8D 19, AI M3 18, *L*Y* C3 18, GAILY C2 18
GUILTY C1 20 PIThompson
QAT 8D 19 dannyboy
GAILY C2 18 narisa
GAT 14A 18 jeff
GRAIL 14G 14 Davina, scrablehed, woofy1
MAG B13 12 nderera

On 17th draw, GOLFER 1C 33 --- GOLFER one that golfs [n]
Other moves: FOGLE 1A 30, FLORET N9 27, FORCER J9 25, REF 14A 25, TEF 14A 25
GOLFER 1C 33 PIThompson, nderera, woofy1, TheBFG
FOGLE 1A 30 narisa, dannyboy
REF 14A 25 Davina
FET 14A 22 jeff

On 18th draw, TRIPACK N8 90 --- TRIPACK a type of film pack [n]
Other moves: TRIPACK N9 86, RUPIA 2B 31, OKA M1 30, CURIA 2B 29, PRICK 14G 26
PRICK 14G 26 woofy1, TheBFG
TICK 13K 25 Davina
TACK 13K 25 PIThompson, jeff
REPACK 15G 19 narisa
PACKER 15D 17 scrablehed
RACK 14H 16 nderera

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