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Game of June 26, 2011 at 22:08, 8 players
1. 522 pts SuperH
2. 501 pts sunshine12
3. 330 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdouvy   H3    32    32   dyvour
 2. imnossw   9H    27    59   swims
 3. dehnnsy   8K    46   105   henny
 4. ?doortw   3A    76   181   downtrod
 5. adegmtv   A1    33   214   madge
 6. ceilrtu   L1    78   292   cruelties
 7. ehnoprz   1L    54   346   chez
 8. adefott   2J    45   391   fared
 9. aeikltx   1E    56   447   axlike
10. eioprtu   3K    28   475   tup
11. acdenot   N6    69   544   cantoned
12. eeiorst  13G    72   616   erotised
13. giiorsu   B2    27   643   goors
14. aajnptu  H11    39   682   jarta
15. befioru  10I    31   713   ef
16. beglnop  11E    34   747   polje
17. agioruv  12A    30   777   virga
18. aeiilnu   A7    30   807   unalive
19. bbinnor  12K    26   833   biner
20. abinoqu   6F    36   869   quoin

Remaining tiles: abio

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6526 FileSuperH      5 18:15  -347  522     1.6526 SuperH      5 18:15  -347  522 
  2.6465 Filesunshine12  3 14:58  -368  501     2.6465 sunshine12  3 14:58  -368  501 
  3.4589 FileAndy1990    2 18:16  -539  330            Group: novice
  4.3837 Filepickrose    0 19:27  -642  227     1.5189 narisa      0  2:46  -835   34 
  5.3074 Filecennet77    0 13:23  -741  128            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filebunnyshine  1  4:16  -802   67     1.4589 Andy1990    2 18:16  -539  330 
  7.4717 Filejimbo       0  2:24  -825   44     2.3837 pickrose    0 19:27  -642  227 
  8.5189 Filenarisa      0  2:46  -835   34     3.3074 cennet77    0 13:23  -741  128 
                                             4.  -  bunnyshine  1  4:16  -802   67 
                                             5.4717 jimbo       0  2:24  -825   44 

On 1st draw, DYVOU(R) H3 32 --- DYVOUR one who is bankrupt [n]
Other tops: COV(E)Y H8 32, CU(R)VY H8 32
Other moves: COV(E)Y H4 30, CU(R)VY H4 30, C(L)OUDY H7 30, CUD(D)Y H8 28, CU(D)DY H8 28
CU(R)VY H8 32 bunnyshine
C(L)OUDY H7 30 SuperH
D(E)COY H8 28 sunshine12
COD H7 12 cennet77

On 2nd draw, SWIMS 9H 27 --- SWIM to propel oneself in water by natural means [v]
Other moves: MOWS 9E 26, SOWMS 9D 26, SWIM 9H 26, SWIMS 9D 26, SNOWS 9D 25
SWIMS 9H 27 sunshine12, SuperH
SWIMS 9D 26 jimbo
MOONS 6F 15 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, HENNY 8K 46 --- HENNY a hen-like cock [n] --- HENNY hen-like [adj]
Other moves: HENDS 8K 40, YSHENDS L8 36, HYDYNES 4G 34, YSHEND L8 34, HYDYNE 4G 32
HENNY 4D 22 sunshine12
SHEDS L9 18 jimbo
HIDES J8 13 Andy1990
SHINY J7 13 cennet77
SHINED J7 12 bunnyshine

On 4th draw, DOW(N)TROD 3A 76 --- DOWNTROD oppressed [adj]
Other tops: DOW(N)TROD 3H 76
Other moves: DOWNTRO(D) N5 65, (D)OWNTROD N5 65, DO(G)TOWN M2 28, DOORW(A)Y 4B 26, (G)ODOWN M3 26
WORDY 4D 24 SuperH
OD 10I 19 sunshine12
WOODY O4 16 bunnyshine
TOW(N) 6G 6 Andy1990

On 5th draw, MADGE A1 33 --- MADGE a lead hammer [n]
Other tops: VADED A1 33
Other moves: AMOVED B1 32, MOVED B2 30, VADE A1 27, VOTED B2 26, DOTAGE B2 24
VADED A1 33 sunshine12, Andy1990, SuperH
EDGES L5 7 bunnyshine

On 6th draw, CRUELTIES L1 78 --- CRUELTY savage behaviour towards a person or animal [n]
Other tops: CUTLERIES L1 78
Other moves: RETICULES L1 74, LI(N)CTURE D1 72, LINCTURE N6 64, CULVERT 5E 48, LOITER B2 25
TOUR B2 17 sunshine12
CI(N)E D1 16 SuperH
CRUELTY O2 13 Andy1990
CRY O6 8 pickrose
WIRE I9 7 cennet77

On 7th draw, CHEZ 1L 54 --- CHEZ at the home of [prep]
Other moves: AZO 2A 51, ZO(N)ER D1 46, COZE 1L 45, ZO(N)E D1 44, NEPHRON N8 36
CHEZ 1L 54 Andy1990
ZO(N)ER D1 46 SuperH
ZHO 6F 35 sunshine12
ZERO 2J 33 pickrose

On 8th draw, FARED 2J 45 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other moves: TREFA 2K 42, REDO 2L 32, EF 10I 31, FA 2N 31, OF 10I 31
FA 2N 31 sunshine12, SuperH
FOND N6 16 cennet77
F*RT*D F1 16 Andy1990
AFOOT 6F 12 pickrose

On 9th draw, AXLIKE 1E 56 --- AXLIKE resembling an ax [adj]
Other moves: EAUX 3J 55, LUX 3K 48, TUX 3K 48, EXO B1 42, AXILE 1F 41
LUX 3K 48 SuperH, sunshine12
TEXT E3 22 pickrose
TAX E3 20 Andy1990

On 10th draw, TUP 3K 28 --- TUP to copulate with a ewe [v]
Other tops: HEPT M1 28
Other moves: TOORIE B2 25, TOURIE B2 25, HEP M1 24, UP 3L 24, APO 2A 23
TUP 3K 28 sunshine12, SuperH
PROVE 5E 20 pickrose
POINTER N5 13 cennet77
POWER C1 10 Andy1990

On 11th draw, CANTONED N6 69 --- CANTON to divide into cantons (districts) [v]
Other moves: TACNODE B5 68, DOONA B2 27, CENTAVO 5C 24, OCTAVE 5D 22, DOON B2 21
DOON B2 21 sunshine12, SuperH
COLT 5J 12 pickrose
COWED C1 11 Andy1990
DAWN C1 8 cennet77

On 12th draw, EROTISED 13G 72 --- EROTISE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: O(N)ERIEST D2 66, SEROTINE 11H 66, EROTISE B5 63, RESITE O10 31, RETIES O10 31
ROOTIES B2 27 SuperH
ROSE O12 21 sunshine12
STONE 11K 10 pickrose
WORST I9 9 Andy1990
ROOTS 6F 9 cennet77

On 13th draw, GOORS B2 27 --- GOOR sugar [n]
Other moves: GORES 12K 23, GUIROS 12D 23, GIROS H11 21, GIRRS H11 21, GOOR B2 21
GOORS B2 27 SuperH
GRIS H12 21 pickrose
GIROS H11 21 sunshine12
RUG H13 12 Andy1990
WIGS C3 8 cennet77

On 14th draw, JARTA H11 39 --- JARTA a term of endearment [n]
Other tops: JURAT H11 39
Other moves: PUJA 12G 32, JUNTA 12D 31, PUJA 14D 31, JAAP 12D 30, JAPAN 12C 30
RAJ H13 30 sunshine12
PRAT H12 27 SuperH
JUST L11 22 Andy1990, cennet77
TARP H11 7 pickrose

On 15th draw, EF 10I 31 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other tops: OF 10I 31
Other moves: OBJURE 11F 30, JIBER 11H 28, BOREE 12K 26, JIBE 11H 26, JOBE 11H 26
JUBE 11H 26 SuperH
JURE 11H 22 sunshine12
FUSE L11 14 Andy1990
JOB 11H 12 cennet77
FAB 15G 8 pickrose

On 16th draw, POLJE 11E 34 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: BENJ 11E 26, ELOPE 12J 26, LEBEN 12K 26, BENE 12K 22, BONE 12K 22
GLOVE 5E 18 Andy1990
BOOL I12 14 SuperH
TOPE E3 12 pickrose
TONG E3 10 sunshine12

On 17th draw, VIRGA 12A 30 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other moves: VARIA 12D 25, VIGOR 12B 24, RUGA 10D 22, VIRAGO F6 22, VORAGO F6 22
VOR 12D 18 SuperH
VAT 14F 16 sunshine12
TAG E3 8 pickrose
RIVO K12 7 Andy1990

On 18th draw, UNALIVE A7 30 --- UNALIVE lacking in vitality [adj]
Other moves: ALVINE A10 27, UNLIVE A8 27, UNVAIL A10 27, UNVEIL A10 27, AVINE A11 24
UNVEIL A10 27 sunshine12
VINE A12 21 SuperH
VEIL A12 21 Andy1990, pickrose
ALIVE A9 8 cennet77

On 19th draw, BINER 12K 26 --- BINER short for KARABINER, a clip used by climbers [n]
Other tops: BONER 12K 26
Other moves: BINE 12K 22, BONE 12K 22, BORE 12K 22, INTRON 14F 20, RIBBON C5 19
BINER 12K 26 SuperH
WON C3 13 sunshine12
BRIN C11 12 Andy1990
ROB C12 10 narisa
ROBIN F3 9 pickrose

On 20th draw, QUOIN 6F 36 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: NIQAB C5 34, QAT 14F 34, BURQA C10 32, QAT 6J 32, (N)IQAB D3 30
QAT 6J 32 sunshine12, SuperH
QUIN 7G 24 Andy1990, narisa, pickrose

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