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Game of June 27, 2011 at 03:33, 7 players
1. 481 pts nderera
2. 467 pts sherrymoon
3. 412 pts MaraMay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agilmnp   H2    80    80   lamping
 2. aaefntu   G3    30   110   faut
 3. ?deinno   8A    80   190   denoting
 4. finrttu   B2    76   266   unfitter
 5. aelrtuw   I1    25   291   raw
 6. ceghors   1H    72   363   crores
 7. eijostv   A1    34   397   joe
 8. ?ahimot   F7    64   461   himation
 9. adegnor   E1    73   534   dragonet
10. aeelotx   2H    51   585   lax
11. abeiosy  15D    46   631   absey
12. bdeeiks   C1    41   672   skeed
13. eiprsuw   D7    32   704   poursew
14. adgilno   5G    76   780   uploading
15. aceiily   O3    39   819   cagily
16. eeilorv  14H    79   898   overlie
17. aeehiit  15K    39   937   eathe
18. biotuvz   4K    43   980   zit

Remaining tiles: bioquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5092 Filenderera     2 21:09  -499  481     1.6173 dannyboy    3  9:58  -610  370 
  2.5138 Filesherrymoon  2 14:57  -513  467            Group: novice
  3.5512 FileMaraMay     2 17:28  -568  412     1.5092 nderera     2 21:09  -499  481 
  4.6173 Filedannyboy    3  9:58  -610  370     2.5138 sherrymoon  2 14:57  -513  467 
  5.4213 Filetonikay     0 13:15  -799  181     3.5512 MaraMay     2 17:28  -568  412 
  6.5725 FileFaeythe     2  4:01  -858  122     4.5725 Faeythe     2  4:01  -858  122 
  7.4196 FileAJ0711      0  7:08  -888   92            Group: not rated
                                             1.4213 tonikay     0 13:15  -799  181 
                                             2.4196 AJ0711      0  7:08  -888   92 

On 1st draw, LAMPING H2 80 --- LAMP to supply with a light [v] --- LAMPING the hunting of ferrets with lamps [n]
Other tops: PALMING H4 80
Other moves: LAMPING H6 78, PALMING H6 78, LAMPING H3 76, LAMPING H4 76, LAMPING H7 76
PALMING H4 30 Faeythe
PALING H7 22 nderera
PLAIN H4 20 sherrymoon
PALM H5 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, FAUT G3 30 --- FAUT fault (Scots) [n]
Other moves: FEU G3 27, FA G3 22, FAUNAE I6 22, FE G3 22, FAUNA I6 21
FAUT G3 30 Faeythe
FA G3 22 sherrymoon
MEANT 4H 14 nderera, MaraMay
FLAUNT 2G 11 tonikay

On 3rd draw, DENO(T)ING 8A 80 --- DENOTE to indicate [v]
Other tops: DE(B)ONING 8A 80, DE(P)ONING 8A 80, DO(V)ENING 8A 80, DO(Z)ENING 8A 80, ENDO(W)ING 8A 80, EN(C)ODING 8A 80, O(L)DENING 8A 80
Other moves: DONNIE(S) 9B 71, ONDINE(S) 9B 71, NOIN(T)ED I6 68, DEN(T)ITION 6B 67, I(N)DENTION 6B 65
(C)ODEIN 1H 57 nderera
(C)ONED 1H 57 sherrymoon
(C)OINED 1H 57 MaraMay
DI I3 19 Faeythe
(S)END 9H 17 tonikay

On 4th draw, UNFITTER B2 76 --- UNFIT not fit [adj]
Other moves: TURFITE B2 24, FIENT B6 18, FORINT D7 18, FREIT B6 18, OUTFIT D8 18
FIN 7B 17 sherrymoon
FIT I1 16 tonikay
FORT D7 7 nderera

On 5th draw, RAW I1 25 --- RAW a sore or irritated spot [n] --- RAW uncooked [adj]
Other tops: LAW I1 25, TAW I1 25
Other moves: AW I2 24, FLAW 4B 20, FLEW 4B 20, OUTWEAR D8 20, TAWTIER 6D 20
AW I2 24 sherrymoon
FAW 4B 18 nderera
WAE I1 16 tonikay
UNLAW 3A 16 MaraMay

On 6th draw, CRORES 1H 72 --- CRORE a monetary unit of India [n]
Other tops: CROGS 1H 72
Other moves: CRORE 1H 69, SCROG 1G 69, CROG 1H 66, COUPERS 5E 44, HEC(T)ORS E5 44
CROGS 1H 72 nderera, MaraMay
ES 9G 19 tonikay

On 7th draw, JOE A1 34 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JIVES 5A 30, UPJETS 5G 30, JO A1 29, UPJET 5G 28, EEJITS L1 26
JOE A1 34 nderera, dannyboy
JOIS(T) E4 22 sherrymoon
JIVES F7 17 tonikay
JAM 4F 12 MaraMay

On 8th draw, HIMATIO(N) F7 64 --- HIMATION a loose outer garment [n]
Other moves: (C)HUPATI 5E 44, OH(S) J1 36, OM(S) J1 30, STOMA(C)H M1 30, MAT(T)OI(D) E5 28
OH J1 27 dannyboy
HOM(E) 2L 23 nderera
(S)HAM J3 23 sherrymoon
SMITH M1 20 MaraMay
(W)IT 7D 6 tonikay

On 9th draw, DRAGONE(T) E1 73 --- DRAGONET a marine fish [n]
Other moves: DRAGO(N)NE 14A 68, A(N)DROGEN 14E 63, A(T)ONED E7 30, GADE C3 30, ORGAN C1 30
DEN C3 23 dannyboy
DARING 12C 20 sherrymoon
GROA(N)ED 14B 16 MaraMay
DOTAGE 11D 16 nderera
GRADE 10D 7 tonikay

On 10th draw, LAX 2H 51 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other tops: OX J1 51
Other moves: EXTOL E11 40, AXLE E11 38, EXTOL 2K 37, OX G12 36, EXO E11 35
OX J1 51 dannyboy, sherrymoon, MaraMay
NOX G8 25 tonikay
LOX 2L 24 nderera

On 11th draw, ABSEY 15D 46 --- ABSEY the alphabet [n]
Other moves: SYBOE 15F 43, SYBO 15F 40, BAYE D3 35, ABYES E11 34, SOYA 15F 34
SOYA 15F 34 nderera, MaraMay
SOY 15F 31 sherrymoon, dannyboy
SOBA 15F 31 tonikay

On 12th draw, SKEED C1 41 --- SKEE to ski [v]
Other moves: BISK E10 36, KEBS E10 36, SKEE C1 34, DESK E10 33, DISK E10 33
KIDS E10 33 dannyboy
SKIED M1 20 MaraMay
KITED 11D 20 sherrymoon
SKID 12D 18 nderera

On 13th draw, POURSEW D7 32 --- POURSEW to follow, in order to overtake or capture [v]
Other moves: POWERS D7 30, POWRES D7 30, WISP G10 28, POURIES D7 26, SWIPERS M1 26
SWIPERS M1 26 sherrymoon
SWEE G12 23 dannyboy
SWIPER M1 22 MaraMay
WUS I13 21 nderera

On 14th draw, UPLOADING 5G 76 --- UPLOAD to transfer information from a small computer to a larger computer [v]
Other moves: IDOL C11 25, ODAL C11 25, ADO C11 23, DAG C12 23, DOG C12 23
ADO C11 23 sherrymoon
DOG C12 23 dannyboy
GLOW 13A 16 nderera, MaraMay, AJ0711

On 15th draw, CAGILY O3 39 --- CAGILY in a cagey manner [adv]
Other tops: LEGACY O3 39
Other moves: LEANY N2 32, YAE 6J 32, YEA 6J 32, AGLEY O4 30, YALE 4K 29
YEA 6J 32 dannyboy
GAILY O5 27 AJ0711, nderera
YA C12 25 sherrymoon

On 16th draw, OVERLIE 14H 79 --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other tops: OVERLIE N8 79
Other moves: EVILDOER L1 26, VEILIER M3 24, SERVILE M1 22, EVILER M3 20, OLIVER M3 20
VIEW 13A 20 MaraMay
ROE C12 18 dannyboy
VIDEO L3 18 AJ0711, sherrymoon
VOW 13B 18 nderera

On 17th draw, EATHE 15K 39 --- EATHE easy [adj]
Other moves: HAET 6J 35, HEAT 6J 35, HAE 6J 32, HIE 6J 32, EATHE 13K 29
HAE 6J 32 dannyboy
THE 15M 25 sherrymoon, nderera
HEATER K9 18 MaraMay
HALE L12 16 AJ0711

On 18th draw, ZIT 4K 43 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: BIZ N8 41, ZO 4K 39, BOZO J4 35, ZOIC 3L 30, BIO 6J 26
ZIT 4K 43 dannyboy, Faeythe, sherrymoon
BOZO J4 35 nderera
ZIT M13 24 MaraMay
ZOOT J4 15 AJ0711

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