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Game of June 27, 2011 at 05:47, 6 players
1. 375 pts remij
2. 356 pts slebbarc
3. 355 pts johnny55

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aachiot   H8    28    28   aitch
 2. deeimnr  11A    76   104   endermic
 3. aeelnor   C6    72   176   oleander
 4. eeilotu  B10    24   200   entoil
 5. ?diiiop  15B    36   236   lipoids
 6. cdgioss   8A    30   266   coeds
 7. ?befnuv  14F    36   302   boeuf
 8. aeglrrt   B2    27   329   retag
 9. aeeortw   A1    39   368   rewet
10. alsstux   C1    49   417   sax
11. deostuy  13I    38   455   youse
12. adeiilo   D3    29   484   eild
13. aagmnru  12K    31   515   garum
14. bfoopst   1C    42   557   spoofs
15. ginotty  15J    48   605   toying
16. abhnruv   2F    34   639   bah
17. aaeinwz   O8    48   687   nizam
18. aeinqtu   N2   124   811   antique
19. ajlnrvw   3G    32   843   raj

Remaining tiles: klnvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4292 Fileremij       0 18:22  -468  375     1.5303 slebbarc    1 15:52  -487  356 
  2.5303 Fileslebbarc    1 15:52  -487  356     2.5725 Faeythe     1 15:16  -535  308 
  3.4660 Filejohnny55    0 16:37  -488  355     3.5588 JennyB      0 10:16  -679  164 
  4.4966 Filesiuyee      0 17:20  -532  311            Group: not rated
  5.5725 FileFaeythe     1 15:16  -535  308     1.4292 remij       0 18:22  -468  375 
  6.5588 FileJennyB      0 10:16  -679  164     2.4660 johnny55    0 16:37  -488  355 
                                             3.4966 siuyee      0 17:20  -532  311 

On 1st draw, AITCH H8 28 --- AITCH the letter H [n]
Other moves: CHIAO H4 26, CHOTA H4 26, AITCH H4 22, CHIAO H8 22, CHOTA H8 22
CHAT H5 18 siuyee, johnny55, remij

On 2nd draw, ENDERMIC 11A 76 --- ENDERMIC acting by absorption through the skin [adj]
Other moves: ERMINED G3 71, ERMINED I3 71, REMINTED 10C 67, ERMINED G2 65, ERMINED I2 65
CRIMED 11H 22 johnny55
HINDER 12H 20 siuyee, Faeythe
HIDER 12H 18 remij

On 3rd draw, OLEANDER C6 72 --- OLEANDER a flowering shrub [n]
Other moves: RELOANED C4 61, LEARE 12A 26, LEONE 12A 26, AEON 12A 22, EOAN 12A 22
LEAN 12A 22 Faeythe
LEANER A7 21 johnny55
LEANER A10 21 remij
LANE A8 12 siuyee

On 4th draw, ENTOIL B10 24 --- ENTOIL to ensnare [v]
Other moves: ETOILE D4 23, ETOILE B2 22, INTEL B10 22, OUTLIE B2 22, LEET 12A 19
HOTEL 12H 16 johnny55
TEEL 8A 15 remij
UTILE A7 15 siuyee
HILT 12H 7 Faeythe

On 5th draw, LIPOID(S) 15B 36 --- LIPOID any of a class of fatty substances [n]
Other tops: LIPIDI(C) 15B 36
Other moves: OPI(O)ID B1 31, (L)IPOID B1 31, (O)PIOID B1 31, POI(N)D B2 29, P(Y)OID B2 29
PLOD 15A 27 remij
PIED 8A 27 siuyee, Faeythe
D(E)EP 8A 27 johnny55

On 6th draw, COEDS 8A 30 --- COED a female student [n]
Other moves: SIDES D8 29, SECS D10 28, COED 8A 27, DEGS D10 27, GEDS D10 27
DOES 8A 18 johnny55
DIES 8A 18 remij
GO 14F 17 Faeythe
SHOD 12G 10 siuyee

On 7th draw, B(O)EUF 14F 36 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: UNBE 14D 31, UNB(E) 14D 29, U(N)BE 14D 29, (U)NBE 14D 29, BE(E)F 14F 27
BE(A)U 14F 24 Faeythe
EF D11 22 remij
BE(E)F D3 21 siuyee
FIVE 9G 18 johnny55
VENU(E)S E3 16 slebbarc

On 8th draw, RETAG B2 27 --- RETAG to tag again [v] --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other moves: GEAT D10 23, GELT D10 23, GETA D10 23, GARRET B1 22, TERGAL B1 22
REGAL B2 20 siuyee
HALTER 12H 18 johnny55
HEART 12H 16 Faeythe
RAGS E5 10 slebbarc
GOAT 6B 9 remij

On 9th draw, REWET A1 39 --- REWET to wet again [v] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other moves: WARE A1 31, WATE A1 31, WERE A1 31, WETA A1 31, WORE A1 31
WARE A1 31 Faeythe, slebbarc
TOW A1 25 siuyee
WEE A1 22 remij
WEETER 3A 18 johnny55

On 10th draw, SAX C1 49 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other tops: LAX C1 49, TAX C1 49
Other moves: SEXT D10 48, AX C2 47, SEX D10 43, EX D11 38, LAX G7 38
TAX C1 49 slebbarc, Faeythe
EX D11 38 remij, siuyee
SIX 9G 19 johnny55

On 11th draw, YOUSE 13I 38 --- YOUSE you collectively [pron]
Other moves: EYOT D3 32, SEY D2 30, DOY 13E 26, SED D2 26, SHOUTY 12G 26
HOUSEY 12H 24 johnny55
STUDY I4 16 siuyee
WEXES 3A 15 slebbarc
TOYS 10H 15 remij
STUDY 1C 10 Faeythe

On 12th draw, EILD D3 29 --- EILD senility [n]
Other moves: SEDILIA 1C 27, SIALOID 1C 27, IODIDE D4 25, SAILED 1C 24, SIALID 1C 24
IDEA 12L 19 siuyee
WEXED 3A 16 slebbarc
LOADS L9 12 johnny55
DALES L9 12 Faeythe
DOLS E5 10 remij

On 13th draw, GARUM 12K 31 --- GARUM a thick sauce [n]
Other moves: MANGA 12K 28, MUNGA 12K 28, GAMA 12K 25, MAT 10F 25, AM 10E 24
MANGA 12K 28 Faeythe
GRAMS L9 16 johnny55
ARM 12L 16 siuyee
GUMS L10 14 remij
MAGS L10 14 JennyB
MANGER M9 12 slebbarc

On 14th draw, SPOOFS 1C 42 --- SPOOF to ridicule in fun [v]
Other moves: SPOOTS 1C 33, BOSOM O8 27, EFS D11 27, EFT D11 27, MOFO O12 27
SPOOTS 1C 33 siuyee
STOOPS 1C 27 JennyB
MOPS O12 24 Faeythe, remij, johnny55
POST E1 23 slebbarc

On 15th draw, TOYING 15J 48 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v] --- TOYING the act of toying [n]
Other moves: IGNOMY O8 36, G*Y*M O8 33, TOTING 15J 30, NY 2E 28, OY 2E 28
G*Y*M O8 33 slebbarc
MINY O12 27 remij, johnny55
MONY O12 27 JennyB
MONG O12 21 Faeythe
MING O12 21 siuyee

On 16th draw, BAH 2F 34 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HA 2F 31, HAT 10F 31, AH 10E 30, UH 10E 30, UH 2E 28
HAN 11L 17 slebbarc
RAH I6 12 JennyB
H(O)D G13 10 remij
MANG O12 7 johnny55

On 17th draw, NIZAM O8 48 --- NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n]
Other moves: WANZE 3G 41, NAZE 3G 37, NAZI 3G 37, AWA 3F 34, AWE 3F 34
NAZE 3G 37 JennyB
WIZEN 9G 31 slebbarc
FAZE G1 26 johnny55
SHAW H1 14 remij

On 18th draw, ANTIQUE N2 124 --- ANTIQUE to give the appearance of age to [v]
Other moves: ANTIQUE 3H 90, QUINATE N2 88, QUINATE I4 75, EQUANT 3H 56, QUAT N6 37
ANTIQUE N2 74 slebbarc
QUIT N6 37 JennyB
QUIZ 10L 24 johnny55, remij

On 19th draw, RAJ 3G 32 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JA M2 31, WARN 3G 31, WAN 3G 30, WAR 3G 30, JA O1 29
JA O1 29 remij, slebbarc
JAR 2M 10 JennyB

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