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Game of June 27, 2011 at 06:33, 7 players
1. 449 pts Stranger
2. 417 pts dragons11
3. 355 pts slebbarc

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adfimn   H4    82    82   findram
 2. degorty   I9    26   108   gyred
 3. ?aaeint   5E    78   186   actiniae
 4. eimnorz   E5    88   274   armozine
 5. agilnuu   8A    24   298   lingo
 6. aaeefor  H12    45   343   fare
 7. aadnsst   F8    33   376   tad
 8. aehlopt   K5    76   452   apholate
 9. abeegiu   L8    40   492   bagie
10. ilopssu   C2    74   566   upsilons
11. enosttw   A4    62   628   townlets
12. acenotu   2B    30   658   autocue
13. ehklrsu   1H    57   715   husker
14. cdeorvy  D10    47   762   verdoy
15. beilnqv  15A    36   798   bevy
16. ainouwx   M8    49   847   axon
17. eijlouw  C11    27   874   woe
18. iijlqru  13G    24   898   qadi
19. ciijlru   7M    25   923   cru

Remaining tiles: iijl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6512 FileStranger    0 18:08  -474  449     1.6512 Stranger    0 18:08  -474  449 
  2.4607 Filedragons11   1 22:24  -506  417     2.6563 woofy1      0 17:56  -599  324 
  3.5311 Fileslebbarc    1 20:29  -568  355     3.6820 mylover81   0  2:11  -850   73 
  4.6563 Filewoofy1      0 17:56  -599  324            Group: novice
  5.4300 Fileremij       1  9:23  -730  193     1.5311 slebbarc    1 20:29  -568  355 
  6.5721 FileFaeythe     0  3:24  -784  139     2.5721 Faeythe     0  3:24  -784  139 
  7.6820 Filemylover81   0  2:11  -850   73            Group: not rated
                                             1.4607 dragons11   1 22:24  -506  417 
                                             2.4300 remij       1  9:23  -730  193 

On 1st draw, FIND(R)AM H4 82 --- FINDRAM a kind of smoked haddock [n]
Other tops: DAMNIF(Y) H7 82, INFAM(E)D H2 82
Other moves: DAMNIF(Y) H2 80, FIND(R)AM H6 80, INFAM(E)D H8 80, DAMNIF(Y) H4 78, INFAM(E)D H6 78
FAMIN(G) H4 28 slebbarc, dragons11
FAM(E)D H4 28 mylover81
FIND(S) H4 24 remij
FAMIN(G) H5 20 Stranger

On 2nd draw, GYRED I9 26 --- GYRE to move in a circle or spiral [v]
Other moves: DOGEY G9 25, DOGEY I9 25, EYOT G8 25, EYOT I8 25, OYER G8 25
YORE I9 24 mylover81
FORGED 4H 22 Stranger
YOM 10F 16 remij
GOATY 9F 11 slebbarc

On 3rd draw, A(C)TINIAE 5E 78 --- ACTINIA a marine animal [n]
Other moves: FAINEA(N)T 4H 72, FAI(N)EANT 4H 72, FANTA(S)IE 4H 72, ANTI(W)EA(R) 8A 71, AT(T)AINE(R) 8A 71
TINE H12 21 slebbarc
TAIN H12 21 mylover81
NEAT H12 21 remij
FAINT(S) 4H 16 Stranger
RI(S)EN 11I 8 dragons11

On 4th draw, ARMOZINE E5 88 --- ARMOZINE material for clerical gowns [n]
Other tops: ARMOZINE K5 88
Other moves: ROMANIZE E2 69, ROMANIZE K2 69, MOZE H12 64, ZONER 4K 45, MOZE J12 42
MIZEN J4 36 slebbarc
DOZIER 13I 32 dragons11
ZERO 12H 23 Stranger
ZIN J4 14 remij

On 5th draw, LINGO 8A 24 --- LINGO strange or incomprehensible language [n]
Other tops: LINGUA D10 24
Other moves: ANGLO 8A 21, GUANO 8A 21, NAIL H12 21, NGAIO 8A 21, LIANG D10 20
GUILE L1 16 dragons11
RAG 11I 8 remij
LANE L2 8 Stranger
NAG 9G 5 slebbarc

On 6th draw, FARE H12 45 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other tops: FARO H12 45, FEAR H12 45, FEER H12 45, FERE H12 45, FORA H12 45, FORE H12 45
Other moves: AFEAR F9 44, AFORE F9 44, AFAR F9 43, OF F9 37, FEARE 6J 35
FEAR H12 45 remij
FARE H12 45 slebbarc
FARE 6J 32 Stranger
FREE 12B 14 dragons11

On 7th draw, TAD F8 33 --- TAD a small boy [n]
Other tops: TANAS F8 33
Other moves: DANTS 13A 32, NADAS 13A 32, SANDS 13A 32, ANDS 13B 30, ANTAS 13A 30
SANDS 13A 32 Stranger
AD F9 25 Faeythe
FEASTS 12H 18 slebbarc
FEATS 12H 16 dragons11
DENTS L4 14 remij

On 8th draw, APHOLATE K5 76 --- APHOLATE a chemical used to control houseflies [n]
Other moves: LOATHER 14B 36, HEPT D10 35, HOPE D10 35, HEAP 4L 34, HEAP D12 34
HOPE D10 35 dragons11
HELP D12 34 Stranger
PHAT 4K 32 woofy1
HEP G13 29 Faeythe
HELP L4 18 remij
PLA(C)E F2 18 slebbarc

On 9th draw, BAGIE L8 40 --- BAGIE (Northumbrian dialect) a turnip [n]
Other tops: BIGAE L8 40
Other moves: BOUGIE 8J 30, GIBE D10 29, GAB D10 27, GIB D10 27, GUB D10 27
BOUGIE 8J 30 Faeythe
GIBE D10 29 dragons11
BEE G13 21 Stranger
BEE L10 20 woofy1
BEGUILE A3 11 slebbarc
BAR 14F 11 remij

On 10th draw, UPSILONS C2 74 --- UPSILON a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: PULSIONS C2 74
Other moves: LIPOS 13A 34, LISPS 13A 34, LOUPS 13A 34, PILUS 13A 34, PIOUS 13A 34
LIPS 13B 32 Stranger
P*SS 13B 32 dragons11
LOPS 13B 32 woofy1
SLIPS M6 28 Faeythe
SOUP 13L 21 slebbarc
TIPS 11K 6 remij

On 11th draw, TOWNLETS A4 62 --- TOWNLET a small town [n]
Other moves: ONSTEAD 13C 38, OWSEN M8 37, ENOWS 13A 36, NEWTS 13A 36, NOWTS 13A 36
WENTS 13A 36 Stranger
TOWNS 13A 36 dragons11
TOWS 13B 34 woofy1
STEW M6 27 Faeythe
STOW 13L 23 slebbarc
WEE L4 16 remij

On 12th draw, AUTOCUE 2B 30 --- AUTOCUE a device for prompting a television speaker [n]
Other tops: COBNUT 8J 30, COTEAU D10 30
Other moves: COTAN M7 27, TACE M7 27, TACO M7 27, CANOE D10 26, CANTO D10 26
CONE D10 24 dragons11
TEC M7 22 woofy1
ACT 4L 14 Stranger
EN M10 9 slebbarc

On 13th draw, HUSKER 1H 57 --- HUSKER one that husks [n]
Other moves: HULKS 1H 54, HULK 1H 48, HUSK 1H 48, RUKHS 1H 45, HULKS 13A 44
HULKS 1H 54 slebbarc
HULK 1H 48 Stranger
HERS 13B 34 woofy1
RUSE 13C 28 dragons11

On 14th draw, VERDOY D10 47 --- VERDOY charged with flowers as a bordure [adj]
Other moves: COVED M7 41, COYED M7 41, COYED D10 40, COYER D10 38, ROVED M7 37
COVED M7 41 woofy1
DORY D12 30 Stranger
COY G13 27 dragons11
EVERY 15H 15 slebbarc

On 15th draw, BEVY 15A 36 --- BEVY a group [n]
Other moves: LIVEN M7 35, BLIVE M6 34, VIBE M7 33, VINYL 15A 33, LIVE M7 31
BEVY 15A 36 dragons11
ENVY 15A 30 Stranger
LEVY 15A 30 woofy1
RIVE M1 14 slebbarc

On 16th draw, AXON M8 49 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: WAX M7 48, WOX M7 48, NIX M7 42, NOX M7 42, WAX M9 41
WOX M7 48 woofy1
WEX 15G 13 dragons11

On 17th draw, WOE C11 27 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other moves: JOR 14F 26, WEIL 4L 26, WIEL 4L 26, WILE 4L 26, WOE G13 25
JOR 14F 26 slebbarc, Stranger, woofy1
JUD 13B 22 dragons11

On 18th draw, QADI 13G 24 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QUAD 13F 15, SUQ J1 14, LUR G13 13, JIB A13 12, QI J4 11
QUAD 13F 15 Stranger
QI J4 11 dragons11
LAD 13G 5 woofy1

On 19th draw, CRU 7M 25 --- CRU a grade or class of wine [n]
Other tops: CUR 7M 25
Other moves: CLUE B12 22, CRUE B12 22, CAXON M7 17, CLAXON M6 16, RUC 4L 14
LIE B13 10 Stranger
JOR E1 10 dragons11

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