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Game of June 27, 2011 at 07:19, 5 players
1. 347 pts dragons11
2. 187 pts slebbarc
3. 103 pts marylou

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beeinrs   H4    22    22   brines
 2. ?dfhnor   8E    66    88   forehand
 3. bdgioty   K3    28   116   bodying
 4. ?ailort   E5    90   206   trifocal
 5. aegimrt  11D    72   278   maritage
 6. adiossv   M3    39   317   avoids
 7. ikmnosy  L11    48   365   smoky
 8. aefnstu  15E    92   457   unsafety
 9. enoortu  14J    30   487   reknot
10. acentvw  O11    36   523   vawte
11. eilntux  14A    33   556   linux
12. aajlnoo  A12    57   613   joll
13. adeeeip  12C    29   642   paled
14. aeelqtu   D1    54   696   quelea
15. ehinotu   1D    51   747   quoth
16. aeegint   I1    30   777   ainee
17. eiiprtz   3C    34   811   peize
18. aceirtw   F5    31   842   actor

Remaining tiles: cegiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4645 Filedragons11   0 21:15  -495  347     1.5300 slebbarc    2  6:47  -655  187 
  2.5300 Fileslebbarc    2  6:47  -655  187            Group: not rated
  3.4161 Filemarylou     0  4:34  -739  103     1.4645 dragons11   0 21:15  -495  347 
  4.  -  FileChrissyM    0  1:38  -822   20     2.4161 marylou     0  4:34  -739  103 
  5.  -  Filebodybounce  0  0:42  -835    7     3.  -  ChrissyM    0  1:38  -822   20 
                                             4.  -  bodybounce  0  0:42  -835    7 

On 1st draw, BRINES H4 22 --- BRINE to treat with brine (salted water) [v]
Other tops: BINERS H4 22
Other moves: BEERS H4 20, BENES H4 20, BENIS H4 20, BERES H4 20, BIERS H4 20
BEERS H4 20 dragons11

On 2nd draw, FOREH(A)ND 8E 66 --- FOREHAND a type of tennis stroke [n]
Other moves: FO(E)HN I6 33, DO(S)H I6 28, DO(T)H I6 28, FRI(T)H 6F 26, NO(A)H I6 26
OF(F)ER 8E 7 dragons11

On 3rd draw, BODYING K3 28 --- BODY to give form to [v]
Other moves: BIGOTRY 5C 26, BYDING K4 26, BOODY F6 25, BOOGY F6 25, BOOTY F6 24
BOY 7D 18 dragons11

On 4th draw, TRIFO(C)AL E5 90 --- TRIFOCAL a type of lens [n]
Other moves: LITORA(L) D3 80, ORALIT(Y) D6 80, ORALI(S)T D6 80, ORALI(S)T M3 80, OR(B)ITAL D3 80
BAIL 3K 12 dragons11

On 5th draw, MARITAGE 11D 72 --- MARITAGE the right of a feudal superior to arrange the marriage of a vassals heir [n]
Other moves: RAGTIMER G8 68, GEMATRIA 11B 61, GRAME L1 35, GRIME L1 35, RAMIE L2 34
MAILER 12B 16 dragons11
AR L3 12 ChrissyM

On 6th draw, AVOIDS M3 39 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: AVISOS M3 35, VOID L1 34, SODAS D5 32, ADDIOS L6 31, AVISOS 13B 31
GOVS J11 10 dragons11
GODS J11 8 ChrissyM

On 7th draw, SMOKY L11 48 --- SMOKY a smoked haddock [n] --- SMOKY filled with smoke [adj]
Other moves: YOK J4 47, SINKY L11 44, OIK J4 41, SIK J4 41, SIMONY 12G 38
SKIM L11 32 dragons11
SIT 5C 3 bodybounce

On 8th draw, UNSAFETY 15E 92 --- UNSAFETY lack of safety [n]
Other moves: FAKES 14J 40, UNSAFE 13C 37, FAYEST 15J 36, FAYNES 15J 36, SAFETY 15G 36
FESTY 15H 33 dragons11

On 9th draw, REKNOT 14J 30 --- KNOT to tie in a knot (a closed loop) [v] --- REKNOT to knot again [v]
Other moves: OUTER 14F 26, RONEO J2 25, ROTON J2 25, TROULE 12A 24, ENROL 12A 20
NOEL 12B 16 dragons11
NUS G13 4 bodybounce

On 10th draw, VAWTE O11 36 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: CAVEL 12A 34, WATE O12 33, WATT O12 33, WETA O12 33, VAWTE D1 32
WETA O12 33 dragons11

On 11th draw, LINUX 14A 33 --- LINUX a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers [n]
Other moves: ILEX 14B 31, ULEX 14B 31, EXUL 12B 30, IXTLE F1 30, LEX N1 29
VEX 4M 21 dragons11

On 12th draw, JOLL A12 57 --- JOLL to bump [v]
Other moves: JOL J2 32, JA J2 29, JO J2 29, JOL 12C 28, JA 10I 25
JET K13 19 slebbarc
JIN 7D 12 dragons11

On 13th draw, PALED 12C 29 --- PAL to associate as friends [v] --- PALE to make or become pale [v]
Other tops: PILED 12C 29
Other moves: PEA(C)ED 10B 27, PIE(C)ED 10B 27, DEEPIE D1 26, AILED 12C 25, APIE(C)E 10A 23
PALED 12C 29 slebbarc
PI 13I 10 dragons11

On 14th draw, QUELEA D1 54 --- QUELEA an African weaverbird [n]
Other moves: QUALE D1 50, QUATE D1 50, QAT J2 38, QUARE 6B 36, QUART 6B 36
QUART 6B 36 slebbarc
QUIT 7C 25 dragons11

On 15th draw, QUOTH 1D 51 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: QUEINT 1D 45, QUINTE 1D 45, QUIET 1D 42, QUINE 1D 42, QUINO 1D 42
QUOTH 1D 51 slebbarc
QUINE 1D 42 dragons11
QUIET 1D 42 marylou

On 16th draw, AINEE I1 30 --- AINEE elder (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: TANGIE C3 29, AGEE I1 28, AINE I1 27, ANTE I1 27, ANTI I1 27
AGENT 3B 12 marylou
AGE 2H 11 slebbarc
GEAT 3C 10 dragons11

On 17th draw, PEIZE 3C 34 --- PEIZE to weigh [v]
Other moves: PRIZE C6 32, ZEP 13F 32, PREZ C6 31, PIZE 3A 30, PREZ 3B 30
PRIZE C6 32 marylou
ZEE 3C 24 slebbarc
TZAR 6B 15 dragons11

On 18th draw, ACTOR F5 31 --- ACTOR a theatrical performer [n]
Other moves: AWN M12 26, PARETIC C3 23, CERIA 13F 22, PAWER C3 22, TWICER C5 22
WEAR C5 17 slebbarc, marylou
WEAR 6B 15 dragons11

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